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  • Sorry if I offended you on my thread. A misunderstanding of words. It was my fault. Please do not feel that you can't post there.
    Oh yes. I hear you. I love Ni above everything else, and I also think that it is a good thing to develop the other functions as well.
    With words, explain intuition, I mean, to define it in an interaction between two people. And the reason why it is so difficult to explain my feelings to someone is that, by intuition I am making decisions what to feel, and if my intuition give me too much reasons of me and other person in interacting moment, I simply become confused and tired.

    Hello Agnus! I'm moving our MBTI discussion away from the pictures thread. :)

    There are a few good places on the web where you can read about the cognitive functions. This is one of them:

    What do you think about the descriptions of Ni and Fe? Does it make sense to you?
    Hi there I was wondering if you knew the name of the artist for your second picture here in yellow? Seems like they are angels
    Don't worry I won't forget I'm just beat from school. I ' kinda a funk. But I will get back to that thread!
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