Don't mistake my *enter quality here* for weakness


So, we've heard terms such as "Don't mistake my niceness for weakness," and other similar phrases.

What I am curious about is, throughout your experiences, what are some traits or qualities you may have or notice in others which are often mistaken for weaknesses or flaws, but are truly strengths or advantages in disguise?

What do people too often or too easily treat as a weakness but may really be a good quality or strength depending on the way it is used or understood.
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Don't mistake my empathy for weakness

Don't mistake my niceness for weakness

Don't mistake my passion for weakness

I've got more, much more, be back later for more.
Don't mistake my mercy for a cop out

Don't mistake my demenor as impassionate

Don't mistake my faith for foolishness

Don't mistake my silence for absense

Don't mistake my love for weakness
Don't mistake my mercy for a cop out

Don't mistake my demenor as impassionate

Don't mistake my faith for foolishness

Don't mistake my silence for absense

Don't mistake my love for weakness

Great ones.
Don't mistake my meekness

Don't mistake my geekness

Don't mistake my freakness

for weakness

Cos if you see only weakness
in other's uniqueness
you lose

Now tie your shoes.
That's epic, Elf! :o


Don't mistake my smiles for weakness.

Don't mistake my absent-mindedness for weakness.

Don't mistake my patience for weakness.

Reversing it a little:
Don't mistake my silence for strength. (Seriously, it happens)
Dont mistake my difficulty communicating as weakness.
Dont mistake my hardships as weakness.

better yet...just dont mistake me or underestimate day you may come to regret it. :m194:
Wow, what a great question Restraint. I would never have thought of it!

Here are some of mine:

Don't mistake my thoughtfulness as weakness
Or think that my kindness means you can walk on me
Just because I care about people, doesn't mean I'm willing to be used.
Just because I'd rather hug than punch, doesn't mean that if pushed, I can't... or won't.
Don't mistake my femininity as passiveness, because it's not.
Don't think that just because I prefer to see the best in people, means that I don't see the worst too.
Don't think I forget slights or rudeness just because I smiled at you. I'm still baring teeth....
Don't mistake my quick temper for meanness
Wow, what a great question Restraint. I would never have thought of it!

Here are some of mine:

Don't think that just because I prefer to see the best in people, means that I don't see the worst too.
Don't think I forget slights or rudeness just because I smiled at you. I'm still baring teeth....

Love these two especially.
I think most traits can be strengths or weaknesses or more often both. It depends on the person and their needs.

Silly people...amusing things about other people:m049:

Don't mistake my caution for weakness.
i love this thread!

i have one particular superior in my worklife who equates management with being mean.

that person often mistake my gentle or inclusive communication with being weak or unassertive. it's frustrating because i can make the same assertive points as she, get better results with motivating people, and help them to feel included in the process. just because i didn't belittle others doesn't mean that i'm not acting as a manager. luckily after a few years i've gotten to where this person's judgement of me doesn't diminish my style too much. (though it still perplexes me)
i love this thread!

i have one particular superior in my worklife who equates management with being mean.

that person often mistake my gentle or inclusive communication with being weak or unassertive. it's frustrating because i can make the same assertive points as she, get better results with motivating people, and help them to feel included in the process. just because i didn't belittle others doesn't mean that i'm not acting as a manager. luckily after a few years i've gotten to where this person's judgement of me doesn't diminish my style too much. (though it still perplexes me)

Yes, good one. I face the same issue. Those who are more authoritative or aggressive consider themselves better and more effective managers than someone who has a more accommodating, democratic, and inclusive managerial style.
Don't mistake my need to understand anther's viewpoint as not having a viewpoint.
Don't mistake my avoidance for coldness
Don't mistake my paranoia for craziness
Don't mistake my depression for weakness
Don't mistake my compassion with being naive
Don't mistake my spirituality as irrational
Don't mistake my ideas as lunatic
Don't mistake my sincerity as rudeness
Don't mistake my helpfulness as being a push over
Don't mistake my personality as weakness.
Don't mistake my confusion for dullness.
Don't mistake my confusion for aimlessness.
Don't mistake my silence for lack of thoughts.
Don't mistake my trying to understand others' view as weakness or a lack of my own.
Don't mistake my apparent plainness for lack of depth.
Don't mistake my stubbornness as a weakness. It has served me well.
Don't mistake my [ desire to know you and bond with you intimately ] for rejection-worthy weakness or neediness.

/infantile issues
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Don't pity me for my physical or mental disabilities. One has given me strength and insights I never would have had without it; the other has taken me places few people ever see.