Competitiveness - are you?

Are you competitive?

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life is good
Are you competitive? What do you ascribe your competitiveness to?

What do you think is the basis of this personality trait?
Personally, I used feel to ultra competitive as a child (even though I was incredibly inhibited). This very much stemmed from an insecurity I felt. These days I can still be quite competitive, but that sense of competition has evolved into an internal focus - a drive to push myself beyond my own limits, rather than a desire to prove myself worthy by doing better than others.
Yes, I have often times felt competative for random things. I dont know if its a personality trait or flaw. Mine is very subtle though...never about athletics or anything. Its probably because I had to fight just to get attention from my parents that didnt have to do with beatings or sexual abuse. My brother was the golden child. So generally im competative with affection. I want to get more of it than some one else...shallow maybe but...
I was a competitive child, because I was a twin. It's carried over some; having an ESTP friend makes it a little more competitive too.

So yeah, I get competitive :D
I can be very competitive when it comes to some thngs but most of the time I'm more laid back.
I'm very non-competitive. I have an over inflated risk adversion complex about myself. Since I see competition as a risk, I will not engage in it.
Are you competitive? What do you ascribe your competitiveness to?

What do you think is the basis of this personality trait?

I don't ever recall being competitive. I usually go into a sport, board game, debate, or anything like that with the intent to have fun and maybe learn something.
I prefer a challenge though and find things boring if the chances of winning are too good.

As well, if the person or team I'm competing against has a big chip on their shoulder, I do enjoy knocking it off.
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I am excessively competitive. Its something my father drove in my as a child when I saw him, to get ahead. I couldnt just be good I had to be the best. And it sort of seems like in some things at least it was me trying to get him to be proud of me, even after so many years I think I have an internal check mark, is this good enough for dads approval? Its much harder to turn that off than I thought because I havent been able to, but I like being competitive, I like being able to be better than other people are certain things, it draws attention to me in a positive way, I am not a sore winner though I am always gracious, but my competitiveness really comes out after I lose, I go obsessive compulsive on improving to beat the person to beat me. I dunno its wierd.
I'm rather highly competitive. I don't like to rub victory in my opponents faces or anything, I just like to be good at things.
I hate losing, I always want to be the best, but I also believe we live in a world that values it's competitiveness too much. People who answer "Yes I am competitive and it helps me get ahead I love it" need to start acting more cooperative. If you think about it NFs should have a higher level of cooperativeness than other types.
I pretty much avoid conflict and things of a competitive nature. I feel like emotions are getting thrown around too much and I prefer a calmer atmosphere. Competition can really frustrate me morally. The whole thing of fighting to be better doesn't appeal to me so I either avoid the situation or let the other person have their glory if they want it that bad... avoiding is usually the go though. I admit I do like winning however so I will absolutely avoid the things I know I wouldn't have won anyway. I will also avoid "chance" games, because I like things I can win because of skill and it doesn't satisfy me if I lose because someone got lucky.
I hate losing, I always want to be the best, but I also believe we live in a world that values it's competitiveness too much. People who answer "Yes I am competitive and it helps me get ahead I love it" need to start acting more cooperative. If you think about it NFs should have a higher level of cooperativeness than other types.

Competitiveness and cooperativeness arent necessarily mutually exclusive, despite being on opposite ends of a scale
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Yes, I'm competitive. I take things seriously though. That is why I don't play contact sports.
Competitiveness and cooperativeness arent necessarily mutually exclusive, despite being on opposite ends of a scale

They are in many things, my point was a balance is crucial. You can't be too extreme.

When you compete you want to win by beating another individual putting yourself higher than them. When you cooperate you are equals.
I pretty much avoid conflict and things of a competitive nature. I feel like emotions are getting thrown around too much and I prefer a calmer atmosphere. Competition can really frustrate me morally. The whole thing of fighting to be better doesn't appeal to me so I either avoid the situation or let the other person have their glory if they want it that bad... avoiding is usually the go though.

I'm the same. Competitive behaviour causes a lot of stress and possibly conflict, which I will avoid if possible.
I'm quite driven and ambitious, but not competitive - or at least not personally competitive. I like winning against a faceless, nameless mass of people, but I like to view a situation from outside myself and have the best outcome for the most people. I've come to peace with who I am which stays constant regardless of whether I interact with greater or lesser skills. I already know both exists and try to maximize my personal benefit from interacting with either instead of personalizing a competitive viewpoint in which there is a drive to be number 1 within a personal domain. I typically don't need another person's skill to motivate me. My internal drive is to create something to the absolute best of my abilities, and once I've done that it gives me a kind of resolution and peace.
I consider the way INFJs hate being proved wrong a form of competiveness.
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