Ego quelling

Do You Meditate?

  • Yes, every day with out fail for at least an hour

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, during the day i find a quiet place in informally clear my thoughts.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I used to do it but stopped because I have no time

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I used to do it but stopped because it made me uneasy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I used to do it but stopped because but I got into a relationship

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I used to do it but stopped because it seemed stupid

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No I have no interest in it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No it is counter productive to my spiritual development

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No because someone I respect said it was bad/dangerous

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No I do not believe there is any benefit

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No I never considered it one way or another

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes because I am developing ESP

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes because I am developing Telekinesis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes because I am developing my ability to dream lucidly

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am meditating right now

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Town Drunkard
My mind will not shut up. What are your favorite methods to find a little peace (it certainly is not the forum)?

If you find a better way to turn off the mind, tell me asap.
When I read a good book is the only time I can actually get out of my head. Sleep works to but I generally cant sleep when my mind won't shut up.
Meditation. Also, try reading the book "Power of Now", it tells you how to shut your ego up.
Write about it (a blog perhaps, or just a paper journal).
^^^^^yeah! Getting thoughts out can help you sort out the endless flow.
Just sit with thoughts,focus on thoughts, thoughts will start disappearing and you will become okay. :)
Meditation. Also, try reading the book "Power of Now", it tells you how to shut your ego up.

I will say this though: The power of now is not for everyone. Might be personal opinion but I can not apply it to myself for many many reasons. It more or less asks me to remove every single thing about my identity and throw it out the window. I would no longer be me at all. Don't bother trying to say I just don't understand the book; I do. I have discussed this with my mom who understands this well and agrees that this just does not work for me. I work on other methods to "live in the moment". It is much easeasier said then done but it has been working.
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The Power of Cow - pretend you are a cow, in each and every moment. Stress melts away, just as grass turns to hay, and both seem oddly delicious.
Music does. Certain brand of music which relies on lyrics, not melody (Melody drives me thinking).

Also, yes, sleeping.
Sometimes just imagining you're 'freezing' your mind or doing something similar also works, in a placebo kind of way.
In relation to ego, I find the noise comes from my appropriating something in my life that is probably not worth grasping unto. There are many things like this. In response, I try to simply let go....or at least move away from the grasping instinct. This enables me to see things (including myself and my place in the world) in much more realistic terms, stripping away the illusion that I can, or need to, or should control it all.
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Music, a good film/book or sleep usually. But it could be an aquarium or something like that.
My mind will not shut up. What are your favorite methods to find a little peace (it certainly is not the forum)?

If my mind is bothering me about an issue that needs to be dealt with, I often like to just drop everything and think about it until I can come to a conclusion. Sometimes I need to write it out or read things that I've written, while thinking over the issue ... to put the pieces together.

If my mind won't stop about something that I'm really better off not thinking about (noise ... things that can't be changed ... things that I care about but probably shouldn't ... connections that won't stop multiplying), a jog, a hot shower, silly dancing, listening to music, working on a little project, practicing a skill, or doing some brainstorming put me at ease. Brainstorming is one of my favorites because it channels the connection-making into one place, instead the reality pinball.
Meditating, playing or doing something physically engaging, and doing something for others while really making sure to focus on them and make it about them helps. Anything where you can redirect your energy/focus will hopefully be enough.

Exercise - the kind where you are pushing yourself so hard that you can't do anything but try to keep on breathing and keep up the pace. If that's not living in the moment then I don't know what is. This might not help ease your mind, or work for longer than you are exercising but overtime, it helps to generally manage stress.

Visualizations might be helpful. They will allow your mind to stay active but enable you to direct what you want to focus on, and maybe overtime help you train your mind to slow down at your accord. Deep breathing might also help to slow yourself down at your accord.

Writing thoughts down, talking about them with another person or aloud to yourself.

Would you/your mind respond if you stopped yourself mid-thought whenever your mind wanted to keep going when you needed a break? It might take a few tries, but overtime, you may be able to literally say: "I'm not going to think about this now", or "I'm not going to actively think now", and be able to shut your mind off from what you don't want to think about at that time.