How to Recognize an INFJ

Step 2 - "Listen for verbal clues. An INFJ uses a lot of figurative language with deeper meaning."

I think this is why my infj teaching practicum professor scares the utter shit out of me, since everything he says pours into my ears carries molten lead importance. I imagine enough without his help! Guess it goes without saying that he has infinitely high expectations.
I don't know... I'm making a conscious effort to quit using filler words ("like" and "um").

I also wouldn't say I dress "conservatively," although I'm not super flashy either. I've been told I dress "like an art student" or a professor. Weird stuff.

Bumping into solid objects is something I live for. If there is a wall there, I will hit it.
I recommend we put helmets in the INFJ gift bag.
huh... not totally agree

step 1.... i think ... infj is only quiet when they have not yet gain enough reconition and attention, and confidence, when one gain certain level of reconition and attention, and confidence, they will appear extrovert in most social situations.

step 2... infj is more vage and indirect compare to the norm by nature, ( brainstorming style VS mathmatic style)

step 4... i donno how other INFJs are, but yeah, i buy clouth coz the look, function comes later. the lust for brand names are never my motivation for the purches

to reconize INFJ... huh... maybe its when u donno if he or she is good or bad on the first meeting, and the reactions and facial/eyes movements doesnt fit into consistent stereotypes??
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im so clumsy its not funny,how great i van put it down to personality!ha im also constantly tongue tied with an array of thoughts!
"Constantly tongue tied with an array of thoughts" sounds like the start of something.......
The author of this article needs some correction for the sake of clarification. I put my corrections in bold.

Step 1

Watch their body language. INFJs are initially quiet when meeting new people. In large and unfamiliar social situations, the INFJ is often uncomfortable as they take everything in. They prefer one-on-one contact to group interaction. Approval or disapproval can more often be seen in their subtle facial expressions, than in their word choices. An INFJ walks erect and with purpose and they appear to be focused on where they are going. The INFJ also tends to be preoccupied and is likely to bump into a table or trip on a step.

Step 2

Listen for verbal clues. An INFJ uses a lot of figurative language with metaphor, analogy, and deeper meaning. Because of the unconscious nature of their dominant function, Introverted Intuition (Ni), the INFJ will often seem to ramble as they search for the right words. Parasitic words such as "like" or "um" litter their speech as they attempt to express their thoughts and feelings accurately.

Step 3
Get in touch with their feelings. INFJs use Extraverted Feeling (Fe) to express themselves. Using Fe, an INFJ will use language to express their values. It drives them to go to great lengths to promote harmony. Extraverted Feeling motivates the INFJ to help others. Fe also causes an INFJ to do things because they want to help. They care how they make others feel.

Step 4

Check out what they're wearing. An INFJ will choose appearance combined with function, and their outfits are rarely flashy, but often coordinated. INFJs usually consider expensive clothing to be a luxury as opposed to a necessity, and tend to dress with simple elegance that tends toward casual and confortable.
Here's my take on how to spot an INFJ.

INFJs are deep thinkers who are more concerned with 'why' and 'how' than 'what if' or their current surroundings.
INFJs are people who are more emotionally involved in how they feel things should be than their own personal interactions.

INFJs can look right through you, but have trouble looking at you.
INFJs often know what is about to happen, but sometimes not what is happening.
INFJs want to know why, but get annoyed with people who ask what if.
INFJs will tell you things that make no sense today, and perfect sense tomorrow.

INFJs know how they feel about everything, except themselves.
INFJs know how the world should be, but are seldom able to explain it.
INFJs are more emotionally charged by events that happen to the people they care about than events that happen to themselves.
INFJs will take one for the team without hesitating.
Von is spot-on yet again! :thumb:

EDIT: I think I almost knocked myself out going to work one day - I thought I had crouched enough to start moving sideways into my car, but my car disagreed and beaned my head good! I have even tripped over nothing before. Going up some stairs, I thought there was one more, there wasn't, and I almost landed on my face! Clumsy: check!
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Going up some stairs, I thought there was one more, there wasn't, and I almost landed on my face! Clumsy: check!

Closing your eyes and using Ni-vision huh? :thumb:
Lol, yeah, my inner eye must have been wandering in a far realm... would've been nice of it to tell me before checking out! :lol:
Haha yeah... I am a terrible klutz, and a jumpy one at that.

I have done that stair thing many times before Milon, and actually have fallen from it! lol.
Agreed. The article as-is sounds exactly like me. Von Hase's corrections, however, are much more well stated and accurate.