Foolish?!?!? :lol: I suppose it depends upon what you're contemplating for a new job. that I think about that ...who am I to say what anyone else thinks is important to them - is foolish. oth - I am the Goddess Fool - at the moment. I should know it when I see it - right?! Hahahahahahhaha. ...hmmm. I'm curious....I hope the pieces fall together for you!
I like how you say "so that I can spend myself on other things". Very profound statement.... Feeling the strong need to be at liberty is what's been driving me for the last year. Shedding all of the baggage in one's life in order to accomplish this goal is more difficult than I thought it would be. Strangely, tho, the Universe has been helping by removing the loves in my life from my life. Some by death. Others by circumstance. When I look at it from that perspective it gives me chills....
What will Liberty do for you?
Anyway. I hope you gain something for your self from the website. Jack Kornfield is great for beginners of insight meditation if you run across his publications.