What type are you most attracted towards?

So. You're attracted to ENTPs, you're INFJ, you're utterly gorgeous and you're from the land of Wolverine.
Do you also like bubblebaths in hot tubs in candlelit rooms listening to webber musicals?

Hmm, I took a look at Rainrise's photo just to see what Shai was talking about.

You are indeed a very beautiful woman Rainrise.
He was a fake people pleaser and I could not stand it, whatsoever. My husband and I both have an appreciation for being away from the crowd, rather than intentionally putting ourselves right in the middle of it. We like it that way. We 'get' each other.

That's my problem with E's, it kills me. In the begining the extrovertion is good for me because it brings me out of my shell, but then it becomes a NIGHTMARE. On the other hand, I's are harder to get to know and it's complicated to stablish a comunication because I'm an I too. Yeah, I've never been in a relationship. LOL
How do you know what type they are without giving a Myers-Briggs test?

How would I recognise the right match for an INFJ?
How do you know what type they are without giving a Myers-Briggs test?

How would I recognise the right match for an INFJ?

You recognize the functions the person use the most.

I don't think there's a 'right match', but there is a probability of getting along better with some type than with another, but it seems to vary... anyway, N's do better with N's, it's virtually impossible to be false to any N.
ESFPs. OMG, they are so good at getting me out of my shell it's scary! :D My closest (platonic) lady friend is an ESFP, she also needs an electric wheelchair to get around because of Shaken Baby Syndrome, not that it slows her down any, LOL.
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I don't know. I've liked many different types. I am a big fan of extroverted feeling, but I also like nice introverted girls as well. I know an ENFP girl who I would get along with really well if only I could show her I like her and if she would be willing to make time for me, though the latter is very unlikely, and I cannot do the former without the latter.

I haven't had enough experience to really answer this question. I've only ever dated twice. I don't know the personality type of my first girlfriend. My second was ESFJ (I think), and that went really horribly.
So. You're attracted to ENTPs, you're INFJ, you're utterly gorgeous and you're from the land of Wolverine.
Do you also like bubblebaths in hot tubs in candlelit rooms listening to webber musicals?

oh thank you :)
your post made me laugh a bit.
INFJs :love:

*begins spruiking the forums* Roll up, roll up!
Me too! Also I am attracted to people that don't call me creepy for doing my own things in my own ways. That doesn't mean I am not nice. Just different! <smiley thing goes here>

Yeah really how 'bout it.
I just ended a relationship with someone because he didn't like the way I went about making my decisions.. taking my time, taking all perspectives into account, and just basically not feeling any need to finalize anything in my life.. Basically, the fact that my life is based on improvision.

It irritated him to no end. I prefer someone not like that..
Because I like to do my own thing my own way.
I've never dated, so I have no idea in the romantic attraction department. As far as my friends go, all of them (except Indigo) are MUCH more extroverted than introverted. I don't understand why they want to socialise ALL THE TIME. I love spending time with my family and friends, but I need alone time every single day otherwise I'm unhappy. I suppose that means I could never deal with a lover that was clingy and required constant attention. There's a few MBTI types like that, though, so I can't rule out a specific one.
I don't know. I've liked many different types. I am a big fan of extroverted feeling, but I also like nice introverted girls as well. I know an ENFP girl who I would get along with really well if only I could show her I like her and if she would be willing to make time for me, though the latter is very unlikely, and I cannot do the former without the latter.

I haven't had enough experience to really answer this question. I've only ever dated twice. I don't know the personality type of my first girlfriend. My second was ESFJ (I think), and that went really horribly.

I have the same preferences in girls that you do. Unfortunately, I also had a bad relationship with an ESFJ. She seemed really shallow.
A lot of INFJs seem to be attracted to ESFPs but intimidated by them. Does anyone know why this is? What are their experiences with them like?
I know for me it's that ESFPs (like ENFJs and ESFJs which I tend to like more) are intimidating because they function in the world at large relatively easily, and I do not. So I instantly wonder why someone so capable would ever want anything from someone as incapable as me, and hey presto intimidation.
I was with an ENFJ and his extrovertedness drove me absolutely insane. He was a fake people pleaser and I could not stand it, whatsoever. My husband and I both have an appreciation for being away from the crowd, rather than intentionally putting ourselves right in the middle of it. We like it that way. We 'get' each other.
Despite being introverted I do want to be among people a lot, which is why extroversion attracts me I guess. I'd also be worried if I were with an introvert that it'd loop back into my introversion and we'd just get increasingly more hermitty, but maybe that worry is unfounded. I do notice I have an unhealthily strong tendency to withdraw at times though.
That's my problem with E's, it kills me. In the begining the extrovertion is good for me because it brings me out of my shell, but then it becomes a NIGHTMARE. On the other hand, I's are harder to get to know and it's complicated to stablish a comunication because I'm an I too. Yeah, I've never been in a relationship. LOL
This is mostly why ENFJs are my preferred type even though it's a pretty even break with ESFJ. A (mature) ENFJ will recognize their need for alone time to unwind and process because even ENFs can get overwhelmed by input, which is pretty compatible with INFJ since it mimics introversion despite not really being it.

Also because ENFJs tend to be mother hen types they're usually too wrapped up in everyone else to recognize their own need for alone time to process so being with an introvert is a decent fit for that. Shame the one ENFJ I know isn't into me. :tongue:
INTPs are awesome. I like them alot.
The silent type ;P

But then I get to know them and I don't like them so much..................
In other words
You don't know want!

Lol I am incredibly attracted to ENFJs but when I first meet them, they scare me >.>
Very, "RAWR!" and I'm very, "meow?" but then we both meow so its good :3