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Raccoon Love
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  • You're very welcome! :D LOL I'm sleepy too after seeing that pic! Now I want a little baby fox to cuddle with. :)
    Oh no! You're in Florida! I didn't know that. Well try to bundle up and take care of yourself, okay? And way to go on passing that test. I hope you really like college sweetie. <3
    I just read your 'coming out' thread, sorry if it was making you feel uncomfortable if I didn't think about it earlier in the chat.
    This surely explains the pink profile page... Just kidding.
    But about your parents: I wouldn't tell them yet, until you graduate or you're able to live on your own.
    Maybe they can change in the meanwhile, but I think it'll lead to trouble if you do it now.
    My advice isn't really that good probably since I never had to do such thing.

    I also read the thread where you describe what happened when you said 'no'.
    Don't let the others mess with you.
    I hope you get stronger because of this.
    (Although I didn't really get how they could make jokes about your name.)

    Good luck Daniel, I hope this all works out for you!
    Thanks for the rep! :) I truly do not view myself as strong. What makes you say I am?
    Big, big, super giant hugs to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Thinks Raccoon Love is AWESOME! Hope he knows!*
    Thanks for the rep raccoon!

    You seem to be fairly balanced between your judgement and perception (i.e good head on your shoulders!)

    Loving the raccoons!
    Aww thanks! It's Storm from the X-Men in one of her more "sedate" poses. It's one of my faves.
    Of course! It's only natural that I give people advice :). I do have an advantage though. As I said many times before I see alot of myself in you. In a way, I am echoing things I needed to tell myself.
    Aww. Sorry for the late response, I have been away from the internet for a few days. I hope your new years was good too! <3
    Happy New Year to you also!
    Sorry, I just now got your message. I didn't log on all weekend.

    Take care.
    May the God of peace and love rest over you in the year to come and grant you strengths for the challenges it brings.
    Thanks Raccoon, I just hope this year is better. So fair I don't know if it will be.lol How was your new years? Do anything fun.

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