Why is religious persecution widely accepted?


Well-known member
Antisemitism; why is it okay to paint all jewish people with the same brush as 'Jesus murders' for something far gone anscestors did?

Islamophobia; why is it okay to hate all muslim people for something extremist terrorists did 9/11?

Christianophobia; why is it okay to burn New testament's found in Jewish homes in Israel to stop distribution of messianic litterature?
Antisemitism; why is it okay to paint all jewish people with the same brush as 'Jesus murders' for something far gone anscestors did?

Islamophobia; why is it okay to hate all muslim people for something extremist terrorists did 9/11?

Christianophobia; why is it okay to burn New testament's found in Jewish homes in Israel to stop distribution of messianic litterature?

Because religion is a memetic control mechanism. It is a self-referential belief system which contains within itself the instructions for its own propagation. In order to justify themselves against attack by reason, memes place absolute reliance on faith, which is seen as being superior to reason. They also contain self-referential or circular claims to the truth such as...

"This meme says it is the divine truth. Since it is the divine truth whatever its says must be true. Therefore it must be divine truth because it says so and all competing memes must be the work of the Devil".

As such, the attack and destruction of other religions (aka memetic control mechanisms), is seen as justified.

For a more in depth explaination, see this thread...

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Because we are right and they are wrong. Universal principles ftw!
Because it's fun to be mean ... weeeeeee! (kidding)
It's politics. That's why.

I don't despise the person, just the religion.

People are not their beliefs and illusionments.
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I persecute all religions equally.
I'm holding out on Scientology until I get a stronger legal team, though.
I personally don't feel persecution of any religion should be justified. Persecution should not be the option at all because people have the right to believe what they believe, and people should be willing to tell others about why they believe what they believe.

What can (and does) cross the line is when one person doesn't want to listen or doesn't feel like hearing it. If someone isn't interested, then the other person should nod, say "I understand" and end the discussion.

But some of the best discussions I've ever had have been from people of different faiths who were telling me why they believed what they believed, and me asking them why.
Yeah, I have to ask why persecute anyone due to their beliefs? What's next, the persecution of scientists?
That wouldn't be anything new.
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Antisemitism; why is it okay to paint all jewish people with the same brush as 'Jesus murders' for something far gone anscestors did?

Islamophobia; why is it okay to hate all muslim people for something extremist terrorists did 9/11?

Christianophobia; why is it okay to burn New testament's found in Jewish homes in Israel to stop distribution of messianic litterature?

Basically, it's not okay, notwithstanding that I'm on the atheistic side of agnosticism. Typical INTP, I am.
I suspect antisemitism runs a little deeper than "Jesus murderers" and their general religious beliefs. As an ethnic group, Jews historically made people uneasy because of their influence on business, politics and (nowadays)the media. Hitler's antisemitism, and indeed, certain contemporary Islamic leaders, have their political reasons for propogating an anti-Jewish ideas. For whatever reasons, they saw/see Jews as a threat.

The same can be said of Christians, or Muslims.

Indeed, the persecution of any religion is a little more complicated than just a difference in beliefs. Every religion is bundled in a tight knot along with its own politics and aspirations that go beyond their individual creeds. Differing beliefs is just scraping the surface; very few people seem to understand this. Especially those who love to say "...all religions have the same basic belief; why don't we just all get along, it's all the same thing anyway."

That's all fine and dandy, but the fact is, religion has little to do with God & belief and everything to do with politics.

And I don't see those persecutions stopping any time soon.

Only thing you can do is not join in the hate.
Because people who are not religious (or religious in a different way) think they are doing the world a favor by being assholes via the persecutions. How enlightened they are!
Well, proving whether or not these indivduals were athiests would take a different thread.
Well, proving whether or not these indivduals were athiests would take a different thread.
Oh, but I would jump at the chance to torture and kill people in the name of a religious dogma with which I disagreed. Wouldn't you?
What someone would do is different person to person.

Some would, some wouldn't.
Where are you getting the idea that these things ok? Obviously, the person doing these things thinks they are ok - probably out of fear. But, I think most of the world condemns such acts.
People who feel the need to 'cure' my 'horrible disease' of Christianity which to them I am afflicted with, and then proceed to push their truth on me as The Ultimate Truth as if the truth needs them or something. Those people are the ones who annoy me.