Why it sucks to be an INFJ

Blind Bandit

Blind Man Being Lead to Nowhere
So I saw this on other boards. And I think it might help a few people (myself) and others to have laugh at our own expense .

So post 3 reasons why being an INFJ sucks. You can post more than once of course. They can be funny, serious our whatever. The idea is to remember its ok to laugh about how messed we all can be.

I'll start.

1. We have this idea that we know the truth and no one else dose.
2. We feel way to much. We are an emotional dumping ground.
3. We are way to stubborn and we fight the current a good majority of the time.
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1. The mind never ever ever ever ever turns off.
2. Things need to be planned and layed out, but there is a yearning to just be spontaneous and live in the moment.
3. Ni can be limiting by causing us to avoid things that might actually be good things.
1. We genuinely like people, but they suck the life force out of us.
2. We try to come off one way and end up looking/sounding another completely opposite way.
3. And we're so freaking awesome :m027: but nobody gets it/ sees it. :wink:
1. We generally put our pants on backwards.
2. We get way to caught up in the shifting mass of the universe.
3. We watch saved by the bell with tears in our eyes.
4. We are champions of misery
5. We are hard bearers of heartache
6. We are overly flatulent
7. Our Pancakes are sub par
8. I just ate a nest of young birds.
(has bird feathers at sides of mouth) *looks sheepish*
no silly, i look sheepish, for eating birds and getting caught..... :D
QUOTE=Lucifer;91660]1. We generally put our pants on backwards.
2. We get way to caught up in the shifting mass of the universe.
3. We watch saved by the bell with tears in our eyes.
4. We are champions of misery
5. We are hard bearers of heartache
6. We are overly flatulent
7. Our Pancakes are sub par
8. I just ate a nest of young birds.[/QUOTE]

I must agree. I'm fair better making hash browns. Stop my my house and I'll make some for ya. :m155:[

damn pancakes.

1. We are always looking past the good things we may have.
2. We day dream so much we may walk into things.
3. We care more about other people than they care about themselves.
4. We get ignored because of our N

Oh and I agree with everyones posts.

Oh and I almost forget we could never be an effective killer. We care to much to do the terrible things that are often needed.lol
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1.) we may die of brain cancer (i don't know if overthinking and stress leads to brain cancer)
2.) if we aren't emotionally satisfied, we feel EMPTY,USELESS, worthless, self-pity.
3.) lack self-confidence
4.) most of the times we hate what we have, and ask for more, NEVER CONTENTED
I shall have you know that my pancakes are not sub par!!:m185:

...it's the only thing I know how to cook! Don't discriminate it!! :m033:
1) Isolation, confliction, and inner turmoil are basically normal
2) People never see the whole picture, even if we want them to
3) We end up taking care of the people around us, often without someone willing to take care of us in return.
Well, yeah, but sometimes "champions of justice" kind of go at it from the wrong angle. Hitler has been pinned as xNFJ