If you believe in an after life...

Do you believe in a before/after life?

  • I believe in a beforelife but not an afterlife

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I believe in an afterlife but not a beforelife

    Votes: 4 11.4%
  • I believe in both

    Votes: 17 48.6%
  • I don't believe in either

    Votes: 14 40.0%

  • Total voters


life is good
For anyone who believes in an afterlife, do you believe in a beforelife? By beforelife, I mean any form of existence or living before who you are right now. Or do you believe that your existence began at/during the moment of your conception or birth? Why or why not?
I strongly believe in spiritual matters. So naturally, I believe in a before life. This could be called a past life, but I will distinct it differentely. I will call it "the time in the spirit world before you enter this life". This is really just a logical (don't peg me for using that word you T types! :tongue1:) deduction. But I also feel this to be true. It makes sense to me that one would enter the spirit world for a period of time before the come to their next lifetime. This is sort of a planning phase. Figuring what this life will entail, what goals will be in place, what should be experienced, ect. One might also have work to be done in the spirit world that can not be done in this world, or other worlds like this.
This is one of those things that I have no direct experience, so I can't say.. I am just willing to listen. I have had this idea of a before life/ past life based on a few ideas. One, there are some people out there who are quite destructive. They're harmful to society. You might say they are new souls, they still have a way to go for progress. And there are people who have more of a peacemaker personality, and also the term "an old soul," someone quite mature for their age. These might have had gone through already a lot more to reach their stage.
And the second idea is when people say, "finding yourself." What does that mean.. Sometimes you think it's about creating your ideal self. But then in my experiences I've felt my likes, interests, abilities etc have already been decided and I just need some kind of event that will awaken it. It's been this way for me since I was a child, but in contrast I've met a lot of older children/pre-teen or even adults (ie. 25 years) who can't answer if you ask them what do they want to do for a project or what to have for dinner. There is no built-in personality there. They have to create it or I'm not really sure what to think... (now that I've read about 'crystal auras' where the person takes on the aura of the other person).

And just recently/few months ago I've come across some interviews that say there is no history. They are just concepts. The world functions in different dimensions simultaneously. If you meet yourself in a past life, it is not actually the past, but in another dimension. I didn't really get into this topic at the time, so I can't remember all the reasons why this man said these things. But it goes along the idea of 1D, 2D, 3D (we're here, i think), then 4D and 5D (which we are headed to). And in 5D, the concept is that time and space are malleable. You can decide your future by looking at your set of probable futures. There are several paths you can take. It's the reason people have different ideas of what the world is to them. In one person's world, the most popular colour is brown and that is all she sees. And in another person's world, it is green and that is the truth for him. Person's own 'bubble of reality.' And these are flexible and can be changed by you by thought.

Anyway I chose "both" in your poll.
How I see it
...->physical birth->physical death/awakening in summerlands (how I like to refer to the spiritual realm of the afterlife)-> some unknown re-physical birth stage->physical birth->...
you've got to specify what you mean by life.. in some capacity we've all, always been alive, since life can only be propagated from former life, and there's no break in the chain.. there's no guarentee that the cells that make us up now are going to make new life later, though, but it's undeniable that where we are now is following on from a history of life.. does that make sense? there is definitely a 'before life' in the chemical sense of the term (maybe not OUR life, but then, how do you define what is ours?) but no real promise of an afterlife. it'll be a chemical accident if it happens, helped maybe by our choices.
if you mean afterlife in the sense of our 'soul' continuing on in another body, and are asking whether that soul continued living before our birth.. nah, i don't believe in that. pure speculation. it might be true, might not, there is no reason to put faith in it.
For anyone who believes in an afterlife, do you believe in a beforelife? By beforelife, I mean any form of existence or living before who you are right now. Or do you believe that your existence began at/during the moment of your conception or birth? Why or why not?


I believe my existence began before I was born, when god created me and my forefathers.

As much as I like the idea of a past physical life before my current one, I personally don't believe in it.
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I believe my soul is a part of the Tao (universe) as a whole and therefore I have always excisted and will always excist, simply as a part of it. If that means I have always been in this form, this "human being" I don't think so. I think I will just blend with the rest after my death just like my body will fall apart as molecules and will be used to form new life.

Now you mentioned before life I notice that religions take a big deal in explaining afterlife and what you have to do to get a good one, but not so much about before life. This makes me thinking, isn't this prove that our interest in afterlife has more to do with the fear of dead and ending then with anything else?
There are some beliefs I hold that are fairly easy to back up as I have a good deal of experience with them and can observe them. Some, however, I hold very lightly because, while I know something is probably out there, speculating on the exact details is pointless, nevermind inaccurate. Afterlife and forelife is like this. I suppose I could say I believe, but I would have no real substantive details to add.....it's a belief that could take many, many forms and that would all be just fine with me.
I miss Santa
I believe my soul is a part of the Tao (universe) as a whole and therefore I have always excisted and will always excist, simply as a part of it. If that means I have always been in this form, this "human being" I don't think so. I think I will just blend with the rest after my death just like my body will fall apart as molecules and will be used to form new life.

Now you mentioned before life I notice that religions take a big deal in explaining afterlife and what you have to do to get a good one, but not so much about before life. This makes me thinking, isn't this prove that our interest in afterlife has more to do with the fear of dead and ending then with anything else?

This.. :)
I think it unlikely for one to exist without the other. Though I think it more practical to envision it in terms of a singular infinite(?) life, in varying stages of change.
I miss Santa

lol, I miss Santa too.

These are really interesting.

May, maybe I should have specified, I was referring to the life of the 'soul'. Although your thoughts on the chemical process were ones I hadn't considered until now, thanks :)
I don't believe in a prelife. I don't believe life begins at conception. Hell, I don't really believe that life begings even at birth. Or perhaps life is not the right word: even a single cell is unquestinoably alive. But a single cell isn't anyone, and neither is a newborn, even though there is potential to both. Consciousness and identity are key concepts here, I believe.

I don't believe in an afterlife. At least if it's defined as an individual consciousness surviving death. The social consturcts we are outlive our physical and psychological selves, and that too, I think, is a kind of an afterlife.
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I could have said both or neither to the poll.

I believe in neither a life before or after as I currently exist.

I believe I was part of a greater whole in some other form before this expression I now live, that I am currently an individuated part of the greater whole, and that I will continue to be part of the greater whole in some other form after this expression dies.

I believe I am part of an eternal oneness that is forever in changing form.
I have faith that there is a meaning to this life, and I am not afraid of ceasing to exist, because I don't think it's possible.

It's hard to consider things from the perspective of being alive, and wondering what came before or what comes after. I believe in both, and I think they are the same, but I don't try to guess too much beyond that. I would just say that I am part of the universe - have always been and will always be, at least as far as my mind can comprehend.

Sometimes I doubt my connection to the whole, and feel alone, but just as often I am reassured through synchronicites, signs and the love of my fellow beings, that whatever this life is about, all is well, and there is no need to be afraid of death.
I don't believe in either.
Both, but I don't believe it's an existence we know/understand when we're alive. We're all just parts of the a whole (what ever that is), and we return to it after we die. I doubt that it's a conscious existence, but I believe there is something. I don't know what it is, and I kinda don't care. I'll be dead soon enough, and I can figure it out then. No sense wasting what little time I have alive trying to answer questions I won't have ever have answers to.
Both, but I don't believe it's an existence we know/understand when we're alive. We're all just parts of the a whole (what ever that is), and we return to it after we die. I doubt that it's a conscious existence, but I believe there is something. I don't know what it is, and I kinda don't care. I'll be dead soon enough, and I can figure it out then. No sense wasting what little time I have alive trying to answer questions I won't have ever have answers to.

This is a good way of looking at it. I don't believe in either, but also don't worry about it for the same reason. If I'm proven wrong when i die then AWESOME