Anyone Know Each Other Offline?


Regular Poster
Hi everyone!

I was wondering whether any of you guys have ever met in person, or whether any of you know each other "offline." If so, do you keep in touch? and how? If you lost touch, what happened? Also, are any of you subscribed to other INFJ forums? This is my first type-specific forum, so I'm a newbie to all of this. 0:-).
Me and Kavalan know each other offline.
I also know Minervia, and jmclaypoole offline, however these two seldom come on here.
I'm about to know a few of the INFJs from the Dallas area next month when we have our meet-up.
I don't know anyone on here offline (that I haven't met here, anyways).

Thank God. That would bother me.
Nope I dont know anyone. Not many New England members!!
Ah ok, cuz I wanna meet more NF Idealists, but I never know where to find them (us)!! hehe Wyst, I'm familiar with and some cities have INFJ or MB groups, which is great. My city, unfortunately, doesn't have anything like this. Not yet anyhow. :m142:
I thought of starting an INFJ group when I move to Florida.

Right now, the closest person to me who has publicly disclosed their location is efromm...and I dunno if we would get along all that well.
I thought of starting an INFJ group when I move to Florida.

Right now, the closest person to me who has publicly disclosed their location is efromm...and I dunno if we would get along all that well.

I'm about the same distance from you. About 3 hours or so?
Me and Ctrl Alt Del are incredible friends offline.
I do not know anyone offline, although I now talk to several forum members in other venues like FB. We have one other INFJ in my city (MF) and four others besides myself from Michigan. We should all hookup sometime! I am sure MF and I will hang sometime here in the future.
Y'all should look at the INFJ map and see who's close, and get together.

I've met one member here online, TK*, but she rarely comes 'round here anymore. I still have her pan from our last meeting, tho' - and I need to give it back to her. :D

And yep, us DFW'ers will be meeting up soon. Five or six of us, I think? Maybe if we can convince MotorJax to visit from OK we'd have one more.
Nope I dont know anyone. Not many New England members!!

Sookie - Hey I'm in VT! I couldn't find anyone that was near me when I tried... Where r u?:m168:

Anyone else in New England/ New York?
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No one else in Arkansas, is there? No wait, there is one other.

Whoa, just noticed that my favorite smilies have been changed out.
It's hard to find people from same country, same city, So i did not meet anyone. If something like magic happens, then i can meet. :D
I haven't met any of you freaks although I do harass a few of ya by email, AIM, and phone on occasion and consider you friends. But I’m visiting ACD this spring since I’ll be in the Midwest for a visit. I still have plans for the whole Europe INFJ trip thing so those who are still on board with that I'll be meeting sooner or later. (Am I the last man standing on that? Bueller? Bueller? No matter)
It would be fun to meet even more. I actually enjoy meeting new people if I can meet a few at a time. Meeting too many people at once would overload my brain.