What does your favorite month say about you?

October Says That You Are Reflective

You are a very pensive person. You spend a lot of time thinking, and a lot less time acting.
Some may consider you slow, but they never see how fast the thoughts inside your head are going.

You are neither an optimist nor a pessimist. You are the biggest realist in the world.
You are able to see all sides to an issue or a person. You don't believe in black or white... it's not that simple.

Pretty accurate.
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November says that you are a Dreamer
You have big and bold dreams. You pay little attention to reality... your own little world is so much better.
You are an idea person. You have amazing visions and inspirations.

You are capable of doing anything you set your mind to, but it's more a question of what you feel like doing.
You are a very spiritual person, and you try not to get too hung up on the material world. It's all just stuff, after all.

WELL then. That would be me.
November Says That You Are a Dreamer

You have big and bold dreams. You pay little attention to reality... your own little world is so much better.
You are an idea person. You have amazing visions and inspirations.

You are capable of doing anything you set your mind to, but it's more a question of what you feel like doing.
You are a very spiritual person, and you try not to get too hung up on the material world. It's all just stuff, after all.
August Says That You Are Confident

You are a very passionate, intense person. You go with your gut, and your gut has never led you astray.
You trust yourself to make the right call, and because of this, you can be quite stubborn.

You don't back down when you know you're right, and you don't mind telling other people what to do.
You are very ambitious, and you have the resources to get what you want. You're the type of person who will set the world on fire.

Nothing like a little confidence boost
I just used my birth month. I wasn't expecting this to be so accurate. It's more or less spot-on.

April Says That You're Responsible

You are a very detail oriented, together person. You're the type who is "always on."
You take almost everything seriously, and it's hard for you to let little things slide. You hate feeling overwhelmed.

You are extremely honest and sincere. You don't sugar coat anything, and you have strong opinions.
Everyone who knows you knows your likes and dislikes. If you criticize something or someone, it's not personal. It's just you being you.
Me too.

September Says That You Are Open-hearted


You are a very idealistic person. You have so much compassion for the world that it can be a bit overwhelming at times.
There are so many things that you want to do to make a difference. It bothers you that you can't do them all at once.

You are quite creative. You are especially good at thinking up innovative solutions to problems.
You may have high ideals, but you also have the tools to achieve them. You are practical when you need to be.

What Does Your Favorite Month Say About You?

Blogthings: Our Quizzes Weren't Written By Bored 12 Year Olds
March Says That You're Charming

You are an optimistic and hopeful person. People are drawn to your "glass half full" outlook.
You have a way with words, and you are good at persuading others. You are quite influential.

You are socially oriented, and you are comfortable in groups of all sizes. You don't have any problem leading a conversation.
You find joy in every aspect of life. You always look for the best in every situation... you know it's there somewhere!
December Says That You Are Perceptive

You're the type of person who was practically born wise. You see things that others can't see.
You are good at getting down to essentials and figuring out what really matters.
You also have a gift for reading people. You consider yourself a "Human Lie Detector" of sorts.
You are always aware and processing information. It's hard for your mind to take a rest.
July Says That You Are Independent


You may be a bit of a loner, but if so, it's totally by choice. You like to fly solo.
You are very self-reliant and even a bit self-absorbed. You're very in to doing your own thing.

You tend to be a bit reserved. People find you hard to get to know, and you purposely don't open yourself up to just anyone.
You feel a bit disconnected from the world. You are definitely on your own wavelength, and you enjoy being there.

:D Quite accurate.
May Says That You Are Energetic

You are a very happy and enthusiastic person. You like to stay busy, and so many things interest you.
You are definitely a dabbler. You have many interests and talents.

You are also quite clever. Some may even consider you to be a genius, but you have a hard time focusing.
You are extremely restless. You get bored easily and need to change things up to stay happy. Your heart craves adventure.
May Says That You Are Energetic

You are a very happy and enthusiastic person. You like to stay busy, and so many things interest you.
You are definitely a dabbler. You have many interests and talents.

You are also quite clever. Some may even consider you to be a genius, but you have a hard time focusing.
You are extremely restless. You get bored easily and need to change things up to stay happy. Your heart craves adventure. :m131:
December Says That You Are Perceptive

You're the type of person who was practically born wise. You see things that others can't see.
You are good at getting down to essentials and figuring out what really matters.
You also have a gift for reading people. You consider yourself a "Human Lie Detector" of sorts.
You are always aware and processing information. It's hard for your mind to take a rest.
May Says That You Are Energetic

You are a very happy and enthusiastic person. You like to stay busy, and so many things interest you.
You are definitely a dabbler. You have many interests and talents.

You are also quite clever. Some may even consider you to be a genius, but you have a hard time focusing.
You are extremely restless. You get bored easily and need to change things up to stay happy. Your heart craves adventure.

I am not energetic I am chill as fuck.

Parts of it were accurate though.
October Says That You Are Reflective
You are a very pensive person. You spend a lot of time thinking, and a lot less time acting.
Some may consider you slow, but they never see how fast the thoughts inside your head are going.

You are neither an optimist nor a pessimist. You are the biggest realist in the world.
You are able to see all sides to an issue or a person. You don't believe in black or white... it's not that simple.

You are a very pensive person. You spend a lot of time thinking, and a lot less time acting.
Some may consider you slow, but they never see how fast the thoughts inside your head are going.

You are neither an optimist nor a pessimist. You are the biggest realist in the world.
You are able to see all sides to an issue or a person. You don't believe in black or white... it's not that simple.

In other words, INTP :m131:
June Says That You Are Giving

You are a warm person, but you never let your passions get the best of you.
You are emotionally stable, and you are able to be generous to those around you. You especially love pets and children.

You are a natural teacher and coach. Helping people comes naturally to you, and you always seem to know what someone else needs.
You are highly emotional and sensitive, but you also have a thick skin. You can experience difficulty without letting it get to you.

November Says That You Are a Dreamer

You have big and bold dreams. You pay little attention to reality... your own little world is so much better.

You are an idea person. You have amazing visions and inspirations.

You are capable of doing anything you set your mind to, but it's more a question of what you feel like doing.

You are a very spiritual person, and you try not to get too hung up on the material world. It's all just stuff, after all.


My beloved thought my result was very accurate.

April Says That You're Responsible

You are a very detail oriented, together person. You're the type who is "always on."
You take almost everything seriously, and it's hard for you to let little things slide. You hate feeling overwhelmed.

You are extremely honest and sincere. You don't sugar coat anything, and you have strong opinions.
Everyone who knows you knows your likes and dislikes. If you criticize something or someone, it's not personal. It's just you being you.
geeezzeee why are all these tests being posted they're lame!