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  • Hi Moxie;Thank you.You know how when you need something and aren't aware of it,and/or even what it is?And you read something like your"about me "section,which I just did,and it connects so well,with one's own take on life ,and it causes you to bust out laughing,resulting in the release of all kinds of feel good endorphines,thus making one's day look a lot brighter?Well,Thank you,for improving my day...H.
    I hope everything is going well with you and if it isn't, i hope things will improve. :)
    I find myself quite missing you even though I've been half a hermit myself. Hope your adventures are exhilarating and fruitful. I could use a shot of raw whimsy myself.
    Awww. Thanks for all those lovely Birthday messages. Much appreciated, my dear friend. *big hugs* Can't wait to catch up with you when I get back. I truly hope that life has been treating you kindly and generously. xx
    Just dropped by to check my messages. Thank you for the lovely picture you put on my wall. Miss you, my friend. Hope you're having a lovely day. *big hugs*:hug:
    The call will be coming! Bed now, but probably tomorrow. I've been thinking about it all week, but you know, the darn introversion. ;)

    Hope all is well in your world.
    Truthfully I'm a little pissed. I guess I'm gone for 24 hours. See my thoughts on the only thread we can see!
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