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  • I have missed your presence here. I hope, wherever you are, that life is treating you kindly. :)
    They say you've got a better chance of winning the lottery then getting a loan off those people. I actually got through after ten minutes of being on hold- I could hear the call centre! But then they put the phone down! Motherfu-...
    Lot's of work, sounds good! Haven't had that for a while. I'm moving down on the 22nd. But I'm still chasing down my student finance. Still haven't received any confirmation on my maintenance loan. I have to keep ringing this call centre!
    Hey I just saw your mood of the day. I guess I'm just stopping by to wish you good luck tomorrow! I know you've probably heard this a 1000 times, but it will be fine. :) And remember to have fun :m105:
    You have an awesome avatar. I just ordered the Stuido Ghibli Collection of 17 movies (plus 1 music video), which includes Totoro! :)

    When I went to tell you this, I peeked around your profile a bit. Your art is awesome! And I LOVE your epitah: "Failed at life."

    PS - Hi!

    PPS - Just added you to my MSN
    I saw your comment in the Mood thread, It brings me joy to see that you are happy! You deserve it so much, please don't let anyone else say otherwise. I hope that you can continue feeling this way for as long as possible.
    Thanks for the rep!!! :D Pokemon is so weird now. Maybe things just get like that when you're older but I swear it's not only to blame on growing up :)
    Hey Nausus... how do you put youtube vids in your posts. Mine don't seem to be working. :(
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