It did indeed, to a fat man, though not as ugly a one as you once had as your avatar.
Well yes, I first rode when I was about 4 or it could have been more like 5, and apparently I had good natural balance on a horse, but the Dutch teacher shouted his approval so it made me think I was in trouble, and I thus didn't do it again for years
Falling off is an issue, I fell off once in a forest at high speeds and went in front of the horses galloping legs, but it missed me luckily

I think horses try to avoid you if they can.
I associate Dubai with rich, money grabbing fakes and self-important 'pious' sheikhs. The whole thing seems like a temporary economic bubble built on extravagance and nothing else, and will thus soon burst! But I wouldn't turn down a free ticket

Might be interesting to see.
Of all the Arab countries I'd quite like to see Oman maybe and drive around Syria since it's quite close.