I may have misunderstood some of what you were saying. I appreciate that you put a lot of research to find the information that you share. A lot of it is quite interesting. I just disagree with some of your sources and some of your conclusions. I do not want to insult you but I wanted to let you know that some of your posts can come off as quite insulting, as if you are trying to preach to INFJs how we are. I know that I'm an INFJ because it fits me very well (not socionics so much but MBTI) and I really don't fit any other type. What I do know very well is myself, as I have had a lot of time to figure a lot of that out and some of your posts really don't seem to apply to me at all. You can interpret that as you wish, but I choose to interpret it the way it makes sense to me.
By the way, don't let people disagreeing with you upset you. We just all have strong opinions and we are on here to interact with others and share those opinions, and ignore those who are out and out rude because that is uncalled for.