NOSTALGIA HOUR - Favorite childhood toys


Retired Staff
messed up
OK since were on a nostalgia kick lets post the toys we remember

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I totally had the whole set including mullet toting ken! HAHAH!!
Erector Sets and Legos were favorites. Wasn't too into Lincoln Logs. I also enjoyed drawing my own comic books. I never had slot cars as a youth, but got into that in my 40s and am still enjoying the heck out of it!!
There was one toy I always coveted (my neighbor had it) but I could never get. It's so rare, you can't find anything about it, not really (although there are parodies of it on Youtube). The Hugo puppet (Man of a Thousand Faces) was creepy, but fun. You could add beards and mustaches to it, and funky eyebrows.

Reminded me of a 3-D iron filings picture with the bald headed guy (you know the one I mean).

Introducing...Hugo! Or the parodies, at least:


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... You know, I can't remember. I had toys, I know I did (I had a Barbie house and some obnoxious multitude of Barbies and accessories, thanks to Birthdays and Christmases) but I didn't play with toys much. I either watched TV or ran around outside with the neighborhood kids. Tag, Cops & Robbers, Hide and Seek, Zombie Tag, and acting out different scenarios/emulating heroes was more my gig.

Oh, and board games. Lots of board games with friends and family. I kicked ass at Risk. And still do.

I wasn't into plastic, apparently.
Cabbage Patch kid. I got my first doll when I was 10 or 11. I loved her so much. Her name was Madelle Rori, and she had pigtails and a dimple in only one side of her cheek! Words cannot express my love of this little dolly - lol.
I call the hello kitty dildo posted in the other jk(I'm in such a crazy mood)

anyways..I did not play much with any of those toys, I was more of a stuffed animal kid, I would collect stuffed animals(Raccoons,koalas,puppies) you name it!!and play with them and sleep with them at night because I was sacred of the dark xD
Simple toys: wooden swords, spears, staffs, cartoon shields, bows, plastic and water guns etc. My favourite of all was shooting targets with bows, I've spent thousands of hours doing that, and improving my arrows.
And my slow but faithful bicycle, of course!!:msith:

I was devastated when some of my epic weapons was broken in battle... I still remember the so called "diamond sword", which was supposed to destroy everything, but...... well, it was just made of wood, so... :m198:
It's horrifying to realize that kids nowadays play no such games anymore; they don't use "diamond swords" for real, because they just click buttons and watch screens. Poor kids...
I have a collection of those 12" GI Joes in my parents basement and Star Wars figures. I also have some action figures from the Batman: The Animated Series. Oh, and Legos. I still like playing with Legos :P

Playing outside was the icing on the cake though. All sorts of tag, hide and go seek, capture the flag, and I use to play in the woods by myself all the time.
My lego Pirate ship:


Thundercats mini series Mumm-Ra's Crypt play set:




Dark World Board Game - even better than Heroquest!

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Based on what i can remember:

I played with barbie (meh)
i really liked a model of a town i had (nicely designed / vintage look but made from plastic)
board games such as snakes & ladders, chinese checkers,
Jax - pick up sticks
Rubix cube
Ooooo I love this topic!

Hmmm....Bristle Blocks...My mom had gotten a ton of them from somewhere and we spent hours doing things with them....and combining them with regular wood blocks, tinker toys, etc...

Tinker Toys....

My mom never let us upgrade to erector sets when we got old enough. Grrrr.....

Legos of course! I loves the Castle and Knights my very first set!

Still got it somewhere!

Hmmmm....did lots of bike riding. Hide and seek with the neighbors. We all spent countless hours baiting and trying to capture the neighborhood squirrels. Never did end up catching one of those little beasts....
stuffed animals have always been my favorite, barbies were nice but i got bored of them easily even though i'm pretty feminine.

Punk Bear

I still have them, I still love them and they are still awesome. Whereever I move they will be coming with me.
bah, double post, sorry. (Stupid wireless campus internet)
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