Who you want to be versus who you are. | Page 4 | INFJ Forum

Who you want to be versus who you are.

ideal type - ENTJ, real type - INTP

aaaaaaaahahaha. I am not NT ever in my entire life never. Although I do find it interesting that it mentions photography as an interest of INTP's...I just spent 14 hours in the darkroom. Maybe that's why I scored that way. I usually do have really low feeling and judging scores, though...

ENTJ's sound terrifying. I think I would probably run away. Realists? AAAH. no.

I think I would like to be ENFP. They sound a lot like me anyways; I just don't have the people skills part. I'm too quiet. (I also sound rather like INFP, altho I am more independant and less sensitive than they seem to be? And I also have lists of things everywhere, which I think is much more J than it is P.)

My functions are all weird anyways. NeNiSiFiTiTeFeSe.
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I redid the test ;:m163:

ideal you |||||| real you ||||||

Introversion |||||||||||||| 56% |||||||||||| 50%
Extroversion |||||||||||||| 53% |||||||||||||||||| 73%
Intuitive |||||||||||||||||||| 83% |||||||||||||||| 66%
Sensing |||||||||||| 50% ||||||||||||| 56%
Feeling |||||||||||||||| 70% |||||||||||| 50%
Thinking |||||||||||||||| 63% |||||||||||||| 56%
Judging |||||||||||||||| 63% |||||||||||| 43%
Perceiving |||||||||||| 50% |||||||||||||||||| 73%

ideal type - INFJ, real type - ENTP
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ideal type - ENFJ, real type - INFJ

True. To be more specific, I wish I could be a quiet extrovert, but that doesn't really work, does it?
ideal you |||||| real you ||||||
Introversion |||||||||| 33%
|||||||||||||||||||| 83% Extroversion |||||||||||||||| 66%
|||||| 26% Intuitive |||||||||||| 50%
|||||||||||||| 56% Sensing |||||||||||| 50%
|||||||||| 33% Feeling |||||||||||| 50%
|||||||||||||||| 70% Thinking |||||||||||||||| 66%
|||||| 30% Judging |||||||||||||||| 70%
|||||| 23% Perceiving |||||||||||| 46%
|||||||||||||||||| 80% ideal type - ESTJ, real type - INFP

I, too tested as INFP when I am INFJ, but still pretty close, I suppose, except that would really prefer to be an ENTP like my DH.
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Real type -INFJ. Ideal type-ENTJ. Quite a few people got this result. In my case, dial down the emo, up the Ti. More extrovert, not too far off as I usually test as 100% introvert. Must read up on this ENTJ-ness.
Accurate enough for me

ideal type - ENFJ, real type - INFJ


desired |||||||||||||| 53%
real |||||||||||||||||| 73%
desired |||||||||||||||||| 73%
real |||||||||| 40%
desired |||||||||||||||||| 80%
real |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
desired |||||| 26%
real |||||| 30%
desired |||||||||||||||| 66%
real |||||||||||||||| 66%
desired |||||||||||| 3%
real |||||||||||| 43%
desired |||||||||||||||| 66%
real |||||||||||| 43%
desired |||||||||||| 46%
real |||||||||| 36%
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ideal you |||||| real you ||||||

Introversion |||||||||||| 50% |||||||||||||||| 70%
Extroversion |||||||||| 36% |||||| 30%
Intuitive |||||||||||||||||| 80% |||||||||||||||| 66%
Sensing |||| 16% |||||||||| 36%
Feeling |||||||||||| 50% |||||||||||||||| 66%
Thinking |||||||||||||||||| 80% |||||| 26%
Judging |||||||||||||||||| 80% |||||||||||||| 60%
Perceiving |||||||||| 36% |||||||||||| 46%
ideal type - INTJ, real type - INFJ
Ideal you Real you

Introversion 40% 56%

Extroversion 53% 26%

Intuitive 53% 56%

Sensing 43% 43%

Feeling 56% 63%

Thinking 60% 46%

Judging 80% 63%

Perceiving 23% 33%

Ideal type - ENTJ , real type - INFJ

type ideal real type behavior
I -3 2 quiet, private, few friends
E 1 -7 outgoing, expressive, many friends
N 1 2 random, mysterious, non linear
S -2 -2 sequential, factual, practical
F 2 4 emotional, passionate, selfless
T 3 -1 willful, stoic, self reliant
J 9 4 planned, regimented, orderly
P -8 -5 spontaneous, playful, fun
Jung Ideal / Real Test Results



ideal type - INTJ, real type - INFP
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Not surprised (I think I am still trying to force myself to be this way):

|||||||||| 36%
|||||||||||||||| 63%
|||||||||||||||| 63%
|||||||||||| 43%
|||||||||||||||| 70%
|||||||||||||||| 70%
|||||||||||||| 60%
|||||||||||||||| 63%
|||||||||| 36%
|||||||||||||| 56%
|||||||||||||||||| 73%
|||||||||||| 46%
|||||||||||||||||||| 86%
|||||||||||||||||| 73%
|||||||||||| 43%
|||| 20%

ideal type - ENTJ, real type - INFJ
Introversion |||||| 26%
|||||||||||||| 60%
Extroversion |||||||||||||| 60%
|||||| 30%
Intuitive |||||||||||||||||| 76%
|||||||||||||||||| 76%
Sensing |||||||||||| 43%
|||||||||| 40%
Feeling |||||||||| 40%
|||||||||||||| 60%
Thinking |||||||||||||| 56%
|||||||||| 40%
Judging |||||||||||||||| 70%
|||||||||||| 43%
Perceiving |||||||||||||| 53%
|||||||||||||| 56%
ideal type - ENTJ, real type - INFP

I'm really not sure how I got this result.
ideal you ||||||
real you ||||||


ideal type - ENFJ, real type - INFJ
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Real type - ISFJ, ideal type - ENTJ
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ideal you |||||| real you ||||||










ideal type - ENTJ, real type - INFP
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so many people want to be ENTJs :m075:
so many people want to be ENTJs :m075:
E = sociable, outgoing, life of the party etc.
N = Creative, intelligent, forward thinking etc.
T = Logical, intelligent, impartial etc.
J = Industrious, organised etc.

These things are highly valued by society.
E = sociable, outgoing, life of the party etc.
N = Creative, intelligent, forward thinking etc.
T = Logical, intelligent, impartial etc.
J = Industrious, organised etc.

These things are highly valued by society.

Yup. You've described the ideal person, both male and female, according to the sensibilities the media bombards us with.
E = sociable, outgoing, life of the party etc.
N = Creative, intelligent, forward thinking etc.
T = Logical, intelligent, impartial etc.
J = Industrious, organised etc.

These things are highly valued by society.

might be a case of the grass looking greener on the other side. maybe ENTJs value the friendly down to earth free spiritedness of ISFPs :p
Yup. You've described the ideal person, both male and female, according to the sensibilities the media bombards us with.

I don't give a crap what the media says, it's what I want to be, and I made that decision consciously without anyone elses imput. It's not entirely out of reach either, because my results don't differ all that much in between each variable, I would just have to tweak a few things (yes I know I am ignoring the fact that you can't change your type).

But yes, for intuitives, it would be ideal. I think sensors would more often want to be ESTJ.
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