Which Type Do You Get Along With the Least?

Which type do you get along with the least?

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Permanent Fixture
Which type do you get along with the least? Is there one of the 16 types that it seems every interaction is unfulfilling or maybe even hostile?
The Ice Queens
ESTJ..I have an incredibly hard time relating to this people, I just find our views to be extremely different...I also have a hard time relating to ESTP and ESFJ..
I can actually get along with any type. When it makes a difference is when people are too blind to acknowledge that there are other personality types out there besides their own which could encompass any type for me to lose my respect for them.

In conclusion, I think it depends on the individual not on the type itself.
ESFJ's and I don't really get along particularly well...there was one on my floor last year and it was just not good. (Although, my roommate this year is one and we get along just fine.) My sis is ESFP and we get along pretty well most of the time.

There was an INTJ I fought with ALL THE TIME last year, but this year we're completely ok. Dunno what happened. I gained some T over the summer.

My best friends ever are INFJ's, INFP's, and INTP's...and one ENFP.
Oh, whoops,

I misread the title. I thought it said "which type do get along with the best?"

I ended up clicking on INFJ :m187:

Least for me would have to be ESTJ. They drive me up the wall! :m140:
If you just make sense I have no problem. ENFPs have a bad habit of not making any coherent logical sense 99% of the time.

ESTJ for me.

They have no grey area.
I love figurative language!
I get along with most people but if there has to be a type I get along with least, that would be ISTP.
I've met a lot of types and it isn't really the type that bothers me it's their belief system.

When a person had a belief system that slows progression of new ideas and free thought, it's disgusting to me.