How often have you fallen in love?


Well-known member
So, how often have you fell in love with someone? Or crush if you like.

Personally only 2 times, one was a crush that lasted less than a month. The other is a high school crush from 5 years back and I still dream about her, so basically been enchanted for 5 years and she is popping up in my dreams very often, even though I haven't seen her once the past 2 years, which can't be normal.

So that made me wonder, is this usual for INFJ's or have you guys and gals had many more than me?
I would have to say... never. the times I felt were love, in reflection, were nothing more than a deep attachment and dependency on one another.
I would say a few times, but everytime it happens anew, I end up editing my definition of love. It's like these boys are rough drafts to be revised on my philosophy of the stuff.
I was enchanted with a girl for years ever since I was very young.

I moved away with my family and always thought of her, dreamed of her, fantasized about her. This went on for a long time.

I think I attached all my positive feelings of being happy and being home to her, so I leaned on the idea of her quite heavily. That was my first love.

There is this other girl that I was involved with, and I love her as a friend, but I felt that the romance wasn't there...I don't know why. I didn't feel as if I needed her.

The third girl I became enamored with was much like my first love...except this time things worked out for a short time. A few months built up to a period of a few weeks when we talked all night, we kissed and cuddled and fell asleep together. It was like an amazing dream. But then I felt things falling apart, and it became apparent that she was only interested in being friends.

More than anything else, I want love. I don't want to give up on it, but holding on to hope hurts. Maybe that's what makes us stronger than the average bear.
I think I've had strong feelings for about 1, maybe 2 guys, but I'm not sure if I would define that as love yet. A connection, sure, but love is pushing it
I've been in lots of relationships and was married for years, but I don't think in any of them, was I truly in love.
I've loved many guys (and been infatuated with many guys), but I've only been IN love with one.

He was my very first boyfriend and I ended up dating for 3.5 years throughout high school. He had terrible psychological issues and our relationship was toxic. However, I deeply, deeply loved him. Our relationship exploded in the end and it took me months to get over. Since then, I have yet to fall IN love.

Again, I have (and do) love(d) many guys. Sometimes I am surprised when I realise just how much I love some of guys in my life. I am not always aware of these feelings :D
I don't believe 'love' exists. It's a combination of daydreaming and idealism which I don't retain.

I am capable of having 'crushes' that are not based on physical appearance. It doesn't occur much to me anymore- I don't know why, it used to happen all the time in the past. But basically I'd meet someone and become 'obsessive'. I would hang out with them all the time, talk to them all the time, and then at a certain point I would know all there was to know about them, or whatever piece of information I ewas trying to gather about them, and I would no longer be interested in that person. These days it semes like I gather information more quickly since I am more direct than I used to be about it, and the droppng of friends as a result of that occurs much faster.
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I don't believe 'love' exists. It's a combination of daydreaming and idealism which I don't retain.

I am capable of having 'crushes' that are not based on physical appearance. It doesn't occur much to me anymore- I don't know why, it used to happen all the time in the past. But basically I'd meet someone and become 'obsessive'. I would hang out with them all the time, talk to them all the time, and then at a certain point I would know all there was to know about them, or whatever piece of information I ewas trying to gather about them, and I would no longer be interested in that person. These days it semes like I gather information more quickly since I am more direct than I used to be about it, and the droppng of friends as a result of that occurs much faster.

So are you here because INFJs are harder to figure out?
No. I was here because I thought I was an INFJ and then I wasn't and I was already an established member. But I like INFJs because they tend to babble a lot about things (once you get the comfortable enough to start talking). The only thing I have problems discussing with INFJs is anything that breeches the subject of morals, because, as it is, they tend to hold very rigid ones.
Love is a Chemical Reaction in the brain. I've fallen in love a bunch of times. I've also fallen out of love a bunch of times. I've had really long relationships and really short relationships. Once they ended I just got right back on the horse, so to say.
I want to say thrice, once for every serious relationship I've been in, and another for that strange, mutual, more-than-friends affection thing that never ended up turning into a relationship anyway. But it's not that simple. Every 'love' turned out to be progressively better than the next as I've matured over the years, and I think that only recently I'm truly old enough and wise enough to appreciate and understand what an adult love is like. I've always held back a little in the past; this time around, I was in there completely, body and soul.

The chemistry between us was just... wow.
I don't think I've ever fallen in love with anyone. I thought I might possibly be in love with a friend but the thought scared the bajeebus out of me. :m077:

As for crushes, I can say I've had about four my entire life. The longest being 2 years.
I've only been truly in love with two people. The first I was in a relationship with for four years until. The second one, she's gay.
Truly in love with someone, twice for now. I can tell when I truly like someon when I think about the person a lot and then I dream of them. Or I just dream of them.