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  • I think that awareness has never been higher globally, due to the internet. I think there is cause for hope.

    People need to learn to organise again though like you did in the 60's. It's time for the younger generation to put down their computer consoles and tune in!
    Oh, wow, that does sound brutal! I hope she feels there have been benefits to offset the difficulties. My application is complete (sent off on 12-31, finalizing a year of preparation). I just have to wait now to see if I'm accepted. I should hear sometime near the end of March beginning of April. Thank you for asking about it.
    Yeah, I've found that most information you encounter about either diet or exercise in media is designed to help someone make money, not to make you healthier or have a healthy body weight.
    I don't see why any particular food would go straight for the belly. Humans tend to accumulate fat in certain areas, but I don't think the type of food determines the area it goes to.
    Sorry to hear that. Misdiagnosis is really frustrating but I'm glad you eventually found out what was going on. I hope you've got it under control now. :smile: I was misdiagnosed and medicated for bipolar for a few years as a teen which really screwed me over, though currently I have been set on a treatment plan that matches a diagnosis I feel perfectly reflects what I am going through (borderline personality disorder -- lots of mood swings just as well!) and I have hope. Take care hun. <3
    Well - actually - I didn't attend a retreat with him. It was with another teacher from Spirit Rock though. And they are very similar in their views on Vipassana or Insight Meditation. Jack Kornfield was my first teacher to really understand - and you're right - he does make the process easier to understand for Westerners. He has a book that I both read - and listened to the audio version - called The Wise Heart. While it took me a long time to get through - I have gained a huge amount of understanding myself from it. And Jack tells wonderful stories to illustrate the results of practice.
    I am very glad to see it is making a positive impact for you and others.
    Namaste Anica.
    Aww... doesn't that make you feel wonderful to see her again! I received a message from someone I bonded with 4 years ago now, and she expressed how much she missed me and misses that time we had together. Several of us had one of those unique extraordinary experiences that creates that love between individuals that never ends. Much like I suspect you feel about that woman who stuck with you when you were being hard headed and obstinate. I always appreciate people who do that for me - as God knows how stubborn I can be... LOL. I'm so excited for you that you're going to see her. You'll cry you know....HUG!
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