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  • Welcome back!
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    Reactions: Jonathan
    Thank you, invisible!!! It's so good to hear from you. How have you been lately? :)
    Jonathan need to answer that. That's what blogs are for. Though it's been a painful read, there is this persistent hope that shines through. I remember when you were finishing your bachelor's degree. We did secret santa that year and I was delighted to have gotten your name :). It's cool to "listen" to your familiar voice again. Just thought I'd mention that...
    Hi Jonathan,
    Years ago you took a personality test from a personal page I was developing. Back then it was a rough concept and the page was not near finished. I wasn't even aware or meant for people to visit, until I found this forum thread.

    I finally got time to revisit and re-post it. I would love for you to check it out and give me any feed back.
    Hmm well I'm interested in military history and ww2 so I'd love to see some famous battlefields like Waterloo! I'd also love to go to museums and art galleries.

    That sounds quite lovely actually. I have heard that Canada is similar to New Zealand, except a lot bigger. (:
    Yes we do! Metric all the way (: We sometimes use feet and inches for height though.

    Huge sounds scary! Haha. I'd love to visit it though, and Europe.
    My birthday is in winter too :p I'm in New Zealand so winter is June, July, August. It's only a day away from Spring though, so the weather is usually improving by that point.

    Cool, Canada! I'd love to visit Canada some day. My partner and I have family over there.
    Hi! Peace be with you. Just started a Lenten discussion thread in our group for the next 40 days. God bless.
    Lol yes xD Two thousands eleven is fun to say. Plus it practices your tongue.

    I won't let people come with you in the dark side of twenty eleven ;(

    Twenty twenty however is good :D
    Twenty eleven sounds weird. Looks like it's related to lottery.
    Two thousands eleven sounds much better.

    Sorry if I kind of broke one of your hopes D:
    hahaha you know, i have no idea where you found a christmas bagel picture, but if i hadn't seen it i wouldn't have believed it existed. thank you for the consideration jonathan. best wishes to you too, have a merry christmas (:
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