Cool stick, man! (*points to avatar*)
I'm horrible at replying sometimes, gaahh, I apologise.
Haha, I loved that crazy man in my avatar with the chicken! What are ya talking about XD
Oh, sorry to hear about the Dutch teacher... Sounds kind of exciting though, riding a horse at age 4! I first rode a horse when I was like 10, and the teacher told me... *bursts in laugh* I was like a sack of potatoes... So I guess there are those who it just comes more naturally to.
But that falling off mustve been horrifying. I'm surprised to hear it's only happened to you once, but oh well what do I know about horseriding.
Ohh you're spot on about that thing about Dubai, I hardly knew anything about the place when I went there, all I saw were amazing, well-kept gardens and nature and cool architechture... Quite a sight to see, but I'm not too fond of what you said either, right *nods*.
Syria, huh? That would be quite interesting, I agree. I'm going to Milan soooon, quite excited about that, any trips in your near future?

I love it when there's travel to look forward to, haven't been to manywhere (did I just made up a word?) in a loong time.
I hope you have a great weekend!