The Greatest Story Never Told: Adolf Hitler

I think we can and often should judge a book by its cover.

That doesn't mean the judgment is correct, but some times we sacrifice things for efficient heuristics.

Well i like to hear all sides before i make up my mind
I'm not interested in making up my mind.

Well keeping an open mind is important but we also have to be able to make up our mind enough to respond to our environment so that we can protect ourselves from bad people

History tells us there are some bad people and that they often do crazy things
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"Do not compare yourself to others. If you do so, you are insulting yourself." - Adolf Hitler

And in very this quote he shows his stupidty. Had he be more wise, he would compare himself with others and he would observe how stupid he was.
But this kind of unshakeable obstinacy and ambition agev him the abnormal ambition to drag a world in misery.
And in very this quote he shows his stupidty. Had he be more wise, he would compare himself with others and he would observe how stupid he was.
But this kind of unshakeable obstinacy and ambition agev him the abnormal ambition to drag a world in misery.

But he did compare himself to others and engage in hero worship as much as anyone else whether this attributed quote is real or not.

Hitler had a massive portrait of some conquering Prussian in the bunker were he died, he just saw himself as a great conquering euro-commander like Napoleon or something.

It'd be better to be inspired by Bruce Lee's quote about not finding someone to emulate and imitate and instead be yourself and create or any of the dozens of other quotes like it which are not, you know, Hitler.
Hitler was a dreamer, a INFJ, a loner, a idealist idiot, a never broken stuborn head-strong man.
This is what happens when the parents don't check the inclinations of a child, don't take care of him, this is how a idiot is born and lives and nobody brokes his stupid pride and confidence in himself. And after a certain age, its just too late, too late...because his power grows, and he really believes in his fantasies and dreams, and in his capacity to make them happen, to make them come alive.
Hitler was a dreamer, a INFJ, a loner, a idealist idiot, a never broken stuborn head-strong man.
This is what happens when the parents don't check the inclinations of a child, don't take care of him, this is how a idiot is born and lives and nobody brokes his stupid pride and confidence in himself. And after a certain age, its just too late, too late...because his power grows, and he really believes in his fantasies and dreams, and in his capacity to make them happen, to make them come alive.

He seems more like an ENTJ seeing as all the euro commander conquering types have been

Concerning his much do you know?

Do you know that his family changed their name from Shicklgruber?

Have you heard about how hitlers grandmother worked at the mansion of Baron Rothschild who was very fond of the ladies including his own maids? She got pregnant, so the story goes, whilst working at the mansion and then had to leave and move to a new area

Hitlers father was said to have been the illigitimate child of Baron Rothschild
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He seems more like an ENTJ seeing as all the euro conquering types have been
Look at some pictures of him. His whole look and vibes gives the impression of dreaminess, a "dreamy look", his movements are melancholic and depressive in many videos with him, he had a "saturnine" walk, heavy and without "life", depressive and lost in thoughts.
Also when he talks in his speech, his gives the impression as if he is liquid (not really, but you get the idea), he has a "waterful" psychonomy, fluid, there was nothing "hard" in him., and that's always overly use of Ni, and its just happening to INFJs.
INTJs and ENTJs are not like that: they too give that vibe of Ni, of other-worldliness, but they have their secondary Te, and there is something "hard" in them, that certainty of thoughts, and also when they move, they move like they are holding their ground beneath, they occupy the space, there is firmness in their actions.
Hitler had none of that, and I can recognise it very easily. He was the Ni INFJ, the most proud and full of themselfs INFJs, like Martin Luther King, Dostoievsky and many others.
I can also recognise those type of INFJs by the fact that they always have something to prove, something their whole life, there is a stuborness in them, they are "untamed", and this is what makes them so dangerous.
Look at some pictures of him. His whole look and vibes gives the impression of dreaminess, a "dreamy look", his movements are melancholic and depressive in many videos with him, he had a "saturnine" walk, heavy and without "life", depressive and lost in thoughts.
Also when he talks in his speech, his gives the impression as if he is liquid (not really, but you get the idea), he has a "waterful" psychonomy, fluid, there was nothing "hard" in him., and that's always overly use of Ni, and its just happening to INFJs.
INTJs and ENTJs are not like that: they too give that vibe of Ni, of other-worldliness, but they have their secondary Te, and there is something "hard" in them, that certainty of thoughts, and also when they move, they move like they are holding their ground beneath, they occupy the space, there is firmness in their actions.
Hitler had none of that, and I can recognise it very easily. He was the Ni INFJ, the most proud and full of themselfs INFJs, like Martin Luther King, Dostoievsky and many others.
I can also recognise those type of INFJs by the fact that they always have something to prove, something their whole life, there is a stuborness in them, they are "untamed", and this is what makes them so dangerous.

Nonsense the guy won an iron cross in the trenches.....he was hard

Have you ever watched his speeches? They epitomise 'firmness of action'

During the munich putsch he and his followers walked towards the soldiers set up against them and walked into a hail of bullets; he was only saved by his bodyguard who took bullets for him and dragged him to the ground

Also ENTJ dictators do not become dictators because they have something to prove they do it because they believe themself to be the most worthy (listen to ENTJ's they are full of that)

Concerning his 'dreaminess' he was initiated into occult orders whereby he was given the ability to see things with other eyes:

"Follow Hitler. He will dance, but it is I who have called the tune! I have initiated him into the 'Secret Doctrine'; opened his centres in vision and given him the means to communicate with 'the Powers'." - Dietricht Eckart (one of the sorcerers behind Hitler)
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Evil assholes cant be feelers

The wickedness of man not depends on his patterns, but how he was grown and bear fruit of what he'd planted. Actually, exceeding emotions lost their own mind, and capable to do things beyond the comprehension of man - whether righteousness or evil.
The wickedness of man not depends on his patterns, but how he was grown and bear fruit of what he'd planted. Actually, exceeding emotions lost their own mind, and capable to do things beyond the comprehension of man - whether righteousness or evil.

Is that another Adolf Hitler quote?
Opportunity creates monsters..
History is written in blood..
I don't see how today is different
Evil assholes cant be feelers

I'm not saying that feelers can't do wrong

What i'm saying is that INFJ's tend to be aware of the darkness within them and within others and as a result they tend to look to include other people in processes as a safeguard against the darker side of human nature

But there are more cocksure types that just stride forward and act unilaterally and say: ''we are doing!''

INFJ's tend to seek out others opinions whilst some types are less reserved

These things have an affect on 'morality' because the less minds involved in a decision the more easy a decision can be weighted towards the negative aspect of a single person or small group