Atheists Unfit for Public Office


C'est la vie
Retired Staff
What? That is what 7 states in the Union say.


Damn, I'm sure happy to have Atheists as a hated minority to take some of the heat off of us gays.
This is terrible. This is so terrible. This is how we become a Theocracy! This is BAD for everyone especially gay men!
as a christian in a private christian university............

.....................that is just ridiculous.
This is terrible. This is so terrible. This is how we become a Theocracy! This is BAD for everyone especially gay men!

Why is it bad for gay men? Atheists are hated way, way more than gay men are.
As an agnostic, I'm not surprised. Thank you SJ majority!
I am not surprised that seven states have this in their constitutions. There are ridiculous laws still on the books from hundreds of years ago that haven't been removed due to the time, effort and money it would take to do it. What shocks me is that someone actually thought to use that against someone. As if this man was the first person in the state of North Carolina to choose a "solemn affirmation". It's absurd, really and they most likely won't be able to remove him from his seat. However, like it was stated in the video, it will likely get caught up in litigation for quite some time. All of this time, money, and effort could have easily been avoided if the state of North Carolina had bothered to remove and unconstitutional law from their books... one that I would assume was not being enforced until some religious fanatic decided to stir up a little trouble by cracking open a book.

As an agnostic, I'm not surprised. Thank you SJ majority!

Really? I know SJs, or at least ISTJs, tend to uphold tradition, but of the ones that I know very few are actually religious and most would be just as appalled by this as the next atheist. I have actually found that the NFs I know are more likely to have faith than the SJs. I know it's off topic, but I really don't think you can push this off on the SJ majority. In fact, you cant pin it on a majority at all. If you could this would be happening every day in all of the seven states that were mentioned, and it's not.
Shouldn't thesists be banned as well then? And possible agnostics as they can't make up their minds anyway ;)
(Being agnostic is fun though, it makes so many people angry)
Why is it bad for gay men? Atheists are hated way, way more than gay men are.

It is bad because if people make it impossible for others to hold office because they are athests. People will have to start proving that they are religious in order to be have power.

If people have to have to be relgious in order to have power this could lead to a theocracy.

Let's imagine if right wing consertatives starting to all run for office because people who are deemed as athiests (people who do not believe in God) cant run. Power will shift.

Laws begin to pop up that start to target people who are not liked.

Perhaps laws outlawing things that Gay men do not like to do. Perhaps laws that specifically target Gay men for humilation and persecution because they are a group that are considered "amoral, or against God"

I am not saying that this is going to happen. I am saying that this COULD happen if we start to have that kind of ridiculous and unconstitutional requirements to hold public office. This could lead to so many more unimaginable consequences.

Satya- This is why people are different groups need to find solidarity with each other. Unity is protection. Divided you are less protected.
Theoretically, under certain conditions they could try to outlaw gay men from holding office becausethey are 'unfit."

I think this would be very hard to do. I would NEVER rule it out though. I lived in North Carolina. I would NEVER rule this out.

To rule this out would open the door to this possiblity even more.
LOL Rachel Maddow what a dreadful awful terrible show.:m049:
Lucky for me this nonsense won't affect me as I live in my own little world. :m173:
And congress shall make no laws affecting Religion...

Luckily, I'm not an Atheist, I'm a Satanist.
Well politicians are all liars and Atheists are generally assholes so I would rather have a liar than a lying asshole in charge of things.
Theoretically, under certain conditions they could try to outlaw gay men from holding office becausethey are 'unfit."

I think this would be very hard to do. I would NEVER rule it out though. I lived in North Carolina. I would NEVER rule this out.

To rule this out would open the door to this possiblity even more.
What does living in North Carolina have to do with anything?
This is what happens when all we do when we have a problem with government is complain then only show up to the polls every 4 years for the presidential election, if at all.
Ugh... Christian nationalism.... it makes Christ look so great to the world :m133: