The "What Chakra Are You" Test

Zero Angel

Permanent Fixture
Possibly 4w5

(its similar to the test found here: , but much simpler and to the point)

I got

The Lover

You have scored 100% Balance - Your dominant Chakra is the "Heart or Green Chakra"

The "Heart or Green Chakra" is where the energy for love, kindness and affection originates from. It is located at the center of the chest area. And this is the chakra which is most developed in you at this time.
When the Heart Chakra it is open, you find yourself as compassionate and friendly, and work towards harmonious relationships.
Depending on your percentage score, there is always more room for development. When this chakra is under-active, you may become cold and distant. If over-active and out of balance with your other chakras, you may tend to suffocate people with your love and usually for quite selfish reasons
What is most important is to find balance amongst all 7 chakras. Have a look at what percentages you scored on the others and work to increase their power and balance with each other.
Root Chakra: 65% Passion, Sacral(Spleen) Chakra: 35% Desire, Solar Plexus (Navel) Chakra: 18% Purpose, Heart Chakra: 100% Balance, Throat Chakra: 61% Expression, Third Eye Chakra: 53% Imagination and Crown Chakra: 100% Spirituality!

"Heart Chakra" Key Words: Relationships, Love, Acceptance, Self-Control, Compassion, Guilt, Forgiveness, Harmony, Peace, Renewal, Growth
"Heart Chakra"Attributes: Color - Green Sense - TouchElement - Air Seat -Love
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The "Crown or Violet Chakra" is where our spiritual and inspirational energy comes from. It is located at the top of the head. And this is the chakra most developed in you at this time.
You are wise for you age and are one with the world. You understand the world around you and are quite aware of your relationship to it and it to you.
Depending on your percentage score, there is always more room for development. When this chakra is under-active, one's thinking can be quite rigid and lacks a spiritual awareness. If over-active and out of balance with your other chakras, you may be prone to intellectualizing things too much. You can easily become addicted to spirituality and thus ignore your bodily and emotional needs.
What is most important is to find balance amongst all 7 chakras. Have a look at what percentages you scored on the others and work to increase their power and balance with each other.
Root Chakra: 35% Passion, Sacral(Spleen) Chakra: 65% Desire, Solar Plexus (Navel) Chakra: 65% Purpose, Heart Chakra: 89% Balance, Throat Chakra: 61% Expression, Third Eye Chakra: 53% Imagination and Crown Chakra: 100% Spirituality!

"Crown Chakra" Key Words: Knowingness, Wisdom, Inspiration, Awareness, Higher Self, Meditation, Self Sacrificing, Visionary
"Crown Chakra"Attributes: Color - Violet Sense - Beyond sensory Element - Space Seat - Liberation, All Power, Eternal Bliss
The Lover

You have scored 100% Balance - Your dominant Chakra is the "Heart or Green Chakra"
The "Heart or Green Chakra" is where the energy for love, kindness and affection originates from. It is located at the center of the chest area. And this is the chakra which is most developed in you at this time.
When the Heart Chakra it is open, you find yourself as compassionate and friendly, and work towards harmonious relationships.
Depending on your percentage score, there is always more room for development. When this chakra is under-active, you may become cold and distant. If over-active and out of balance with your other chakras, you may tend to suffocate people with your love and usually for quite selfish reasons
What is most important is to find balance amongst all 7 chakras. Have a look at what percentages you scored on the others and work to increase their power and balance with each other.
Root Chakra: 18% Passion, Sacral(Spleen) Chakra: 47% Desire, Solar Plexus (Navel) Chakra: 59% Purpose, Heart Chakra: 100% Balance, Throat Chakra: 39% Expression, Third Eye Chakra: 18% Imagination and Crown Chakra: 100% Spirituality!

"Heart Chakra" Key Words: Relationships, Love, Acceptance, Self-Control, Compassion, Guilt, Forgiveness, Harmony, Peace, Renewal, Growth
"Heart Chakra"Attributes: Color - Green Sense - Touch Element - Air Seat -Love
I'm a little surprised by the overall results, though the main one seems appropriate. I've taken several of these tests over the years, and always come back with very low scores for my 1st and 2nd chakras, and highest for 5, 6 & 7. Still, decent balance which is a good thing.

The Artistic One

You have scored 100% Expression - Your dominant Chakra is the "Throat or Blue Chakra"


The "Throat or Blue Chakra" is where the energy for communication and self expression originates from. It is located - as one may easily assume by its name - in one's throat. And this is the chakra which is most developed in you at this time.

Depending on your percentage score, there is always more room for development. When this chakra is under-active, you may stop speaking, become introverted and shy, and not be willing to communicate and express yourself. In many cases this may be due to your fear of speaking the truth. If over-active and out of balance with your other chakras, you may tend to become domineering, and also distance yourself from others. Your talents can suffer greatly when this chakra is out of balance.

What is most important is to find balance amongst all 7 chakras. Have a look at what percentages you scored on the others and work to increase their power and balance with each other.

Root Chakra: 94% Passion
Sacral(Spleen) Chakra: 94% Desire
Solar Plexus (Navel) Chakra: 94% Purpose
Heart Chakra: 89% Balance
Throat Chakra: 100% Expression
Third Eye Chakra: 53% Imagination
Crown Chakra: 100% Spirituality!
Root Chakra: 35% Passion,

Sacral(Spleen) Chakra: 47% Desire,

Solar Plexus (Navel) Chakra: 59% Purpose,

Heart Chakra: 100% Balance,

Throat Chakra: 50% Expression,

Third Eye Chakra: 53% Imagination

Crown Chakra: 100% Spirituality!
The Enlightened One

You have scored 100% Spirituality - Your dominant Chakra is the "Crown or Violet Chakra"
The "Crown or Violet Chakra" is where our spiritual and inspirational energy comes from. It is located at the top of the head. And this is the chakra most developed in you at this time.
You are wise for you age and are one with the world. You understand the world around you and are quite aware of your relationship to it and it to you.
Depending on your percentage score, there is always more room for development. When this chakra is under-active, one's thinking can be quite rigid and lacks a spiritual awareness. If over-active and out of balance with your other chakras, you may be prone to intellectualizing things too much. You can easily become addicted to spirituality and thus ignore your bodily and emotional needs.
What is most important is to find balance amongst all 7 chakras. Have a look at what percentages you scored on the others and work to increase their power and balance with each other.
Root Chakra: 18% Passion, Sacral(Spleen) Chakra: 94% Desire, Solar Plexus (Navel) Chakra: 59% Purpose, Heart Chakra: 89% Balance, Throat Chakra: 89% Expression, Third Eye Chakra: 65% Imagination and Crown Chakra: 100% Spirituality!
Your result for The Chakra Test... The Artistic One
You have scored 89% Expression - Your dominant Chakra is the "Throat or Blue Chakra"


The "Throat or Blue Chakra" is where the energy for communication and self expression originates from. It is located - as one may easily assume by its name - in one's throat. And this is the chakra which is most developed in you at this time.

Depending on your percentage score, there is always more room for development. When this chakra is under-active, you may stop speaking, become introverted and shy, and not be willing to communicate and express yourself. In many cases this may be due to your fear of speaking the truth. If over-active and out of balance with your other chakras, you may tend to become domineering, and also distance yourself from others. Your talents can suffer greatly when this chakra is out of balance.

What is most important is to find balance amongst all 7 chakras. Have a look at what percentages you scored on the others and work to increase their power and balance with each other.

Root Chakra: 35% Passion, Sacral(Spleen) Chakra: 65% Desire, Solar Plexus (Navel) Chakra: 88% Purpose, Heart Chakra: 67% Balance, Throat Chakra: 89% Expression, Third Eye Chakra: 53% Imagination and Crown Chakra: 76% Spirituality!
LOL. nice.

The Sensuous One
You have scored 100% Desire - Your dominant Chakra is the "Sacral (Spleen) or Orange Chakra"


The "Sacral (Spleen) or Orange Chakra" is where energy for one's sexuality and feelings originates from. It is located at the spleen (and genitals). This is the chakra which is most developed in you at this time.

The Sacral chakra is about feeling and sexuality. When it is open your feelings flow freely, and are expressed without you being over-emotional. You are open to intimacy and you can be passionate and lively. You have no problems dealing with your sexuality.

Depending on your percentage score, there is always more room for development. When this chakra is under-active you may become stiff and unemotional. You may even develop a poker-like face, as a defence mechanism, to stop others from knowing what you are feeling. If the chakra becomes over-active, you may become overly, emotionally attached to people and sexually active.

  1. Third Eye Chakra: 100% Imagination
  2. Heart Chakra: 100% Balance
  3. Crown Chakra: 100% Spirituality
  4. Sacral(Spleen) Chakra: 100% Desire
  5. Throat Chakra: 89% Expression
  6. Root Chakra: 65% Passion
  7. Solar Plexus (Navel) Chakra: 59% Purpose

"Sacral Chakra" Key Words: Feelings, Emotions, Intimacy, Procreation, Polarity, Sensuality, Confidence, Sociability, Freedom, Movement

"Sacral Chakra" Attributes:

Color - Orange

Sense - Taste

Element - Water

Seat - Creativity

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The Artistic One

You have scored 89% Expression - Your dominant Chakra is the "Throat or Blue Chakra"
The "Throat or Blue Chakra" is where the energy for communication and self expression originates from. It is located - as one may easily assume by its name - in one's throat. And this is the chakra which is most developed in you at this time.
Depending on your percentage score, there is always more room for development. When this chakra is under-active, you may stop speaking, become introverted and shy, and not be willing to communicate and express yourself. In many cases this may be due to your fear of speaking the truth. If over-active and out of balance with your other chakras, you may tend to become domineering, and also distance yourself from others. Your talents can suffer greatly when this chakra is out of balance.
What is most important is to find balance amongst all 7 chakras. Have a look at what percentages you scored on the others and work to increase their power and balance with each other.
Root Chakra: 65% Passion, Sacral(Spleen) Chakra: 18% Desire, Solar Plexus (Navel) Chakra: 88% purpose, Heart Chakra: 67% Balance, Throat Chakra: 89% Expression, Third Eye Chakra: 53% Imagination and Crown Chakra: 47% Spirituality!
Uhhh I got 100% for more than one result, yet got this one
Your result for The Chakra Test...
The Sensuous One
100% Desire-Your dominant Chakra is the "Sacral(Spleen)or Orange Chakra"


The "Sacral (Spleen) or Orange Chakra" is where energy for one's sexuality and feelings originates from. It is located at the spleen (and genitals). This is the chakra which is most developed in you at this time. The Sacral chakra is about feeling and sexuality. When it is open your feelings flow freely, and are expressed without you being over-emotional. You are open to intimacy and you can be passionate and lively. You have no problems dealing with your sexuality. Depending on your percentage score, there is always more room for development. When this chakra is under-active you may become stiff and unemotional. You may even develop a poker-like face, as a defence mechanism, to stop others from knowing what you are feeling. If the chakra becomes over-active, you may become overly, emotionally attached to people and sexually active. What is most important is to find balance amongst all 7 chakras. Have a look at what percentages you scored on the others and work to increase their power and balance with each other.

Root Chakra: 65% Passion,
Sacral(Spleen) Chakra: 100% Desire,
Solar Plexus (Navel) Chakra: 59% Purpose,
Heart Chakra: 100% Balance,
Throat Chakra: 61% Expression,
Third Eye Chakra: 100% Imagination
and Crown Chakra: 100% Spirituality!
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The Visionary

You have scored 100% Imagination - Your dominant Chakra is the "Third Eye or Indigo Chakra"
The "Third Eye or Indigo Chakra" is where our intuitive and visionary energy comes from. It is located on one's forehead. And this is the chakra most developed in you at this time.
Depending on your percentage score, there is always more room for development. When this chakra is under-active, one's may not think clearly, become confused and begin to rely on authoritarian figures. If over-active and out of balance with your other chakras, you may be prone to fantasy. You may even begin to see and believe in things that are not there.
What is most important is to find balance amongst all 7 chakras. Have a look at what percentages you scored on the others and work to increase their power and balance with each other.
The Sensuous One

You have scored 100% Desire - Your dominant Chakra is the "Sacral (Spleen) or Orange Chakra"

The "Sacral (Spleen) or Orange Chakra" is where energy for one's sexuality and feelings originates from. It is located at the spleen (and genitals). This is the chakra which is most developed in you at this time.
The Sacral chakra is about feeling and sexuality. When it is open your feelings flow freely, and are expressed without you being over-emotional. You are open to intimacy and you can be passionate and lively. You have no problems dealing with your sexuality.
Depending on your percentage score, there is always more room for development. When this chakra is under-active you may become stiff and unemotional. You may even develop a poker-like face, as a defence mechanism, to stop others from knowing what you are feeling. If the chakra becomes over-active, you may become overly, emotionally attached to people and sexually active.
What is most important is to find balance amongst all 7 chakras. Have a look at what percentages you scored on the others and work to increase their power and balance with each other.
Root Chakra: 65% Passion, Sacral(Spleen) Chakra: 100% Desire, Solar Plexus (Navel) Chakra: 59% Purpose, Heart Chakra: 17% Balance, Throat Chakra: 0% Expression, Third Eye Chakra: 53% Imagination and Crown Chakra: 24% Spirituality!

This is true
You have scored 100% Desire - Your dominant Chakra is the "Sacral (Spleen) or Orange Chakra"
The "Sacral (Spleen) or Orange Chakra" is where energy for one's sexuality and feelings originates from. It is located at the spleen (and genitals). This is the chakra which is most developed in you at this time.
The Sacral chakra is about feeling and sexuality. When it is open your feelings flow freely, and are expressed without you being over-emotional. You are open to intimacy and you can be passionate and lively. You have no problems dealing with your sexuality.
Depending on your percentage score, there is always more room for development. When this chakra is under-active you may become stiff and unemotional. You may even develop a poker-like face, as a defence mechanism, to stop others from knowing what you are feeling. If the chakra becomes over-active, you may become overly, emotionally attached to people and sexually active.
What is most important is to find balance amongst all 7 chakras. Have a look at what percentages you scored on the others and work to increase their power and balance with each other.
Root Chakra: 47% Passion, Sacral(Spleen) Chakra: 100% Desire, Solar Plexus (Navel) Chakra: 0% Purpose, Heart Chakra: 100% Balance, Throat Chakra: 61% Expression, Third Eye Chakra: 100% Imagination and Crown Chakra: 100% Spirituality!

I disagree. I think my most open Chakra would most def. be Either the yellow one or Orange. I KNOW i relate to those the most. plus, the yellow one I HEARD represents power which is something im obsessed with...

The Enlightened One

You have scored 100% Spirituality - Your dominant Chakra is the "Crown or Violet Chakra"
The "Crown or Violet Chakra" is where our spiritual and inspirational energy comes from. It is located at the top of the head. And this is the chakra most developed in you at this time.
You are wise for you age and are one with the world. You understand the world around you and are quite aware of your relationship to it and it to you.
Depending on your percentage score, there is always more room for development. When this chakra is under-active, one's thinking can be quite rigid and lacks a spiritual awareness. If over-active and out of balance with your other chakras, you may be prone to intellectualizing things too much. You can easily become addicted to spirituality and thus ignore your bodily and emotional needs.
What is most important is to find balance amongst all 7 chakras. Have a look at what percentages you scored on the others and work to increase their power and balance with each other.
The Sensuous One

You have scored 100% Desire - Your dominant Chakra is the "Sacral (Spleen) or Orange Chakra"


The "Sacral (Spleen) or Orange Chakra" is where energy for one's sexuality and feelings originates from. It is located at the spleen (and genitals). This is the chakra which is most developed in you at this time.

The Sacral chakra is about feeling and sexuality. When it is open your feelings flow freely, and are expressed without you being over-emotional. You are open to intimacy and you can be passionate and lively. You have no problems dealing with your sexuality.

Depending on your percentage score, there is always more room for development. When this chakra is under-active you may become stiff and unemotional. You may even develop a poker-like face, as a defence mechanism, to stop others from knowing what you are feeling. If the chakra becomes over-active, you may become overly, emotionally attached to people and sexually active.

  1. Root Chakra: 94% Passion
  2. Sacral(Spleen) Chakra: 100% Desire
  3. Solar Plexus (Navel) Chakra: 59% Purpose
  4. Heart Chakra: 100% Balance
  5. Throat Chakra: 89% Expression
  6. Third Eye Chakra: 100% Imagination
  7. Crown Chakra: 100% Spirituality

"Sacral Chakra" Key Words:
  • Feelings
  • Emotions
  • Intimacy
  • Procreation
  • Polarity
  • Sensuality
  • Confidence
  • Sociability
  • Freedom
  • Movement

"Sacral Chakra" Attributes:
  • Color - Orange
  • Sense - Taste
  • Element - Water
  • Seat - Creativity

Blue Chakra. Accidentally hit the back button on the page before I realized I didn't copy it; didn't feel like doing it again.
I find it amusing when I skim a line and misread it.

"What Chicken are you?"

Well, I'm a Dorking.
You have scored 94% Desire - Your dominant Chakra is the "Sacral (Spleen) or Orange Chakra"
The "Sacral (Spleen) or Orange Chakra" is where energy for one's sexuality and feelings originates from. It is located at the spleen (and genitals). This is the chakra which is most developed in you at this time.
The Sacral chakra is about feeling and sexuality. When it is open your feelings flow freely, and are expressed without you being over-emotional. You are open to intimacy and you can be passionate and lively. You have no problems dealing with your sexuality.

The Lover

You have scored 67% Balance - Your dominant Chakra is the "Heart or Green Chakra

Root Chakra: 65% Passion, Sacral(Spleen) Chakra: 65% Desire, Solar Plexus (Navel) Chakra: 59% Purpose, Heart Chakra: 67% Balance, Throat Chakra: 50% Expression, Third Eye Chakra: 65% Imagination and Crown Chakra: 47% Spirituality!

65% passion? ME? Hahahaha

The Lover:m170:

You have scored 89% Balance - Your dominant Chakra is the "Heart or Green Chakra"
The "Heart or Green Chakra" is where the energy for love, kindness and affection originates from. It is located at the center of the chest area. And this is the chakra which is most developed in you at this time.
When the Heart Chakra it is open, you find yourself as compassionate and friendly, and work towards harmonious relationships.
Depending on your percentage score, there is always more room for development. When this chakra is under-active, you may become cold and distant. If over-active and out of balance with your other chakras, you may tend to suffocate people with your love and usually for quite selfish reasons
What is most important is to find balance amongst all 7 chakras. Have a look at what percentages you scored on the others and work to increase their power and balance with each other.
Root Chakra: 35% Passion, Sacral(Spleen) Chakra: 65% Desire, Solar Plexus (Navel) Chakra: 18% Purpose, Heart Chakra: 89% Balance, Throat Chakra: 50% Expression, Third Eye Chakra: 18% Imagination and Crown Chakra: 88% Spirituality!