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  • Hey sunshine! I got your email this morning, thank you. I will reply to it this afternoon when I am finished work. :)
    Merry Christmas to you guys! I tried to post on Niel's wall, but there isn't a spot for posts. Maybe we can get together at some point? Hope all is well Jenn. *hugs*
    To be honest with you, I don't know. I couldn't pin it down in words, and the song felt fitting, so I posted it in music format.

    What mood do you think it is? do you relate to it somehow?
    Haha if you check out my last post on the members secrets thread, you'll get the full story behind my avatar. Basically now, according to MF, my real name is Dorothy and I am his (Betty's) 89 year old scuzzy mamma!
    Awesome news on the drumming :)

    Are we still om for Monday at Elev8? Let's plan details soon, I'll txt you tomorrow after work at 2pm. Love you too Chiquita <3
    Cool, I got a text from Sonya today just saying "hi". I heard from both of you in the same day after not being in contact with either of you in like forever!

    I've just been a huge loner again. What have you been up to lately?
    Thank you for the nice comment on Billy's thread. *hug* I hope you know I that think you're fab! How's life? Did you have a lovely, lovey dovey weekend? :)
    Now your avatar is just plain cute :) It's safe to say your tiger changed its stripes.
    I love your monthly resolutions, my friend. That's such a wonderful and positive thing to be doing! Like you, I also limit meat due to the cruel treatment of animals in factory farms - especially pigs, wo are so intelligent and sociable, that it is heartless to treat them with such disrespect. All animals deserve to be treated with love and kindness, and people too of course.
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