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  • Thank you so much for the link on Socionics. It's exactly the info I was looking for!
    Thanks for the conclusions...will try to reply to you properly later, hopefully not too long. :)
    The problem is that I can never be certain....

    I was going to write something very long that contained a lot of words.... because I have the ability to continue writing endlessly.... but It's late so I'm going to sleep.
    So many people I know have started a conversation with me by asking "How are you?"

    Am I the only one that found this an extremely difficult question to answer with merely one word? Yet, I lie to them every single time they ask. I always give them just one word.

    Everyone must be an undercover philosopher.... I'm running behind this race... I need to catch lost ground.... I can never be complacent, never never never.
    I think you would be great with mediation or diplomacy. You have made skills K. You can say things in a way others can't to easily diffuse a situation.
    Long story short, I started posting when INTPf went down for awhile. I'm in it for the non-MBTI discussions, mostly, oh and the community is great.
    Yup, I did not notice that when I joined. I dare say I must use it now! I'll have to make a mini version of Chaz's sig (from other forums) for him to use too. Ty ^^
    Those are pretty spot on.

    Which actually makes me feel a little pathetic.
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