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  • Hey you how ya been? Hope all is well. PM me sometime. Going for a bicycle ride hope to hear back from you . Hope all is well with you. And your life is going well. talk to you soon E....
    Just wanted to say hi my friend. I am not back her but still look. I would very much like to talk with you once in a while. I hope you are well...
    I know that! I am not mad or anything. I have extreme fondness for you. MMkay....don't make me do too much of the feeler crap.... :)
    "Indian Princess"Historically, when Indian women were taken as sex slaves by whites, they were called "indian princesses" to make it seem more "acceptable" to be with a brown person. In modern times, "wanabee" Indians, who upon learning you are Native, will say "my great-grandmother was an indian princess". While there are women and girls who are voted and nominated as "princesses" for Pow Wow events, clan events, or tribal events, they are usually specifically given a title. For example, my mother was the first Chief Seattle Day Princess. They are usually yearly titles and confer status.However, outside the traditional Native circle, to call a woman an "Indian Princes" is to insinuate at the bland level, the woman is a "wannabe", and at the worst, a whore.
    Uhh I could have sworn you were on my friends list o_O

    Well, hopefully this fixes the problem lol not trying to mess with you I swear!
    I don't know that I've ever even consumed chard in my life LOL after googling what the heck it is, it seems like it would go well in Quiche, Pasta or Quesadillas though.

    I like to cook, but clearly I'm not a cook haha.
    Yes I love to cook, though I don't do it often(I microwave a lot hah) and it's a bit tricky in a wheelchair lol.

    Why do you ask? Do you like to cook?

    EDIT - OH YEA! And good morning to you =)
    Monkey taunting is my speciality....err I mean taunting with monkeys...:mcunni:
    I actually wasnt mad about the situation in anyway. I was actually more mad that he kept helping me clean up and that he wouldnt go away, but even then I wasnt really that mad.
    I'm not particularly fluent in any language - except for english. I used to be able to speak six languages more or less fluently - but I don't have to use them very much, so they're on their way out.

    I don't know that many people can actually speak latin. When I studied it, I did my best to try to speak it - but I probably made a real grammatical mess of it: you just can't learn to speak a language without being able to conduct conversations and to be corrected in conversation.
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