How do you deal with someone who likes you?

Just be honest. Its best. You can sugar coat it though. A girl I was sort of seeing started liking me and I just straight up told her that it couldn't happen. Then I laid some Aragorn on her "I can not give you what you seek" Oh man that was awesome.
I actually revel in it for a bit. I mean if they are a nice person and they like you then you can talk to them but obviously misleading people is just cruel.
I actually revel in it for a bit. I mean if they are a nice person and they like you then you can talk to them but obviously misleading people is just cruel.

What he said. ^^
I draw the line, subtly at first in case I've mistaken their attention or in the hope that subtle hints are enough for them to understand I'm not interested.

If that doesn't work, blunt and honest is the kindest and simplest way.
I'll tell him, or that I just want to be friends -in a nice way.
"I just like you as a friend" or, if you don't care how heartbroken they are, "Let's just be friends." The second one will make them think you didn't even care enough to think of something original.
I tell them I'm not interested. And then I continue to treat them like a friend -- I don't want to be mean to a person, and I actually do like them as friends for the most part. It's a hard balance, because you have to be careful not to give mixed signals (which I'm bad at -- I flirt too much)
I don't like to mislead someone . It has happened to me too so I know how it feels .So I'll just try to avoid him :D
It took me a long time to be able to do this, but if someone tells me that they like me like me, I tell them right away that I am not interested. Of course, I am as nice as I can be about it, and I explain to them exactly why I am not interested.

If they don't tell me that they like me, but it is pretty clear that they do. It is a little more diffucult. I usually am very distant from them, and very distant in communication. Most people get the point.
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Usually these things don't happen because I tell people upfront I'm not interested in them, I'm asexual, etc.

But occasionally people will still feel the need to broadcast their feelings and I'll just nod, say it's alright, but continue on my position that I'm not interested in them.
I tell them that I'm not interested. I don't understand people who find it difficult to tell someone they are not interested and therefore avoid telling them.
if I like the person I ignore him, but if I dislike the person.......I think I act the same o.o'

Actually, I never know when someone is interested in me, so I probably act same as always.
You got to treat that person like shit to make sure they dont like you anymore!
I deal with it badly? Which is not a good thing since it seems to be happening more and more often these days.
You got to treat that person like shit to make sure they dont like you anymore!
I think I laughed for about six years from that! Oh god... I think everyone knows to appreciate this statement for its layers and layers of lulz...
You sex them.
Hahahah! The proper course of action!

Oh, and I will not encourage my usual way of dealing with this and will keep this short... It's so painful for me, I just try to remain very distant while still making sure that they aren't somehow feeling "invalidated" by the whole situation, and hope that eventually they temper their expectations of me.
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