relationships | Page 2 | INFJ Forum


  1. Ambyguity

    [INFJ] INFJs and the Conflict Between Social Anxiety and Fe

    There have been plenty of posts about social anxiety, but I specifically want to address what I think is the main problem about being an INFJ with social anxiety. The problem is this: 1. As an Fe secondary, I need social interaction; I need to feel like I am a part of something with people...
  2. E

    [INFJ] INFJ + ENTJ success stories

    Hey guys! I'm pretty new here. My fiance and I just took the MBTI and found out I am an INFJ and he is an ENTJ. Which explains SO MUCH. This is the hardest work I've ever had to put into a relationship. We've known each other for over 11 years and have been together 4. Finally getting know his...
  3. Breathlessangel

    No Boyfriend Since Birth!!

    Hello Everyone! :) I'm new here and just recently found out about this MBTI thingie and it really makes sense. It helped me a lot understanding where I'm coming from or why I behave this certain way or why ever since I feel so different and weird. Enough about that :) , the things I would like...
  4. PintoBean

    I Knew You Were The One When ________________.

    Was there a defining moment that told "this is the right person" in your present (or past) relationship(s)? Me: I knew you were the one when you were totally unphased on our second date, which we spent driving around a snow covered Midwestern town in the dead of Winter looking for my dad, who...
  5. R

    No contact/Relationship needs not being met?

    So i've been seeing a guy since last year and he suddenly got busy with work after a few months right when I started to have strong feelings, and he did warn me at the beginning that it it wasn't a good idea to try and do it because he was super busy BUT apparently he was also occasionally able...
  6. NYLilac

    Unwanted attention directed at your partner:n what would you do?

    I am an INFP married to my dual, an ESTJ. How would you cope if another woman (or, if you're male, another man) kept chasing after your spouse/partner although he/she firmly told the would-be interloper to knock it off in unmistakable terms? Give type, please. My husband and I have such an issue...
  7. D

    [INFJ] Links: twin flame/soul reuion, INFJs, and/or rare ab- blood?

    I recently have become aware of who I am, why I am, and spiritual evolution etc. Ive had sleep paralysis for 6 yrs, an obe, a spiritual awakening which was most recent changing my life. I Learned about my rare blood type when pregnant which I've read some strange things about. my life was an...
  8. Red

    [ENFP] An ENFP falling for an INFJ; a tale of confusion, bliss and the missing link

    So, I'm completely lost, crazy about, depressed, obsessed, demoralized, empowered, devastated, and madly in love with an infj... I believe with all my heart that I love her(I don't use the word loosely, even if she decided to have a relationship with someone else I would still do anything for...
  9. prodigalthoughts

    [INFJ] War Games: An INFJ/INTJ Relationship

    I'm an INFJ who's been in a relationship with an INTJ for about two years now. We're both in our early twenties; he's finishing up his last semester of undergrad with a math and physics major, and I'm in my second semester of grad work for English. Things started off brilliantly. Our Ni's were...