Al-Qaeda's Kill Ratio


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I heard about a study on a radio show I listen to regularly. It found that victims of islamic terrorists are, by far, mostly muslim too... to an 8:1 ratio.,1518,660619,00.html

I think that murder due to religion has always existed, and I'd like to site the crusades of christianity in the past to show that I DON'T just mean those who follow islam. I don't know whether it's impossible to prevent religious wars from happening (if it's in our DNA to slay those who dissent from our most important beliefs) or if, sometime in the future, there can be a change that will allow for peace to be more widespread. Do you think that peace is possible? And if so, where does it start?

It wasn't, I merged it into another thread with his other troll threads, and couldn't remember which go where.
No, world peace in not possible. You should have posted this thread on the miss America pageant.
Humans are not capable of world peace, most of us struggle to find peace within ourselves.
How can we ask for world peace from those who are unable to make peace with themselves yet alone their own neighbour?
As much as we want world peace we will never obtain it, not by our means.
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You need to increase your trolling efforts, this is just boring and uninventive
Stop trollin on my thread Sithious.
Humans are not capable of world peace, most of us struggle to find peace within ourselves.
How can we ask for world peace from those who are unable to make peace with themselves yet alone their own neighbour?
As much as we want world peace we will never obtain it, not by our means.

i'm guessing our vision of peace will change faster than the world to bring about that peace. one or the other
Peace is not just possible; it's inevitable.
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When religion gets twisted/manipulated all kinds of bad things can happen, both in individuals and cultures. Culturally speaking, this is particularly true when political positions get mixed with eternity, God, happens a lot.

Religion is meant for human enlightenment and inner freedom that extends beyond us to the world we live in. Then again, it is not uncommon for rightly religious people to be persecuted (or at best misunderstood) by the power-brokers...sometimes this happens even within their own faith!!

I'd look to other causes....out-of-control human ego, rigid thinking, thirst for power, the more likely reason behind such things. Religion, in it's truer form, works against this.
Stop trollin on my thread Sithious.

Perhaps you should change the title of this thread Coffee/Clock? You are inciting and you know it. The title is sure to bring negative comments--but then you knew that didn't you?
Conflict and strife is as much a part of human nature as compassion and peace, so therefore aiming for 'world peace' is not only utopian, it's also practically non-human imo.

It is often a prevalent utopian society of perpetual peace that gives rise to renegade individuals who seek to upset the status quo, so hoping for one of the catalysts of unrest, (world peace), creates a bit of a vicious cycle.

Religion is the number one 'in the name of' tool that was invented by mankind and utilised to kill. If it's not in the name of Islam or Christ, it would be in the name of some other higher force wielded by those with power to control the will of those who follow.

That said, the very existence of strife sweetens the peace we experience, and just as it's part of our cycle to suffer, it's also part of our cycle to be happy.

So no, we can't just all get along in the peace sense of the term, but we can if we define it as simply ignoring those we don't share views with or that we dislike.
I heard about a study on a radio show I listen to regularly. It found that victims of islamic terrorists are, by far, mostly muslim too... to an 8:1 ratio.,1518,660619,00.html

I think that murder due to religion has always existed, and I'd like to site the crusades of christianity in the past to show that I DON'T just mean those who follow islam. I don't know whether it's impossible to prevent religious wars from happening (if it's in our DNA to slay those who dissent from our most important beliefs) or if, sometime in the future, there can be a change that will allow for peace to be more widespread. Do you think that peace is possible? And if so, where does it start?


Peace is possible when everyone is dead.
I think that we've come a long way over the past few thousands of years. Just the fact that we even have a global community is pretty impressive. Of course there are still wars and violence, but theres also lots of cooperation and collaboration. As technology develops and more people have access to more information, I think people will become more concerned with peace, realizing we all have more in common than the trivialities that divide us, and that nobody really wins in war. Just the fact that ordinary people like ourselves talk about world peace indicates something. Of course conflict, competition and even violence will always be a part of the human existence, but I think peace is something that is evolving just like everything else, and someday large scale wars and conflicts will be unheard of. Of course, theres still possibility that a major conflict could emerge in the near future, which would be devastating and set us back very far. But it seems to me that most people want to avoid this, and will do what they can to keep a nuclear conflict from happening. If we get past this phase without starting a nuclear war, I think the future of "peace on Earth" is pretty bright. But once again, this process is slow, so we'll probably notice little change in our time, and I think that's to be expected. Maybe this is all too naive of me, but its been my opinion lately, and as always is susceptible to change.
Humans are not capable of world peace, most of us struggle to find peace within ourselves.
How can we ask for world peace from those who are unable to make peace with themselves yet alone their own neighbour?
As much as we want world peace we will never obtain it, not by our means.
according to your signature quote, Disney would beg to differ :P
sorry, couldn't resist that one. but yeah, i agree with what you say for the most part
Do you think that peace is possible? And if so, where does it start?


Peace starts in the heart of man, spreads by his influence, and is established by his presence. The problem seems to be more in stopping the inevitable from disturbing the peace.
As long as certain political groups are present, the chances for peace are slim. Don't forget that the focus of alqaeda is politics, not religion.
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