When was the last time you were really happy?

Not to spark debate, but the last time I was truly happy was when I was a professing Christian. I've since fallen away and not really sure what to do. I'm constantly angry all the time at a God I'm not sure even exists.
That happens to alot of people when they leave there religion. It doesn't have to be christanity, it can be anything, even something self-created. The reason being is because for such a long time, you have put nearly everything into what you believe. There was alot of stock and faith in it. In some cases blind-faith where deep thinking isn't needed. When one begins to question their religion, and subsequently change it. All of the faith and stock put into it is gone, and alot of soul-searching has to take place (i.e. deep thinking). The process is long and diffucalt and many people don't want to go down that road. It is because people who undergo this major change now no longer have a base and firm ground to place things on. Hence the apparent happiness is gone. Once some religion is found, wheather going back to the original, or finding something new (and that could be finding nothing), one can take solace in that and experience a similar happiness once again.
This will probably sound rather lame and like it must be coming from a ten-year-old, but I am truly happy anytime I don't have to deal with people issues, and I can just play with puppies and kitties.
Not to spark debate, but the last time I was truly happy was when I was a professing Christian. I've since fallen away and not really sure what to do. I'm constantly angry all the time at a God I'm not sure even exists.

Ignorance is Bliss.

It sounds like you still believe that there's a god, you're just angry at him. I'm atheistic, and I'm often happy. My happiness stems from the fact that I've worked out what I want from my life and I'm actively pursuing a Left Handed Path. I am also attempting to live life by fulfilling my hindu Purusharthas, the four canonical end aims of Human life. Perhaps you could try actively living for yourself, and still achieving your Dharma.

When I was 18 years old and on the Dole (unemployment benefits) I started to sponsor a young African boy. I didn't tell anyone about it because I did, and still do, believe strongly in jesus's teachings about charity (namely that the left hand shouldn't know what the right hand is doing) and I would write to him quite often. I got a sense of happiness and peace knowing that I could help someone, even when I was without a path or employment. I have found through the years that practicing dharma quietly makes you happier in the long term, it also gives you a strength in your character to bounce back from anything that comes your way, knowing that you are making a difference.

I am not doing it anymore because I need that money to get qualifications for a good job in November. Once I've got the job I want I'll be able to support people again, but there are still invisible ways that you can help people without requiring money that can help you to fulfill your dharma and give you inner peace.
This will probably sound rather lame and like it must be coming from a ten-year-old, but I am truly happy anytime I don't have to deal with people issues, and I can just play with puppies and kitties.

I fucking envy you. I want to be able to go to a pet store and sit in one of the enclosures with the puppies or kitties or bunnies.
I want to be able to go to a pet store and sit in one of the enclosures with the puppies or kitties or bunnies.

That would be so cool. I hate that they keep them behind plastic so you can't pet them!
I'm always happy.

Well content at least.
That would be so cool. I hate that they keep them behind plastic so you can't pet them!

You know petting zoos?

I'd love to have an urban petting zoo where you can come and pet kitties and puppies.
You know petting zoos?

I'd love to have an urban petting zoo where you can come and pet kitties and puppies.

That's not a bad idea, lol. I think it would take off quickly, as some people can't have pets, and some people WANT to pet kitties or puppies on some random day or random time.

Lets see, I have been truly happy this year actually. Probably because i don't feel completely alone. Plus it's my last year of high school, so what can i say?! haha. But my happiest day so far had to be May 8th, my prom day. I got a date for it, and it was my first ever date in my entire life. :) It was truly a happy moment for me, because i've been crushing on him for the whole entire year and was able to ask him to prom. ^_^
I was blissfully happy this morning ... as happy as a warm puppy. Now I'm medium.

Unless something's really wrong, I'm happy ... or at the very least, content. It's my standard state.

a few days ago. literally couldn't stop smiling ;) some things just set your heart soaring, you know?
I love those moments May and I wish they'd happen more often.

Strangely enough the last time I was truly happy was when I had the swine flu lol My daughter caught it too so for three full weeks we did not do much more than lay on the couch and loveseat. We talked and rented a ton of movies. You should've seen our cable bill :( It turned out to be a great bonding time for us and I was both happy and content. (inbetween coughs that is :)
I think they say that happiness is appreciating what you have rather than getting the things which you want. Generally I feel happiest when I'm around other people that are happy, so when I'm at home with my family at dinner, little things like that. Even if that does sound corny.

I remember reading a Bill Bryson book some years ago called A Walk in the Woods. At one point walking in along the Appalachian trail he finds a book someone has left in a shelter and he was overjoyed as he had something new to read. I think it was perhaps also the idea that someone had left it there for the next traveller that made him happy. He wrote that we could all do with that kind of low level ecstasy.

It was last friday and saturday. I did not complain about anything. I did not think of anything negative. I was just content and blissfully happy.
I would venture to say I have been happy today.
You know petting zoos?

I'd love to have an urban petting zoo where you can come and pet kitties and puppies.

we have a pet store here in florida called puppies and kittens, they have 5x5 pens where you can sit down and interact witht the puppies and kittens before you decide to buy one.
I was happy yesterday. It was freezing out and it was snowing. A beautliful scenery. I was walking with a certain girl ("certain" is, I believe, the right word for emphasizing here). We were both heading towards our respective homes. I don't remember what we were talking of, absorbed in, but it must have been quite interesting. It came time to part and we stopped, and she had this smile in her eyes, that made me want touch her hair. So I did, and we said goobye and both went our own ways.

I felt happy then. I still do, kind of. But not in such a complete way: there are so many things on my mind, as there almost always are. I remember last feeling consistently and truly happy as a child, but I think it's a memory altered by time.
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The next to last time I was "really happy" was when my Dad started breathing again.
Maybe it was when he removed the DNR from his file and the red bracelet.
Maybe it was when he decided to have the surgery and the doctor refused to operate on him from his recovering so well after six days of meds, care, prayers. and everything else that happened to him.
The last time I was "really happy" was when I drove him home from the hospital after weeks of healing.
However, I find myself being more happy than I was before that all happened.
I think it may be the way I feel when I look at a simple breath of air we take as a miracle of life. It may be the way I embrace internally a smile from someone's face.
Come to think about it, the days and even the hours after all that, I have just been really happy........and thankful.
I am happy to have found this thread to share that.
If I have offended anyone in the past, please forgive me.
I took to heart my grandmother's words at young age. "You are as happy as you make up your mind to be."

I've had an awful week full of stress and nasty surprises. This Friday, having finished everything up, I took five minutes to just appreciate how beautiful the winter sky looked, how fresh the air was, and how clean the grassy medians and sidewalks looked on my campus. Just five minutes of appreciation was able to pull me from depression to contentment.

In terms of emotional happiness... probably last weekend when the girl I'd had my eye on agreed to a date. : ) That was pretty great.