Why it sucks to be an INFJ | Page 2 | INFJ Forum

Why it sucks to be an INFJ

1. We are usually the "doormat" for everyone else.
2. Disregard our feelings for another's happiness
3. Tend to enjoy fairgrounds and child stuff wayyy too much ;P

Yep, that's me. As for the last point, I've been wanting to watch some Disney movies from my childhood for quite some time now, but I'm too embarrassed to go to the video store and hire them out.

4. We get ignored because of our N

I agree with that. In fact, I sometimes feel like Princess Cassandra.

8. I just ate a nest of young birds.

[SIZE=Default]Yep, that's me. As for the last point, I've been wanting to watch some Disney movies from my childhood for quite some time now, but I'm too embarrassed to go to the video store and hire them out.[/SIZE]

The early disney animated musicals are pretty good. There's no reason to be embarassed. They're interesting and the music is tight. Video clips of the songs in various languages are also available on youtube.
That's true. He was very loopy. Although I don't really agree with a lot of that analysis...
1) Isolation, confliction, and inner turmoil are basically normal
2) People never see the whole picture, even if we want them to
3) We end up taking care of the people around us, often without someone willing to take care of us in return.

Ouch, double ouch, and triple ouch.

(Feelin' those.)
I can't make pancakes or omlettes. The flipping action seems to be complex for me. So I end up with scrambled eggs.
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You too?! And I've gotten pretty good at scrambled eggs... :wink:
I much prefer baking to cooking. Cooking is too inexact for me. I needs my exact measurements (product of being a chemist) :tongue1:
We have so much to say but we can't speak it. shrug
I don't think it sucks at all to be an INFJ. And it's not like changing ones personality type will solve any problems. You'd only get an entire new set of them!

And I'm too old to figure out how to deal with a completely new set of problems.

I KNOW I'm emo, think too much, take too long to make a decision, consider every possibility before making a decision, have a tendency to make blanket judgements, am sometimes way too emotionally involved in something as well as conversely just as intensely don't care at all. In fact, sometimes the depth of my dispassion scares me.

I've got some coping mechanism in place for most of my major flaws. They may not always work, and they may not be the best...but I know what I'm working with.
I know a great reason to be an INFJ, 'cuse here, it's one big happy family, and you also have friends like me.

While there may be a curse to INFJ's, there is also the most unique and special traits that exist in humans inside of all of you.

I care about everyone one of you, just like you care for me. If I could, I'd build a whole city with my own two hands (and power tools) so that every one of you could live together peacefuly.

I love you all! Try to stay positive!
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We have so much to say but we can't speak it. shrug

I'd say this is about the only thing that I agree with as being bad about being an INFJ.

I get the feeling INFJ's can be really arrogant about how their problems are 'so different' and how we aren't 'understood'. Sorry to be confrontational but this all just sounds like complaining to me and it's like people set themselves on pedestals to be apart from the 'common' person.

But that's just me...
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Once in awhile the longest most annoying rants spill when we're stressed out that no one wants to hear but our dearest friends/room-mates listen anyway. Poor suckers.
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can't seem to shut it off...

ppl tend to annoy...but for some reason long to be around others

have plenty to say, but doesn't come out
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Feelings of empathy towards other beings can seem crippling at times.
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Once in awhile the longest most annoying rants spill when we're stressed out that no one wants to hear but our dearest friends/room-mates listen anyway. Poor suckers.
Haha yeah. I love that, when they just sit there, listen and nod their heads because they know I just want someone to go "mhmm you're absolutely right!". XD
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Is there a thread called "What's cool about being an INFJ", this one is kind of depressing because it's true.
Is there a thread called "What's cool about being an INFJ", this one is kind of depressing because it's true.

If there isn't on then I think we should create one. I'm wayyyyy too familiar with all the things I don't like about myself.