- INFPishy
The Paint Daub Test
2a. You Are Real
You are naturally comfortable with yourself, and your authenticity shines through.
You think that flaws can be beautiful and that mistakes can be learning experiences.
You have trouble getting along with people who lie, even if they're only lying to themselves.
You connect best with uncomplicated and generous types. You're past wanting or needing any drama in your life.
2b. You Are Mellow (kind of toss up between this one and 3)
You are truly blessed in your life, and you never forget it. You are very thankful.
Even when you are feeling bad, you remember that things could be much worse. And there's no use getting yourself worked up about anything.
You have trouble getting along with people who are overly emotional and reactive. They harsh your mellow.
You connect best with content and happy types. Your friends don't have to be overjoyed all the time, but you appreciate it when they make an effort.
3. You Are Open
You are a spontaneous person, and you try to resist planning whenever possible. You like to sit back and see what happens.
You change your mind often, and you consider your flexibility to be an asset.
You have trouble getting along with stubborn or dogmatic people. You prefer to negotiate and discuss.
You connect best with adventurous and interesting people. You're happy to get to know almost anyone.
4a. You Are Smart
You are a total brainiac. Ideas and facts interest you, and you're always eager to learn more.
You don't just have a head for facts - you're also very wise. You know how to approach problems logically.
You have trouble getting along with anyone who is happily ignorant. You think everyone should able to each and to be taught.
You connect best with fellow intellectuals, eggheads, and nerds. You're happily surprised to meet someone who knows more about a subject than you do.
4b. You Are Energetic
You are bright and motivated. You have a lot you want to do and the drive to get it all done.
You may or may not be successful in the traditional sense, but you measure up to your own ideas of success.
You have trouble getting along with people who are boring or lazy. You want to be where the action is.
You connect best with other high achieving types. You like to be around people who aren't just talk.