Wait, do you mean relive exactly as it already happened, or relive so you can change things?
If the case is relive so you can change things, I'll need a minute (read: days) to come up with the whole list.
But if you mean relive exactly as it happened, yeah, like '94 to '97 or '98. That was a really good time. I felt like I was in kind of a state of grace. I had just graduated college, I was happy, life was fun, I was involved in a lot of creative endeavors, the future looked bright... a good time in my life.
Also, and I'm a bit unclear on the exact dates here, as it was a long time ago, but a certain 14 month period around '75/'76. Absolutely (sorry ZC, but I really think it was) critical period in my childhood, one of the defining experiences of my life. After I got out of kindergarten, my parents bought a motor home, quit their jobs, rented out our house, took me out of school for a year (my younger sister had yet to start), and we traveled all over the continental US and down to Mexico and Guatemala. For 14 months.
I. Saw. So. Much.
Picking periwinkles (only to eat them later) in tidal pools on the Maine coast, wandering around the Redwood forest, ooh! and the Petrified forest!, Devil's Tower... soooo many US National Parks... Mexico City... Mazatlan (saw a real live Tarantula in the wild there)... buying a roast chicken at a zocalo in some small town... Aztec ruins... Lake Atitlan... I even went to the secret rebel base on the jungle moon of Yavin IV! (Star Wars, ep. 4) The scene where the Millenium Falcon has escaped from the Death Star and is coming in for a landing at the rebel base, and you see those temple ruins sticking up above the trees - that's a Mayan ruin site called Tikal, in Guatemala. I remember after "The Trip" (yes, in my mind I capitalize it) was over, Star Wars came out and I went to see it with my family, and that scene came on and my dad, mom, sister and I all blurted out "Tikal!!", and half the theater turned around to shush us! Lol! Tikal was awesome, but I got the measles, and I remember my mom at the airport frantically trying to get us out of there because she thought I had some crazy jungle disease...
Yeah. That year. Take me back there.