What is an INFJ's view on an ENTP?

The ENTPs I've known strike me hilarious. As a general rule, it is probably best to find a sturdy barricade with a peep hole to sit behind to view the ENTP and proceed to laugh your buns off. There can be a kind of non-filtered honesty that can be accidentally more rude than intended. For some reason I am forever charmed by that.
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The ENTPs I've known strike me hilarious. As a general rule, it is probably best to find a sturdy barricade with a peep hole to sit behind to view the ENTP and proceed to laugh your buns off. There can be a kind of non-filtered honesty that can be accidentally more rude than intended. For some reason I am forever charmed by that.

ENFPs are like that too and I'm forever charmed by it as well :) Aren't a lot of comedians ENFPs and ENTPs?
We are very active people in many ways,
I do martial arts myself about two times a week at my local IOGKF Goju Ryu Karate Dojo for about two to three hours at a time, I do running every other day. If I don't exercise I get very depressed and feel worthless. We like exercising with people, but we become very competitive (this is the reason why I don't exercise much with my family members and prefer to do solitary sports)

ditto that ENTP guy I know is an adrenaline addict and spends his weekends skydiving. I sometimes wonder how does it feel for his wife when she's left out from this. And it seems that he himself is not aware of potential problem here.
I do have to say as an ENTP I do feel useless, and sometimes I do ask myself "Would I really be a worthy partner, a wife, a mother, a soulmate?" All I hope for is that I don't give my future partner the hell that yours gave you.

Four letters do not define a person--all people are unique. Really. MBTI is about preferences but it says little about how a person of any specific type is going to be when you actually meet, and get to know, him or her. People are incredibly complex--wouldn't it be boring if there were only 16 personality clones in the world?

Confidence comes from experience. For me, as I've aged, life has gotten easier even as it became more complex. It's a mistake to say "I'm an introvert, so I don't need to be sociable or engage in 'small talk.'" It's a mistake to be such a "J" that you can't enjoy spontaneity. It's as much a mistake to be a "T" who ignores emotions as it is to be an "F" who disdains hard, cold logic. People grow and become balanced when they regularly leave their comfort zones, voluntarily or involuntarily. Your MBTI personality type is not your fate.
i find them to be funny, partially because they're so blatantly honest sometimes, its almost comedian-like, they're kinda weird, which can be good, very fun to be around. its similar with enfps too.
Once, when I was out of town for a Go (game) tournament, I stayed at an ENTP acquaintance's place. Very nice guy. He talked all night like a machine gun on a triple espresso about everything and anything - all of it interesting stuff. About 15 minutes into it I was totally drained as you might imagine, and he just went on and on. Then suddenly, late at night, he says "Ok, time to sleep!", and just *BAM* he joins his wife in their bedroom and starts snoring.

I still kind of remember the games I tried to play the following day, after a night of 4 hours of winding down and 1 hour of sleep.

In all it was great fun.

(Maybe not that kind of fun that I would like to have every night.)
the only difference though, is he acts nerdy, beyond that, similar interests and shit.
ditto that ENTP guy I know is an adrenaline addict and spends his weekends skydiving. I sometimes wonder how does it feel for his wife when she's left out from this. And it seems that he himself is not aware of potential problem here.

That's why it's fun to dive. Nothing to lose, what's the point to dive then ?
If he is not married he probably will die more likely because he is not paying attention.

Dangers keep us focused and is part of the fun.
This thread is kinda of inspried by the "Anybody ever date a INTJ?" thread. Some of these questions might sound weird but I had to ask.

  • Other MBTI types are free to post on this too. I want to see from all sides of the spectrum.

  • What is the impression that you get from ENTP's?Do you ever sense mental walls around ENTP's or does it depend on the ENTP? Are ENTP's capable of making these walls?

  • Are ENTP's sensitive or again does this depend on the ENTP?

  • What are they like relationship wise? Both sexual and in a friendship realationship.

  • Does anyone here have ENTP childern or siblings, If so what was it/is like living/ growing up with them?

  • Are there any key differences between ENTP males and ENTP females?
And for my own curiosity I'll add in one more,
  • What do INFJ males think of ENTP females?
I had to ask because on various different sites that I looked on it says that generally ENTP's/ENFP's make ideal partners for INFJ's. Because most ENTP's tend to be males and vice verca for INFJ's. I'm not quite sure how it would work the other way round. I don't know if the female would end up being the more dominate in such as relationship. I do know I get along with INFJ females very well but however I am not a lesbian.

ENTP's also fit well with INTJ's, but I find them a tad too grumpy.

In a nutshell: I married and ENTP... he is my soulmate. :m015: The perfect ying to my fucked up yang
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I just met a ENTP guy online and he described himself to me like this:

he loves to bring ideas into prototypes, the bigger the problems the better it gets. But when the idea is fixed in a prototype, the fun is over for him. He loves to talk about his ideas with a great deal of passion. On the feeling part, he feels like an elephant walking through a china shop. I sincerely doesn't want to hurt anyone but he can't help it. It is difficult for him to see when someone gets hurt and he thinks F's take everything personal while it is not mend that way. He irritates me sometimes because him behind to logical and because it sometimes feels like he is lecturing me. But when I told him that I was annoid, his attempts to make it up and ask forgiveness where massive and that melted my heart :-). I can clearly see that his heart is good. He is honest and wants the best for those around him. I just can't help it to be so unhandy in the feeling business.

He said that he thought INFP would be a great mach for ENTP because ENTP can go to the INFP with a great idea. The INFP will see the purpose, value and greatness of the idea and will say "go" and back him up (but in the shadows).

After hearing this, I would love to have an ENTP of my own!:bounce:
I just met a ENTP guy online and he described himself to me like this:

he loves to bring ideas into prototypes, the bigger the problems the better it gets. But when the idea is fixed in a prototype, the fun is over for him. He loves to talk about his ideas with a great deal of passion. On the feeling part, he feels like an elephant walking through a china shop. I sincerely doesn't want to hurt anyone but he can't help it. It is difficult for him to see when someone gets hurt and he thinks F's take everything personal while it is not mend that way. He irritates me sometimes because him behind to logical and because it sometimes feels like he is lecturing me. But when I told him that I was annoid, his attempts to make it up and ask forgiveness where massive and that melted my heart :-). I can clearly see that his heart is good. He is honest and wants the best for those around him. I just can't help it to be so unhandy in the feeling business.

He said that he thought INFP would be a great mach for ENTP because ENTP can go to the INFP with a great idea. The INFP will see the purpose, value and greatness of the idea and will say "go" and back him up (but in the shadows).

After hearing this, I would love to have an ENTP of my own!:bounce:

I like ENTPs because I can toy with them endlessly. They get so serious about stuff and I'll feign ignorance on something, let them 'instruct' me on how things are, and then act like I totally don't get it, come up with some hair-brained question that freaks them out.... and then I just grin.

".... you're doing it again aren't you..."

*big grin*

Fun fun fun.