One major misunderstanding people have about you irl?

Most people think that I am shallow and superficial. Just because I like to have fun, go shopping, pamper my self in girly ways and discuss Gossip Girl with my girlfriends, doesn't mean I cannot feel and think deeply, tackle intellectual challenges, and make wise and responsible decisions.

It's satisfying to see the shocked expression on people's faces when I prove them wrong tho. :D
when I say something and it could have a second meaning or be a joke, it's always interpreted the wrong way. So it feels like people can't think of me as being serious about something or that I am joking about something that I really am serious about.
When I go out, I've been told that I have a "bitchy look" to me/I look like I'm shallower than the kiddie pool. Then I get the shell-shocked, "I didn't expect you to be so nice!"
They mistake my silence or gentle nature with weakness.
Hmm... I can think of a few

1. People think I am stuck-up and a know-it-all, when in reality, I'm really not.
2. People look at me and immediately assume that I am some lazy slob, even though I am most likely in better shape than they are
3. If I talk to a guy for longer than ten minutes, passerby immediately assume that we are dating.
4. People think I am extroverted, once they get to know me better and become close friends with me, but in reality, I really am not.
That I am a 100% airhead completely unaware and out of tune from people and the world around me.

Being unaware of objects is only quasi-true. The rest is completely and utterly wrong, and people are often shocked when they learn the truth.
That I'm an asshole, or that I don't know how to talk to people. Oftentimes I just don't care to try hard to follow the social rules. I'm more inclined to not say anything at all, and not explain myself to people who I don't want to invest in. I feel it's a waste of my time and energy. Unless I'm just entertaining myself, in an ENTP playful way.

It's not that I really don't care about others, it's that I often don't feel responsible for their feelings. This doesn't apply to friends. Of course I would treat friends well, and would never pull something juvenile and selfish like random erratic silences just because I'm not in the mood to talk.
Some people think I'm reeeeally quiet, and maybe a little bit of a hard-ass. Others think I'm very quirky and extroverted. They're usually pretty surprised that I'm actually both, but not really at all.

I was talking to someone that I met at orientation via text. As we were texting, I got both the "Wow, you're smart!" and the "you're so nice!" comments. I didn't think that would be so surprising.

And then, some people think I lecture. Which, yeah, I do, but not because I think I know better than others. I only lecture those I care about, and only when they need it. Some of them need it a lot sometimes, though...
I'm pretty sure my boss thinks I'm a goth. I wear black at work though just out of convenience (we have a uniform and the only alternative to the nasty green shirt is to wear black on top, which I do).

We were having a conversation about wedding dresses (oddly enough seeing as I don't like talking to her XD) and she said she sees me in a black one.
They mistake my silence or gentle nature with weakness.
That really happens for you? You come across differently online, but I can relate to it as well. I lived in one small town where a lady started telling everyone I was fragile. I am almost always tougher than people expect. I would say I am tougher than average, but I'm not certain by how much. I can see through a lot of tough fronts that people display, which when added to knowing how I'm put together makes me think I might be within 25% of toughest people, but I'm not actually certain about that. It's not exactly an accurate approach to measuring such a thing, but intuitive.

I tend to equate the ability to be nice with being tough because it shows you are resourceful enough to have something to spare for others.
That really happens for you? You come across differently online
Hahaha, don't we all.
I've very certain I come off as downright Chaotic Evil here.
I get the know it all, arrogant stuff too, when I am just trying to be helpful. I bend over backwards to present the info in a humble and tactful way, but it makes no difference. It is not my fault I know so much. Since when is that a bad thing?

I also get the she's so nice to me and listens so well, so I will take advantage of her and use her as my free shrink. Then when I've had more than enough and finally tell them no more, get paid help, they hate me.

I get people who don't believe I am really very sick because they see me doing things that look impossible for a sick person. But, I do these things very much against doctor's orders, and sometimes while in awful pain, because I want to die on my feet and not bankrupt my husband by ending up bedridden like most people with my disease. I am also very willful and hate it when my body won't do what I want, so I push, and then suffer horribly later, where they can't see it. These same people who assume I must be lying about my illness but never bother to learn zilch about it, then assume I must lie about everything. They spread this around to make sure everyone knows I am a big phony. My husband's entire family was guilty of this, so I no longer speak to them. He doesn't either. This is ironic, since I am far more honest than most people, even when it will hurt me to be honest.

Lastly, I am very friendly, always on the look out for good people I could befriend, but I may suddenly turn the cold shoulder to someone and avoid them. They tend to hate me or think I must be crazy for this sudden change. What has really happened is that I have read their minds and seen that they are liars, manipulators, users, etc. and when I see that, I'm done. Bye bye. If I were to explain, they would just think I was even more nuts, since they can't read people, so they don't believe anyone else can.

Sigh. This is so depressing to write about.

I get called all of the above as well. Not so much anymore now that I'm old lol and I'm allowed to be quiet and don't join in on the gossip!

"You're sooooo nice!" can be a very big misconception. But if you argue it they just call you more names. But 9 times out of 10 when I'm doing something nice, it's really just the good thing or the right thing.
I have quite a few things:
Girls sometimes assume that when I compliment them, I'm flirting with them. (Has the worldbecome so cold that to say something kindly is considered flirting?)
People often misread my emotions. Usually they think I'm sad or angry when I'm not.
Some people have thought that I don't like them because I hardly ever talk to them.
Strngely enough, some people assume I'll know about whatever they're talking about because I 'seem like a smart guy.'
Some people think I'm 'lost' or 'need help' because I'm not completely in the moment at a certain time.
I think my intent gets misinterpreted quite a bit. I also think that, because I don't notice certain things (like names, dates, etc), people might assume I'm not observing others.
Sometimes people think I'm bored when I'm just looking tired. Not a big deal though.

I use to get called a know it all in school but now I try to say as little as possible irl.
it's hilarious...when i'm misunderstood it either falls under one of two extremes: 1) innocent and sheltered girl who wouldn't hurt a fly or 2) arrogant unapproachable bitch with a limited facial expression
apparently, i look quite unapproachable until i approach someone, someone approaches me, or something stirs my interest...whereby then the blankness immediately disappears and i change into an expressive emotional happy face. i didn't really believe this at first until i started reflecting on my own behaviour with the aid of observing an infj i spotted in class who surprisingly resembles me. i couldn't believe how placid her expression was on default in public; it was somewhat intimidating and she was harder to read than most people. hahaha then it dawned on me that i probably gave off the same impression...
Not sure. I don't feel misunderstood. But definitely overrated, if that counts.