Post your dreams! | Page 14 | INFJ Forum

Post your dreams!

I had the weirdest dream last night. I dreamed that I was in Hogwarts and being chased by zombies. Man, I shouldn't have eaten that burger that late at night.

Dude, that is a cool dream! You could have cast a spell. :m060:
Hate posting things like this, but i had a weird dream:

There were tiny flesh eating creatures in my right hand. The underside of my hand including my wrist and flesh was being eaten away, almost as if being hollowed out. i showed my hand tp a close family member, who said it was the swine flu getting into my system. This person took my hand and held the wrist firmly. I was becoming very anxious. They showed another close family member, who seemed slightly concerned but didn't know what to do. Then the one who held my hand took the lead and all three of us went to the hospital.
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I had a rather disturbing dream first, far more so then the usual dreams I have and as such I'm not as keen to go into details. Then I had some dream about my sister having another fight and then proceed to destroy one another. Bleh, why couldn't I have one of those zombie dreams.
I remember that I was at my grandmas house but I was living with my exwife there and I think we were going through a divorce, or elsewe had already gotten divorced and I was wondering why she was there. Anyway I changed seats a few time and did mundane things and then I was driving through a higher class neighborhood and ran the car through someones house. Well he came out and it was an old man with a white opaque lens in his left side of his glasses and was missing many teeth. He was yelling, justifiably, and then my exmother in law came out and my ex wife was crying but not about the car or the house. And that was the end of the dream.

I dreamed that I was back in the Philippines, and I apparently had the power to stop time, but only one person at a time. Which scene came first is kind of muddled, but I think it was with me helping my cousin clean up this old house where our grand-grand parents used to live. We uncovered quite a lot of debris in there with some of our properties somehow buried. Among them was a family picture of my family. My cousin gave it to me and I smiled as I looked at it. It seemed kind of old; it was black and white with the picture almost faded. I saw myself in it; I was posing for the camera. I gave it to my brother and he looked at it with evident sentiment.

Scene switch:
This time, it was night. There were two sisters, and they were the exact opposite of the other. Where one was good the other was bad. Where one was generous the other was selfish. That type of opposite.
Somehow, in some way, I was the 'good' sister. But I looked at the 'bad' sister and I saw my face in her. She was downright evil. She wanted to kill me. I felt that instinctive knowledge kick in whenever I looked at her.
The strange part. She apparently had some control over some zombies or something. Not just any zombies but the kind of zombies that fight. I was able to stop them using my power but it got difficult as they just kept coming and coming. Eventually, although I tried to save everyone, I failed. I just couldn't do it and they all got infected and became zombies. I tried to fight them and in my dream some zombie kicked me in the ribs.

I woke up. And now my ribcage hurts. A lot. Lol. Insights, anyone?
I dreamed that people at a bus stop kept stealing my strawberry-flavored pop-tarts ;_;
Hmmm last night I had a dream about a news reporter interviewing this girl, and my sister was standing right next to her. It started out with the girl talking, she was about 14-ish. She goes

"...And it really pisses me off that they keep saying I have just a personality disorder, and that there aren't any physical problems, that I just need personality disorder meds."

The reporter nodded to this, then responded "And I understand that you have some problems with grabbing people in the hallways, behavior problems?"

The girl doesn't stop to think about this, immediantly responding.

"Yeah, I walk down the halls and grab people's penises, and they call me a weird girl. I'M NOT A GIRL!" " I have a butthole here," -she points to her arse "And I have a butthole here" -she points to where her vagina should be. "And I have a tube here," She says, pointing to an area apparently in between her two arses.

The reporter seems more disturbed with the fact that she grabs penises while walking down the hall, not that she isn't a girl.

It then cuts to a clip where the girl goes in into the bathroom to take off her her shirt; you can see her arms and bra but wrapped around her neck are two skin textured claw like things that are hooked around her neck; when she unhooks them there is a penis like looking thing that hangs just above her bellybutton; but it's obviously not a penis, it's something weird.

And then it cuts back to the reporter and them standing there, and my sister is standing around.

"So are you friends with her?" The reporter asks.

My sister looks away from the camera. "Ummmmmmmm...." She says.

The dream ends.
I dreamt the weirdest dream ever. I'm not sure if I was watching a movie or if I was already in it. it was pretty surreal. we were at war, so there were soldiers everywhere. the church had no priest, so my mom and my aunt took care of it, even though they are women. I was going to my poorly built house, when suddenly a bunch of zombie people started to attack me and my parents, so we had to lock everything. every now and then colorful mickey mouses appeared and sang. then I was in another house and Kurt Cobain appeared and said hi to me, since I was his sister or something, and we all realized he was out buying drugs. hmm that's all I can remember for now o_O
I posted this dream in my blog earlier today...

I almost never have dreams that I can remember. Especially dreams where I remember what I'm thinking when it's all happening. Usually dreams are watching reality happen when I'm paralyzed. Things just happen and I respond very randomly.

Last night I had a strange dream. This time I was very aware of what was happening around me. Aware enough that I remember what I was thinking - not just impressions.

So for some reason I was getting married. I was getting married to someone I knew. I'm not interested in her at all - although I think she's a very nice woman.

So I'm at the wedding ceremony. Sitting in the farthest row in the back and the bride is about to come in. I'm thinking...

"What's going on? Oh right, I'm getting married. Finally getting married."
"Wait.. shouldn't I be standing up at the front right now?"
"Who am I marrying? Oh right, her. I haven't even been on a date with her yet though. I wonder what it will be like to be married to her. Oh well, at least I'll finally be married."
"That's not a good reason to get married though. Are you sure you want to do this? Now is the time to get out. No going back after this."
"Do you even like her?? You don't know ANYTHING about her!"

The more my thoughts went on, the more freaked out I got. Then I woke up. Extremely relieved that I wasn't about to marry someone I didn't love.

In the end it was like a bucket of icy water on my face telling me to slow down - there's no rush to get into a relationship because I don't want to wind up with the wrong person.
I posted this dream in my blog earlier today...

Aw. At least yours actually have meanings that you can figure out. I could never figure mine out. It's too random and strange.

Last night, I dreamed that I lived with my grandmother. I knew she was my grandmother, but in my dream, she was the only family member I had. It was strange too 'cause her outward personality was so different; she was like an English grandmother or something. Very elegant and wealthy. And I was her only heir.
Anyway, I had a boyfriend in my dream. I couldn't describe him; I only knew that I loved him a lot. And he loved me too, probably more than I did.
We were driving around, and I apparently had leukemia. He sent me to this place where there's a specialist for this disease to cure me. He was very patient; I remember him saying 'I'll pay for everything. I don't care how much it is, I just want you to be well again.'
Well my grandmother came and she was heartbroken upon knowing that I have leukemia. Her and my 'boyfriend' both asked the doctor for the prognosis, but the doctor said it's terminal.
I can feel both of their pain, especially my 'boyfriend's'. It was so very apparent it hurt to see them looking so dismal.

A few days after that, I just stayed in the hospital since I was too ill to go anywhere. Boyfriend never left my side; my grandmother went home to get some clothes. While we were in the hospital, I got up and went outside my room. The hospital looked strange- it was like an apartment going up with winding staircases. I looked down, and I saw The Grudge specimen.
She started to chase me while I tried to get away from her.

End of dream.

Lol. So stupid.
Hrrrm, that is kinda hard to figure out, Yumiii. Do your dreams follow you throughout the day and kinda haunt you? That happens to me! :m169:
Yeepp. It gets annoying really. This thread is good to get rid of it in written form.
yesterday I dreamt I had to go to my university with my mom on my first day, but I only knew that on our way there, so I was all stressed out because I had really ugly clothes on and I wanted to cause a good impression on my first day there.
today I dreamt 2 dreams (or those are the ones I can remember). in the first one I was with my (now dead) dog and some other people. I was arrested with another person because we were watching a very stupid movie that was for 18 year olds (we had a very smart discussion with the police). also, there was something with Edward scissorhands I can't remember. oh also, when I got out of prison, there was this other big dog that was trying to attack my little dog, until one policeman shot him. I saw that he wasn't dead yet and that he was suffering, so I asked him to shoot him again. the other dream I had was that I was in something like an academy for people that have "higher" abilities than the average population. my ability was that I could draw way better than everyone else. so I was sitting there, coloring something, when a bunch of students approached to get themselves signed for another class since they upped a level. everyone wondered who I was, since I was there quietly ignoring everyone around. they started to make noise and stuff, but I kept ignoring them. then one of them putted his hand on my shoulder and I hit him with some karate moves.
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Lol -

I had an entire dream about Iron Man 2 last night. Full plot and everything. I loved it. Heck, it was good enough to be a full movie. Had everyone except Whiplash and Pepper in it, tho.

It was AWESOME. :D

Full color, full everything.
I once had a dream about Wolfenstein 3D.
Complete with pseduo-3D graphics and sprites.

Was pretty awesome.

Just realized I've already told this exact anecdote before, in this same thread.
/stops drinking
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Waaaaaaaugh. Some of you people have TERRIFYING dreams. I literally don't remember ever having a nightmare. Mine are all just STRANGE.

Like the time I dreamed that everyone in the world turned into this one really awkward - nice, and pretty cool, but really awkward - guy. Everyone was going around having really awkward conversations with other versions of themselves. It was really very funny.

There were some other winners from last year, but I can't remember them. They probably involved ducks and that same awkward guy and possibly a dinosaur or two.

Last night's was more or less about this guy that I kind of like (and when I say kind of I mean kind of, not as in I'm being cutesy or whatever about it.........if that made sense). He and I were in some European city with lovely old houses and cobblestone streets. I had just been to his apartment for some kind of social gathering thing, and was on my way back to my own apartment when I realized I had forgotten something. I remember distinctly what his apartment looked like on the outside; it was set back from the street a little bit and had three steps with an iron railing and a small porch. After you went up the steps, you had to turn left to get to the door. It had diamond-paned windows and red geraniums in flowerboxes underneath them.

He answered the door and smiled. I couldn't remember what I had come back for I said "Um...ummm....I LOVE YOUR APARTMENT?" He smiled and held out what I had been looking for (no idea what that was still). I was like "heh". We talked for a while. I needed to leave, though, so I said "I should probably get home." He nodded and held out his arms. I looked at him, confused, before I figured out that he wanted a hug. I held my arms out and started to take a step forward, but stopped when I noticed he was standing still. Just as I stopped, he started to take a step forward. We laughed at our awkwardness and hugged.

I woke up.

I have two friends who specialize in giving awkward hugs. That still wins as most awkward hug ever.

My subconscious is silly.
I'll tell you about my 'non-dream' ... They happen while I am awake. I close my eyes, ready to go to sleep, a second or so later I am still fully conscious yet something insane happens.

The one that happened last night

I was trying to put my body to sleep (complete other story) and the pain in the heel of my foot became so unbearable that I couldn't relax... I felt I must had been in that position for at least an hour but when I decided to give up finally, I saw that the time was 5 am.
So finally I relax and get comfortable in my bed. I close my eyes. Next thing I know a sort of earthquake forms, but in the air and it starts to come closer to me. I feel the air, wind moving. This sound of electricity, incredibly loud and noisy (like a very badly oiled antique machine), is surrounding me... an energy... about to swallow me. It swallows my head and thereafter I feel a warmth placed on just my forehead.
It was so specifically and distinctly my forehead. Not the top of my head or the rest of my face, ears. It chose only my forehead.

I was expecting the energy would swallow the rest of my body but it stopped right afterwards and dissipated. As it went away, I saw impressions of vibratory dark blue rings on my eyelids. I didn't open my eyes during the whole event because I wanted to experience the whole thing (crazy, I know!). When I opened my eyes afterwards, my heart was pounding and it was 5:51 am.

When I got out of bed today I was wondering if the forehead meant the third eye.
And the colour for the third eye is indigo (the dark blue).
I have been collecting a lot of imagery lately and this appeared in my collection.. a man with several discs (chakras) going down his body.
So I am one of those people that dreams a lot, and I remember most of them. I dream in vivid detail, full color, sound, smell, even. I swear I even have soundtracks in teh backgroud like it was a movie or something. Many of my dreams are stressful or strange. I have had some doozy nightmares about my kids that have left me in a state of total infj withdrawal.
But last night I had a dream, that was completely out there, yet left me with the most sensual feelings... I'm not a great writer but I want to try to get it down.

Enter girl on a city street at night. A nice area with shops, lampposts, clean windows. It has rained recently, and the lights shine off the wet pavement in a soft glow. Nice cars line the curb, and a soft breeze rustles the leaves in the trees lining the walk. The girl is me, yet a stranger when I glance in the shop windows: tall and lythe, with long blond hair pulled up in a pony tail; a skirt and a short, light tan trench-style coat with a tie belt. Black high heeled boots just past the ankle, chic and tasteful.
There are white Christmas lights, yet it is balmy, and I feel energized and happy.
But something is off, and I slowly realize that I am the only person there. My bouncy walk slows as I start to become more aware of my surroundings, taking in the shadowy places, the empty streets. No cars. No people. No noise. Time seems to slow further and as I turn from the street to the sidewalk again, he is there.
He is tall, at least 6'2". His hair is as dark as his eyes. He needs a shave and his hair is tousled, wavy, and a tad too long. He is handsome, but it is over shadowed by the wrinkles in his red t-shirt and crumpled denim pants, the general air of dishevelment. His face is almost expressionless, except for a nervous restlessness in his eyes. The shake in his hand is barely discernible as he points a small revolver at me.
I had a dream last night that I was dating kavalan, and we lived together in a gingerbread house. No joke.
I had a dream last night that I was dating kavalan, and we lived together in a gingerbread house. No joke.


Excuse me I need to clean my floor... there's hot chocolate everywhere now