Noticing details around us


Regular Poster
I was just it just me or do all INFJs care about details of things?

In another words, don't you find yourself looking at most of the details in things compared to other people?

An example would be when I go shopping with some of my friends, I notice the smallest detail of things around us compared to my friends.
Another shopping example is that I notice prices, compare different brands of things and tend to remember these details compared to my friends.

So what do you think of that?! Are all INFJs like that?:m083:
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I am shocking with details. As in, I can walk past something for 10 years and not notice it is there until someone points it out. However, I am fantastic at remembering prices of things, and names of things. Which is why I am very good at my evening job, working in IKEA!
I'll remember the overall gist or impression of something but not the details per se, although I am pretty good at remembering prices of items.

People are a different story, however. I pick up on everything. Although I tend to keep my distance to some degree, I still observe people very closely.

I don't know if it's an INFJ thing or just me personally, but when it comes to information input for a project or a story if it's not relevant to what I need to know then I don't care for the minutia or unnecessary information. For example, if someone is telling me a story and wants to go into every unnecessary detail I find it excruciating to listen. I just want to scream "Yeah, yeah, get on with it!" Especially if you already know where they're heading, and as an intuitive person that's usually the case.
I notice little details that really have no significance at all. But a lot of other obvious details I'll miss completely; I'm both very observant and not observant at all. I can log the details around me completely if I switch gears and take active notice, but generally it's little, totally pointless things that I'll notice
I notice little details that really have no significance at all. But a lot of other obvious details I'll miss completely; I'm both very observant and not observant at all. I can log the details around me completely if I switch gears and take active notice, but generally it's little, totally pointless things that I'll notice

I am the exact same way.
I've always been called observant but I tend to miss the obvious and see all the odd details no one pays attention to. That's probably why people call me observant though. They probably just assume I've seen the obvious and that the unusual details are an add on. As unuseful as missing the obvious is for me though, it seems to be useful to everybody else that I'm intuned to the finer details because then I can elaborate on the information they already have. They provide the foundations and I complete the picture.
It sometimes seems I remember more fine details about things than the person I am recalling it to never saw in the 1st place.

I am also the guy that will just glance at a printed piece on the shop floor, (I'm in the printing biz) and spot the typo 12 others missed during the proofing stage.

I don't know if it's an INFJ thing or just me personally, but when it comes to information input for a project or a story if it's not relevant to what I need to know then I don't care for the minutia or unnecessary information. For example, if someone is telling me a story and wants to go into every unnecessary detail I find it excruciating to listen. I just want to scream "Yeah, yeah, get on with it!" Especially if you already know where they're heading, and as an intuitive person that's usually the case.

Oh that drives me nuts too! I am amazed at how long it takes some to get to the point!
I sometimes start daydreaming in the middle of their ramblings.

It also caused problems for me in school when writing an essay or report, because I could never achieve the required word or page count wanted by the instructor.
I could always cover everything using 1/2 the number required.
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Yes. One example is I'm very good at finding coins. I can quickly fill a jar with loose change that I've spotted around the place - presumably other folk have passed by the same coins without noticing them. I like to daydream about how many millions of pounds there are lying about the place throughout the UK, in the form of pennies that nobody notices or cares about.
I've always found it funny how I can spot the most seemingly random details, and yet stumble over myself.
I'm terrible at noticing details. I have to try really really hard when it comes to that actually.
I can look back on early memories and while completely forgetting the overall event, I can remember details like wallpaper or the texture of carpet. I'm very much into details. I like it. It's like the world is a beautiful painting and I can't stop looking.
I can remember someones face vividly and the way they talk to me. Their body language and all those little things, but I couldn't tell you what someone was wearing or what colour shoes they had on. You can train your awareness. Like commentary driving. It's only really necessary to have high levels of awareness for certain jobs like security and such.
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I do notice details more than anything. Maybe that's where my obliviousness comes from, too busy looking at the little stuff to see the big picture.
I notice little details that really have no significance at all. But a lot of other obvious details I'll miss completely; I'm both very observant and not observant at all. I can log the details around me completely if I switch gears and take active notice, but generally it's little, totally pointless things that I'll notice

I will admit, being a guy, if my wife gets a hair cut or changes her hair color slightly, that I won't notice. :lol:
Look into ISFJ.
I can remember someones face vividly and the way they talk to me. Their body language and all those little things, but I couldn't tell you what someone was wearing or what colour shoes they had on. You can train your awareness. Like commentary driving. It's only really necessary to have high levels of awareness for certain jobs like security and such.

Yes, I can recognise someone from a good distance away because of the way that they hold themselves or walk. I also recognise customers that I spoke to briefly like 2 months ago, and remember what they were buying etc. But I don't notice what they're wearing. Or even what I wear day to day for that matter. It's a strange existence somewhere in the ether lol
I don't know if it's an INFJ thing or just me personally, but when it comes to information input for a project or a story if it's not relevant to what I need to know then I don't care for the minutia or unnecessary information. For example, if someone is telling me a story and wants to go into every unnecessary detail I find it excruciating to listen. I just want to scream "Yeah, yeah, get on with it!" Especially if you already know where they're heading, and as an intuitive person that's usually the case.

Ha, this the reason why I hate the author Dan Brown! You know what's coming 3 pages later but he still spells it all out! Come on a bit of suspense or some twists or just something imaginative please!
It's like a dream, you can never remember if anyone was wearing any clothes but you know they weren't naked. My life is a dream. Oh god.
It's like a dream, you can never remember if anyone was wearing any clothes but you know they weren't naked. My life is a dream. Oh god.

Haha, I know! I always have to explain myself by saying I'm not quite here, but then I think what the hell must that sound like? Well but we're half here and half in our thoughts and surely two locations is better than one solid one. I think that would be dull.