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  • Lol! So very true. I think that just might be me being lazy. :p Sorta like I haven't taken the time to figure how to respond to reputation comments, with another reputation comment. Isn't that terrible! :(
    I think it’s great that he is so optimistic, I hope he can remain so....and I know for a fact that I can be a pessimist and am jaded and cynical....but there are legitimate reasons that I have become those things....lol.
    I can be optimistic too...but when the factual information says otherwise it would make me ignorant to ignore such things.
    Thanks for the thumb!
    It’s hard to make your point to someone who hasn’t had any “life experience” with the things he is arguing about....lol.
    Hahahahaha.... "canned spam"....boy did that bring back memories. I grew up eating that stuff when Dad was cooking. :lol:
    Thank you! I'll be about; just not as on as much as I've been. I may check in weekly or so, but it's time to get my personal stuff done. :) :hug: Blessings on you, though! Don't burn the place up when I go. ;)
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