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  • hey when you get a chance, what type of mixer would you recommend for a basement DJ??? I'm gonna purchase some technics and I don't really know what i'm doing. Thanks a lot and ahead....hope you are well
    me too :-). I really love this one because it is like the water has turned into ashes!!
    Glad to see you back, Dylan. It hasn't been the same without you. There has been a big beard shaped hole in the heart of the forum.
    I recommend Perth, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, Cairns and definitely DARWIN.

    Darwin will be at its low season, and there's nothing to do here at that time of year. Everyone will show up. Hot Potato would be your best venue.
    Ever considered touring Down Under?
    Absolutely nothing today...

    Thinking about going for a ride. How's the band? Still touring?
    Dylan, I'm working on a project for the forum and only members will be able to see it... Can I please use your photo for it?
    *pounces on Dylan* Yay! It's you! You have been missed... How are you? It's so good to have you around.. *hugs*
    Hello there my sweet dancing King! I hope you have an amazing day. Merry Christmas darling. I will do a little jig today just for you. <3
    It's been sweet just working a little and basically hanging out. It has been nice. I should give ya a ring some time.
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