When was the last time you were really happy?


Community Member
I got a great TUT email this morning (Soulful you know what I"m talking about ;) )

I think the last phase of my life I was really happy was when I was 20. 20 was a great year. However, I think currently I am getting back into that attitude of just having trust in life and living every day with the knowledge of infinite possibility. I'd say I'm pretty happy these days as well. Certainly, each day as gotten better than the last for a long time, which is good.

Probably when I was about 5 or 6. It's not that would call myself unhappy now, but that was probably the last time when I was consistently satisfied. Ever since then, there have been sources of stress that I knew would crop up periodically, so I haven't been in a purely happy state of mind for more than a day at a time.
Looking back, when I thought I was the happiest I realize it was then that I was most illusioned. That's not to say I have always thought life was sad, or that I even think it is sad now.

It is enough to be content, which is entirely possible in any situation as it is all a state of mind. It's a simple quote from a Pearl Buck book called Peony, but in it the main character asks, "Is life meant to be happy or sad?"

I don't like the idea of being a passive entity whose emotions are ever-changing given the situation or cirumstances at hand. I don't want that to affect my quality of life. I don't want my mind to be a prisoner of external forces.
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You're so cute when you are manifesting, KOS!

The Universe is like this ever-changing, ever-manifesting tree. I think some religions call it something like the tree of wisdom or the tree of life. Eve ate of it's fruit and fed some to Adam, but they seemed to get confused by the serpent in the garden and get unhappy about it or something. Buddha sat under it and was enlightened and beat the Devil (Mara) and they became friends. (Buddhas are VERY good at turning enemies into friends and flaming arrows into flower petals.) It's an ancient secret art they call the art of love and enlightenment. Silly Buddhas! Gotta love 'em though. So it boils down to the fact that real love from within makes you happy, because that is when you recognize who you truly are, and recognize that eevn a fallen star, is in fact, still a star. We are all made of stardust, you know! :smile:
So it boils down to the fact that real love from within makes you happy, because that is when you recognize who you truly are

Yes! Everything good move must move from the inside out.
I'm a game show host. I'm always happy.
I'm a game show host. I'm always happy.

Aren't we all? Like Rumi?

This being human is a guest house
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.
Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond

Can I pick door number four?
I would say middle school for me. I was jumping off the walls that time. I acted crazy with my tutors and bff.
You're so cute when you are manifesting, KOS!

Why thank you :) :mhula:

The Universe is like this ever-changing, ever-manifesting tree. I think some religions call it something like the tree of wisdom or the tree of life. Eve ate of it's fruit and fed some to Adam, but they seemed to get confused by the serpent in the garden and get unhappy about it or something. Buddha sat under it and was enlightened and beat the Devil (Mara) and they became friends. (Buddhas are VERY good at turning enemies into friends and flaming arrows into flower petals.) It's an ancient secret art they call the art of love and enlightenment. Silly Buddhas! Gotta love 'em though. So it boils down to the fact that real love from within makes you happy, because that is when you recognize who you truly are, and recognize that eevn a fallen star, is in fact, still a star. We are all made of stardust, you know! :smile:

I really love this....what a remarkable pearl of wisdom.

merrytrees said:
Looking back, when I thought I was the happiest I realize it was then that I was most illusioned. That's not to say I have always thought life was sad, or that I even think it is sad now.

The "last" time I was really happy (when I was 20) I was in the dark about so much. It was definitely a time of illusion. I think I was a junior in uni. Everything seemed taken care of.

I feel like my current happiness is much more earned, and has a stronger foundation. Maybe because it's really coming from inside of me and not dependent on my circumstances. Once you've had something, and then it gets taken away, and then you get it back -- I guess you appreciate it all the more.
I think the last time I was genuinely happy for a very long time I was 17. You all have such intelligent sounding answers, but mine's pretty simple; my options were open at the time and I could have done anything and I was completely free and independent (well...and in love), since then those opportunities have closed themselves off because of factors that I can't change...anyway, but I do believe that you can be content regardless of your circumstances, and I really like what merrytrees said about good coming from the inside out..very well put!
Happiness is just existing. It's miraculous enough you're alive, whether you believe that God created you (in which case it's pretty trippy to imagine God planning things about you specifically and then bringing you into being.. kind of like you were chosen to exist) OR whether it's up to random chance. Existence is taken so much for granted.
I don't remember being super happy but whenever I think back on being a kid again, I lose myself.
But the last time I was really happy was last night at the beach. There was a full moon and a strong breeze that made me feel like I was flying. It was the most incredible thing I've done in a while.
Heh. I'm the happiest I've been in my whole life. NOW is the happiest I've been. I have a boyfriend whom I love very much, I'm out of my father's house and living on my own, the world is my oyster. I'm 20yrs old!

I was so horribly messed up about everything in my life until I was well into 18. From 18 and up to now I've been moving in warp speed--rearranging my life for the better, figuring out who I am, being who I want to be. Actually, the whole experience has been so liberating and amazing, just thinking about how much I've accomplished in such a short period of time makes me happy.
That's a good question. I really don't actually know. I had a rough time in elementary school, with moving around a lot, I had an even rougher time in Middle School, and High School I guess was alright.. to an extent. Right now is kind of... eh- not happy, not sad, just contempt.
Really, consistently happy? A very long time.

I have moments, and that's what I've learned to expect (and try to appreciate), but since my mom passed away in 1999 I confess I've found it harder to be happy (and recognize those moments) than I previously did.

In truth though, I've always been sort of softly melancholy by default.
I realise one thing. When we are going through that period, we tend to think that "oh god this sucks and I hope that this is over"

but the moment we are out of that period, we start to think " dam..that was the best period of my life." I know that thats what happened to me ;)

when I was in secondary school, i thought that it sucked and that I was miserable. But now, looking back, I realised that I enjoyed it the most. Great friends and teachers and all.
I'm frequently really happy, all it takes is the right person saying the right thing at the right time, or thinking about something that uplifts me, or engaging in Se delights, seriously happens a lot... holding onto that feeling? Well that's a whole other story. I'm always looking at the future so staying focused on being happy in the moment can take effort.
I'm frequently really happy, all it takes is the right person saying the right thing at the right time, or thinking about something that uplifts me, or engaging in Se delights, seriously happens a lot... holding onto that feeling? Well that's a whole other story. I'm always looking at the future so staying focused on being happy in the moment can take effort.

Oh Lurker you are so smart, very well spotted, this goes for me as well :) And happiness is superhappy whereas lows are very low.
Couple of days ago when I discovered my purpose in life... lol... kinda random but yeah. It's something that means a lot to me, and I've been searching for it for years.

I'm relatively happy today. I voluntarily got up before 9am for the first time since like forever.

And I started drawing recently for the first time since I was about 14. I don't know why I stopped, but I don't think it was healthy for me to have done so.

Yeah overall things are on the upswing for me, but it was bound to happen sometime.
I'm very easily excited. So I get bursts of excitement/happiness. A lot of my happiness has to do with how I feel about/towards other people (which is really based on how they 'make' me feel and the effect they have on me).

I'm not sure when I last felt continually happy. But I feel more content these days (most days) than I ever have :).

An idea: Maybe I'm usually happy, and whatever I feel that's not happiness is something that builds on top of it. Maybe happiness is my natural state, one that doesn't go away but can get obscured.

What is happiness anyways? How is it different from contentment, from joy, from excitement, from feeling love and loved?
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