how to attract an INFJ guy?


defective wisdom
INFJ again
I'm still looking for a really nice guy to spend the rest of my life with (yeah I know, how original :becky:) but actually I haven't met anyone yet who can really interest me. My friends call me picky but I just can't imagine spending the rest of my life with a guy who hasn't a clue about who I am inside. You know what I'm talking about, don't you?

Because I don't seem to bump into interesting guys I made a profile on a datingsite. I have had some dates through this site but it was always a disappointment.

So now I was thinking: "lets try to find an INFJ guy in that site". To bad MBTI is not a selection criteria :D

A long story to come to my question:

"what should I put in my profile to attract an interesting INFJ guy??"

(and don't laugh with me :D:becky:)
Most INFJ guys, when looking for a possible ltr, want someone who basically will say that you will start as friends and go from there. They also look for common interest, which for INFJ guys will probably be something artsy or philosophical in a coffee shop.
Honestly, if an INFJ guy is looking, and you fit the bill, they are gonna stick to you like super-glue. Only thing is, it might just feel like rubber cement to you at first.

I know; I'm looking for someone very hard right now, and I am springloaded so far back right now that I might snap at the first sight of someone who is worthwhile.
They also look for common interest, which for INFJ guys will probably be something artsy or philosophical in a coffee shop.

Yeah, emphasize particular topics of interest that allow them to feel they can connect with you.
Hmm for starters there are actually dating sites that are based on MBTI. If you use a regular one then you can just write down in your description who you are and what are you looking for.

Then you can put up a photo with "INFJ look" ;) Show some intelligence and idealism, mention that you're not interested in regular guys. That should grab some attention.

You said you've dated from this site before, provided they were infjs then you know a person just being an infj isn't enough for attraction to occur.

I suggest you talk/post things that you are very passionate and interested about and see how people react to those things. I think that is a better way of gauging whether or not you'll enjoy their company.

If I am to spend the rest of my life with someone them knowing my inner and outer worlds is just as important as I knowing their inner/outer worlds. Passion and trust are important as well, I want communication to have no boundaries promoting truth and understanding. I want to inspire her and her inspire me creating a loop of ever increasing energy. I want to age with her mind, soul, body and spirit.

I am guessing you want these things as well, this explains why people say you are picky. A relationship like this isn't fairy tale and it could happen but it must also be mutual. It brings the question... these high standards... can I provide any of these things?

If the answer is no, even if you meet a person as such the circle will not be of correct shape and the vibrations from the imperfections will eventually rip of the relationship apart.
I know; I'm looking for someone very hard right now, and I am springloaded so far back right now that I might snap at the first sight of someone who is worthwhile.

Ha, I know that feeling very well. Not sure if it's a good thing though.
Also, I'm wondering if there have been any real life relationships developed from this forum? I wonder if it works?
Also, I'm wondering if there have been any real life relationships developed from this forum? I wonder if it works?

I'm curious about this as well.
Also, I'm wondering if there have been any real life relationships developed from this forum? I wonder if it works?

Yes, curious her as well. I think for the most part we are too scattered for that to happen. The potential is there, big time I think if people were closer.
Most INFJ guys, when looking for a possible ltr, want someone who basically will say that you will start as friends and go from there. They also look for common interest, which for INFJ guys will probably be something artsy or philosophical in a coffee shop.

Hahaha, sounds JUST like me. After taking the mbti attraction test and getting INFJ INFJ INFJ I realized just how much I love us. :D
I am very fussy about who I am attracted to. It's a spiritual thing that I see in a person. I know it when I do, and that's all I can say about it. There is no easy way into my heart. When I meet a girl, I know. The best advice I can give you is to just go to places where INFJs are likely to be found and if you click, you click. Don't be afraid to talk to the people you feel the click with, because they might be feeling it too - and are likely as inhibited about it as you.

On the subject of relationships...

I've had some real life conversations with a few people from these forums. These weren't romantic or 'in person' relationships, but they're certainly real life relationships that I'm happy to have found.
Lol. The rarest of all MBTI types is the elusive INFJ male. The rarest female is the INTJ female, according to a few stats boards. I know they seem wonderful, but why not see what happens in your immediate area? Who knows - things can happen around the corner just as you get the added benefit of seeing them *in person*. Not everyone's the same online.

And some might be *gasp* INTJs in disguise!:m197: