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  • Hey!! :D Her appointment is later today. But her sore is looking alot better and she's not as cranky anymore. :) I'm happy about that. Thank you for your concern! :hug: How are you doing today?
    LOL how'd you know I was panicking? :D Yeah, I'm thinking it's probably an infection too. Thank you for your reassurance. :hug:
    She has this sore on her chest and she's cranky and lethargic. I'm taking her to the vet tomorrow. She's eating well, so I think that's a good sign.
    I'm glad to hear you're ok! :D I'm sorry I was worrying, I can't help it. :smile:

    I'm doing great thank you. :) I'm a little sad about my kitty, she's sick right now. :(
    Yeah exactly, thanks :) Although my friends are supportive it sort of helps to have someone with a "been there done that" perspective.
    They're thinking I might have chronic fatigue disorder on top of things as well so it looks like I have some rehab ahead of me *sigh*. Hopefully it helps and gets me out of a rut. Not sure when my M.R.I. comes up and I'm not too sure of the procedure either so I'll have to look that up too.
    That's good. :)
    I was reading the rest of your thread. I also have to go to the doctors alot only they really have no idea what is wrong with me. I went just last wednesday and it ended up being a 2 hour appointment followed by blood tests and a booking for an M.R.I. So yeah, I'm feeling slightly down about the whole thing. Is it ok if I talk to you about it sometimes? Not meaning to spring anything on you or anything.
    Awww, I'm sorry to hear what happened to your dog! :(
    Pretty much the same thing happened to me recently. My cat had to be put down at the end of last year because of a malignant cancer that had spread to her brain. :(

    I hope better things lie around the corner for you :)
    I would love to be able to swim. I'm sure I'd get it in like 15 minutes as soon as I hit the water but I had some bad experiences when I was younger at school- my teacher was such a prick! Plus I can't find anywhere to practice on my own, fuck would I ever do it in a sport centre or something, I'd look retarded in the shallow end!
    Are you in school at the moment or sixth form/college? What are you studying?
    Well basically, I've spent the last week sorting out somewhere to live in Bournemouth, for Uni. I had to go to an accommodation day! That involves walking into a room full of strangers, "mingle" (shudders) with them and sort out a group of people to live with! That was really hard, but I actually did really well, I reckon. I don't think anyone would have guessed I'm an introvert, which is a success in my books! So I've sorted that now.

    So, how about you? I don't know much about you sorry! I think I read that you are going to be a veterinarian? Is that right or am I completely off, lol?
    Hey, I like your art, especially the one with Zidane, what other anime or RPGs are you into?
    can you draw masculine men? or just feminine men?

    I ask with an ulterior motive.
    XD I'm glad someone sees that. The happy song is great <3 Me and my friends sung it at karaoke one time at a pizza place. We left afterward... for obvious reasons ^_^;
    Hi Shizuka! :D Haven't talked to you in awhile, how have you been? Your new kitten is soo cute! When did you get him?
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