Does the weather reflect your mental state?


Community Member
I know this sounds really odd of me, but my answer to the ? ^ is yes.
I know it sounds like I'm just being superstitious and insane in my beliefs, and while I admit I can be superstitious + insane at times, I swear this isn't one of those. This is something I've noticed for years now. The weather seems to reflect my mental state in a freakishly accurate way, each and every day.
Notice that I said mental state as opposed to mood. That's because the weather doesn't reflect my mood the way you would typically think of. It doesn't usually rain when I'm sad and its not always windy when I'm feeling wistful. The weather seems to reflect my thoughts more than my feelings.
Rain represents change, lightning indicates . . .change as well but a fierce change in my way of thinking while rain is more gentel, rain its like both building up on my new perspective and washing away my old one; How cloudy the sky is represents how cloudy my thoughts are . . . Or more likethe clouds represent my deeper thoughts . . . not surface levle conscious thoughts. Sunlight sort of represents . . .energy i guess? Crap this is really hard. I've never tried to explain this to someone in detail before. I guess light sort of represents the amount of energy my thoughts have. (when I wrote that just now and was thinking about the effect sunlight has on my thoughts and then the sun came out. Previously the sky had been a light gray, cloudy high up in the atmosphere)
I guess I have to go now because my dad started yelling at me for not good reasons, but does anyone one else have this connection to the weather?
If I remember rightly, I read in New Scientist that the weather can affect your mental state because of the endorphins in your body. Sun boosts endorphins so you feel happier and brighter, whereas when it rains there are less endorphins, thus you're more likely to be in a low mood.
We have three weathers, and they all last a long time. Dry, Humid, Rainy.
The weather here reflects my emotions today, but I don't know if this is true over time.
I notice my energy decrease in winter and on sunny days I feel much happier. But that would be science, not magic.
A drop in barometeric pressure is a drop in mental stability.

For me, anyway.
That would mean I control the weather, so no
That would mean I control the weather, so no

I don't think I can control the weather; It's more like the weather affects my thoughts if anything. Or whatever the case it just always works out that way, it's just like a grand conincidence each and every day. It's totally natural, I've never tried to control the weather, and if I did I don't think it would work. But I also don't try to control my thoghts either, I just let myself think about whatever I come across naturally, there's no control, nothing forced about it.
Also, Shai Gar, I thought about circustances like that and I think that in that case the weather would have the same impact on my thoughts, except it would most deffinatly be the weather affecting my thoughts not the other way round.
I think maybe I should stop talking now before I officially earn myself the title of crazy girl. Or is the damage already done? xD
It's more like my mental state reflects the weather.
I'm happy when there is weather I like and so on.
Well right now its raining ashes, the air hurts to breathe, the world looks sepia tinged and faded, and the sun looks like its full of blood. So yeah, that's pretty much my mental state too. Hee.
Well right now its raining ashes, the air hurts to breathe, the world looks sepia tinged and faded, and the sun looks like its full of blood. So yeah, that's pretty much my mental state too. Hee.

Are you from Greece?
Yes, it does. A lot. That's perfectly normal and logical. I'm a small piece of organic matter, filled mostly with water. The water cycle in nature, the temperature, the sun light (changing colors and shades; among other things), the wind (causing evaporation, which also affects temperature), and so on - reflect on me strongly. My mood is changed, because the conditions make me feel better or worse, my senses may be over-stimulated, or calmed down etc etc. Nothing strange.

On a larger scale, climate affects different cultures/nations mentalities.

EDIT: About the subtle reversal of what reflects what - I think that's some cause/effect fallacy. The mind reflects the weather, not the opposite. About mental states and moods - at least for me the precise boundaries between them seem blurred.
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The weather affects me, yeah. My favourite weather is rain, wind, strom, cloudy etc, so I feel especially alive when the weather is like that.

I'm also much more tired in wintertime, because here in the North winter means coldness and darkness...
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The weather doesn't reflect my mood so much as my mood is effected by the weather. I am a bit odd in this respect though as if it is snowy, rainy, dark, cold, cloudy, ect. I am very happy. If it is warm, hot, sunny, bright, cloudless, windy, I am not happy.
Kind of, I feel at my best in cold, rainy weather. when it's hot or dry, I'm really down, don't feel like doing anything, get quite irritated easely, become moody etc
The weather doesn't affect my mood nor my thinking, at least I have never observed this with me. If i'm sad for whatever the reason, I'm sad. The weather will not change that in any way, and if i'm having (-) thoughts about something, same deal. A sunny day won't lighten my spirit or make me think positively. I actually do love rainy and cloudy days -better than sunny days, manly because when it's rainy the streets are quieter, fewer people are outside (which I like), and it just seems more peaceful and cozy to me.
The weather doesn't reflect my mood so much as my mood is effected by the weather. I am a bit odd in this respect though as if it is snowy, rainy, dark, cold, cloudy, ect. I am very happy. If it is warm, hot, sunny, bright, cloudless, windy, I am not happy.
:) I also find myself super happy during dreary days. I like going for walks when it's raining. But if I get a grey day after grey day for weeks, then I long for sunshine. I always seem to need changes.
Sort of.
When I'm a little down I find that rainy days amplify my mood, but in a sort of good way, like a sad song.

If I'm in a good mood, I can't really be brought down by a single gloomy day, though if it's cloudy for a week I will. At that point I crave sunlight and the vitamin D it provides.