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Post your dreams!

Frued would Know

In the dream: I was in my living room, only it was MUCH larger. All the furniture was gone except for the piano (which was actually an old Hammond-Style Organ). It was night and the wind was blowing the curtains around. A woman with flowers was standing next to the Hammond. As I played, she placed the Tulips on the organ, and sighed. My playing grew noticably louder.

When I held a high note, it started raining inside and washed her away. I melted into the bench seat and feel into a deep, contented sleep.

Flowers are so symbolic.
I always have a hard time remembering my dreams but lately there has been a common occurrence between my dreams that I can remember. There have been a lot of large group showers and not in a sexual way. They usually involve friends of mine as well as myself. Sometimes people are fully naked, sometimes they'll clothed. There's also always a feeling that we're showering before some big event. There's a sense of excitement and urgency.

I have no idea what symbolism is at work behind my dreams but I'm pretty sure there is something seeing as how frequent the 'shower scene' has become for the past few weeks. Maybe it has something to do with cleansing? but honestly I'm pretty clueless. Anyone want to shed some light and share an idea or two on what this might be symbolic for?
I think water is supposed to mean change so maybe something big is about to happen to you and your friends?
edit: and naked mean vulnerable i think . . . nvm idk :p
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I always have a hard time remembering my dreams but lately there has been a common occurrence between my dreams that I can remember. There have been a lot of large group showers and not in a sexual way. They usually involve friends of mine as well as myself. Sometimes people are fully naked, sometimes they'll clothed. There's also always a feeling that we're showering before some big event. There's a sense of excitement and urgency.

I have no idea what symbolism is at work behind my dreams but I'm pretty sure there is something seeing as how frequent the 'shower scene' has become for the past few weeks. Maybe it has something to do with cleansing? but honestly I'm pretty clueless. Anyone want to shed some light and share an idea or two on what this might be symbolic for?

You are leaving your bad habits and tendencies behind, a renewal of yourself. It also signifies enlightenment and new understanding.

That your friends are showering with their clothes on means changing the appearance doesn't mean a change on the inside
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I dreamt my family and I were trying to survive in the jungle (and apparently we did).
I have been dreaming about jungles these days. wonder what it means..
a random collection of images of an elderly woman.
dreamt I was going to save some baby turtles. In the end I unintentionally killed them..
I keep having these recurring dreams about school even though I've graduated from college.

Interestingly, many of my dreams involve me being in decaying environments (not necessarily in school, but often they are).

In one dream I was in a slum - the atmosphere is very dark and brooding. I went to the washroom (another recurring theme in my dreams), met with a few school friends/acquaintances, then I found myself on a lonely journey towards a place I know I'm meant to go to but feel reluctant to. I finally reached a dark brooding "apartment". I go inside, go up the elevator, then stairs, then see down a hall, pass a room...I sense there is a girl inside and she's either dying/being raped/or something horrible has happened.

Another one that I've had twice now goes like this: I'm in elementary school, in the playground. I try to find a way into the school during recess to get to the washroom. Once I manage to get inside, I find myself in a decaying environment again.. the halls are dark and things seem to be torn down.

The most recent ones involve me being in high school. I'm wandering around the halls a lot, always taking the stairs to go move between floors. Sometimes I find myself not remember where my locker is, or can't remember what my locker combination is. I see teachers and I would try to escape from them so as to avoid being seen.

Hmmm... wish I had a psychologist to analyze them. I feel like it has something to do with repressed feelings about something.
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My dreams are very fragmented, I have a hard time remembering them after I wake up.

They are adventure "films"; my dreams have different camera angles and switches between colour and black and white to fit the mood of the "scene".

The last one I remember is kind of weird...

I was with a ladyfriend at a very quaint little cafe; we were minding our own business, having a few cappuccinos and cigarettes. I recall seeing a black van approaching from down the street, it had strange symbols all down the side; at the time i thought it was aliens. (Aliens are always my first assumption hah)

The van stopped in front of the cafe and the dream blurred and clipped into the next scene. Myself and the lady I was with were being held captive by a religious cult promising enlightenment. It was all pretty good for a while; until the leader announced that we were to pray on the "holy beds".

I remember feeling hesitation, but decided to go for it anyway. My assumptions were correct; the holy beds were slowly being lowered and lowered. Roughly 6 metres under the ground a hatch closed above me and a deadly pink gas was released.

This is where things get a bit blurry; I remember seeing a patch of dirt on the ground, and MacGyvering myself out of the hatch using the dirt and my bare hands. Next thing I know I'm above ground again opening the hatch for my friend.

Then we were both strolling along a field of wheat.
I rarely dream but when I do, it usually preceeds some change in my life or something unexpected and difficult happens. Sometimes it's been about just a new phase in mental development that I usually realize afterwards and find some connected feeling to the preceeding dream.

I think the main themes that I can recall, are of my teeth all being loose in my gums and sometimes they just fall out.

Another theme is of my needing to go to the bathroom, but I have to search for one and I can either never find it, I can see it but cannot seem to get to it, or I find it and it is too filthy to even step in. Either way, I usually feel like I am being denied.

Occasionally, I have dreamed of wandering around in a strange place and oddly enough, I rarely feel scared but simply curious and there is a feeling of being prepared for something.

I have also dreamed of snakes before. In those dreams, the snakes were a form of protection for me. They were neither friend or foe, simply there to be respected and regarded as some form of danger that I was untouched by from something (some force) that I didn't understand.

I have had a particular dream once when I was in my early 20's. It was one of the most vivid, real dream and extraterrestrial in nature. It involved me and my sister. I somehow can't go into it here but I will just post this much.

It is rare for me to dream.
I don't remember a lot of dreams either. I'm assuming people have a lot more then they remember. The one I had two days ago is as vivid a dream as I have had in a long time. In it I'm a teenager, maybe 13 or 14. I am walking though the crowded halls of my Jr. High School (it was and it wasn't) with my (dream) girlfriend.

She has long dark hair. She is in front and I am very close behind. We kiss from time to time. She doesn't really look at me directly much. We continue to traverse the halls acknowledging people, but continuing to move on. At some point we emerge into a courtyard with an out-building.

The courtyard is very sparsely populated. We head towards the out building. When we enter I notice it has a large main room with a huge front window. It has a smaller room off to the side that is much more hidden. I want to go to the smaller, more hidden room. But she insists we stay in the more open one. She lays down and I get a feeling of sexual longing. But she starts to talk about mirrors.

At first I think she means a small mirror she has with her. Then I realize she means the one in the large room. The entire back of the room is a mirror. Whatever we decide to do will be reflected out and back. It is very riskie!

This, of course, is where it ends. What is the meaning? I have my own interpetation. She is wanting me to reflect, to see myself and have others see me too. She is quiet, deep, and mysterious. She wants to help.
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I am dreaming about my success a lot. I am watching that i achieved happiness and peace in my life for forever. I am happy with these dreams.

I had a dream me and my sister were going to die in 28 days and we both knew it but we were carrying on as normal and I wasn't very bothered by it. We were buying bananas (I dislike them a lot) in the supermarket.

Fun stuff o_O
I had a dream me and my sister were going to die in 28 days and we both knew it but we were carrying on as normal and I wasn't very bothered by it. We were buying bananas (I dislike them a lot) in the supermarket.

Fun stuff o_O

Hmm it was somewhat difficult and dangerous dream, for you, i think.
My last dream I had was all about reasons to move to Idaho. It was like an advertisement. At the end, it said

"There are two kinds of people who move to Idaho. Those who believe in nature, and those who believe in mother nature. The question is....which one do you believe in?"

Yeah. WTF.
In my dream last night, I was running after a white cat; I was trying to get it to go away for some reason, so I would ran after it for a few seconds, kinda like shooing something away. It seemed like it kept coming back b/c I chased it a few times and each time it would run away but then I found myself chasing it again. Then I saw one of my late grandfathers sitting on the edge of a hospital bed, one foot on the bed and another on the floor. He looked much younger and kinda different, but I knew it was him. There was an IV like diagonally across his chest. I don't remember if it the cat came back the last time I chased it b/c that was when I saw my grandfather. There were other parts to the dream, but I don't remember them much. I used to get very vivid dreams and even if they weren't so vivid, I would remembering them in great detail, but lately I can only remember some things, which I guess is still good.
My last dream I had was all about reasons to move to Idaho. It was like an advertisement. At the end, it said

"There are two kinds of people who move to Idaho. Those who believe in nature, and those who believe in mother nature. The question is....which one do you believe in?"

Yeah. WTF.

It's weird. I can never remember what I read or what was said to me in a dream. For some deranged reason, I thought that was universal. Guess not.
I had a strange dream that me and Billy Mays made a jet pack out of a vaccum cleaner and a washing machine. The Myth busters team was there filming the whole thing. It ended up blowing up in midair while I was strapped to it. :m180:
Three punk girls go into a sex shop and purchase this HUGE blue dildo. The next scene is in a black van, they are pulling down this street where about five huge muscled guys dressed in black and each wearing a machine gun are stading. One punk girl with a spikey haircut and green hair rolls down the window and waves the dildo out the window, the guys rush to the back of the van. Three guys have already gotten into the van and the last two are getting in. One says to the other

"Are you clean?"
the other guy looks annoyed by the question.
"C'mon just get in the van."
the guy who asked the question is worried.
"If you're not clean I don't want to, y'know,"
By now the first guy's face is red with anger.
"You wanna know if I'm clean? Keep asking questions and this fucking gun is going to go off all over and then there will be blood flying around that may or may not be clean. Get in the van." He then prodded the guy with his gun and he went in.

Then I woke up.
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Why are my dreams so sexual lately? -shrug- I'm going to turn this into the sex dream thread!

But yeah, in my dream, my dad moved into these apartments. Actually, he'd lived there for quite a while. What happened was them....this couple. This husband and wife moved in, and as it turned out, they were pretty much swingers. They had children, a daughter and a son who were from ages roughly 6-8. So they were pretty young. And the parents were in their thirties, the mother was a bit older than the father, the father was about thirty three.

All I remember is that they were HOT. The couple was soooo hot. The dude was ripped and had blond hair and blue eyes, the chick, despite having kind of saggy boobs and wrinkles was in shape and had blond hair and green eyes and they were just both so hot.

I remember that the couple came over to introduce themselves and I was just drooling over their hotness. They invited me to come over some time and babysit their kids, but I knew that's really not what they wanted. Then I did go over to their house for a while but the father didn't come home so nothing really happened, and my mom got paranoid and demanded I come home and never go their house again.

So I just had to go on a walk and tell Janessa about how hot this swinger couple was. I was talking to her on the phone and first began to describe the father, and the son who was like eight was standing behind me and told me he was going to tell his mother what I said, that his mother wouldn't be happy. And then I was thinking -oh shit, she thinks I just want to fuck him....- so I went over to the house, had to sneak over there because I wasn't actually allowed to be there...

The wife let me in and I told her how hot she was and she knew what I was thinking. We did something for a while, I don't remember what there is a blank spot in my memory of the dream, and then she wanted me to make out with her.

She pulled me in for a kiss but it was like the weirdest fucking kiss I ever had, and I pulled back telling her I didn't really know how to kiss all that well because I'd only done it three times. She nodded and continued doing her weird-arse kiss. No seriously, her lips weren't opening and she was just going really fast with them, basically, chewing on my lip with her teeth and she called that kissing.

So I taught her the real way it was done -or how I'd been taught- and then we did that for a minute, undressed her, was kissing every part of her body until I got down to the Vagina and she wanted me to eat her out. I said I hadn't ever done it before and no, I didn't want to get chlamydia, and she seemed to accept that.

I asked if she had a double sided dildo and she said no but she got out this I don't even know how to explain it. It was like pieces of cardboard about the size of a keyboard that were attached to each other, but could be folded. Anyway I didn't understand what I was supposed to do with it.

Then, there was a knock on the door. I knew who it was. My father, wondering where I was. I went over to the house at 2:00pm and it was now 7:00pm. I picked my shit up real fast and ran into the bedroom, telling the wife to say I wasn't here. But she let him in and I quickly hid in the closet but could get it closed without making a loud noise and him knowing someone was here, and right as I had the door closed he walked in and found me. He was pissed, told me to go home, and yelled at me and such.

You know in a way it was pretty much the same sensation as a husband caught their wife cheating with you, because I hid in the closet and stuff haha. But they were swingers so they didn't mind much about that stuff.
Has anyone seen themselves in a dream before?

I saw myself in a dream 1 time when I was 17. I was in a noose hanging and I had longer hair, I looked up at myself when I was hanging in the noose.

The only other time was when I looked at myself in the mirror in a dream. That was only once.