[INFJ] INFJ + ENTJ success stories


Hey guys! I'm pretty new here. My fiance and I just took the MBTI and found out I am an INFJ and he is an ENTJ. Which explains SO MUCH. This is the hardest work I've ever had to put into a relationship. We've known each other for over 11 years and have been together 4. Finally getting know his background puts so much into perspective and is going to help better in our communication skills, which you know, is a struggle in itself. But I do want to point out, for those who are worried about this match up and might be interested in an ENTJ as an INFJ, it's hard work but it has been the most beneficial relationship I've ever been in. We might be complete opposites but we are both oddballs and fill in each others gaps. As long as you understand that and develop communication skills and WANT the relationship to work, it will work. I just want to know if there are any success stories out there since this relationship combo is rare to come by.
Hey guys! I'm pretty new here. My fiance and I just took the MBTI and found out I am an INFJ and he is an ENTJ. Which explains SO MUCH. This is the hardest work I've ever had to put into a relationship. We've known each other for over 11 years and have been together 4. Finally getting know his background puts so much into perspective and is going to help better in our communication skills, which you know, is a struggle in itself. But I do want to point out, for those who are worried about this match up and might be interested in an ENTJ as an INFJ, it's hard work but it has been the most beneficial relationship I've ever been in. We might be complete opposites but we are both oddballs and fill in each others gaps. As long as you understand that and develop communication skills and WANT the relationship to work, it will work. I just want to know if there are any success stories out there since this relationship combo is rare to come by.
I'm curious about this too. I was with an ESTP and that was a disaster.

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the combo does not matter so much. what will matter is how much both of you are willing to adjust, learn, compromise and accommodate to create a shared experience and reality. relationships are complex as people are; the real question is are you willing to work with this new information about his type and does he also understand the purpose of the typology and synastry that comes from it. it can work as a guiding post but nothing will ever guarantee "success" in a relationship - plus "success" in a relationship is highly subjective.

it is also surprising that from 11 years of knowing him that you don't have a thumb on his peculiarities without mbti - as most infjs are quite intuitive even without understanding mbti. the more experience you gain from relationships; the more you will realize that typology has nothing to do with making a relationship successful because mbti will not be able to tell you what he ultimately desires from a relationship and what he/she is willing or not willing to put forth. this is the case because relationships test people and helps reveal weak spots; in other words sometimes you will not truly know someone until a certain experience brings to light what they are truly are about. mbti is good to understand personality but that is a small part of relationship compatibility.
I knew him for 11 years but not in the closeness that I do now. We were friends but not in a deep way. He was a nomad anyway. Always off doing something new so I didn't have a lot of contact with him. Especially emotionally. And I was married for 6 years prior to us being together so I had other priorities than trying to figure him out, if you know what I mean. I had a sense but now that we are together, I can see every single detail!
Plus, what I thought I did know, I always took what he said so literally and personally. Until recently, I've been letting my emotions get in the way of everything and it caused a few problems in the beginning, especially since we were both going through some big things at the start of our relationship.