What is your creative outlet?


Regular Poster
Since INFJ's are typically known to be creative... what is your creative outlet? This can be inside your job or out.

I make homemade cards for people. What do you do?

...Or do you consider your creativity more of an abstract concept that's used by sampling art, music, and movies?

edit: homemade cards, not homecards... because that doesn't even make sense :)
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Since INFJ's are typically known to be creative... what is your creative outlet? This can be inside your job or out.

I make homecards for people. What do you do?

...Or do you consider your creativity more of an abstract concept that's used by sampling art, music, and movies?

Not an INFJ but I like playing with photoshop, I like to draw and paint. Recently I got Spore and I'm somewhat addicted as it's just create, create, create.
Creating Doomsday devices!
I write stories (well, more like scenes for a theatre play that mostly never will be played) and songs. I like to keep it short, I still have to compose that opera or write that 1200 page novel :D this is my secret creative goal of life.
My most creative outlet is doing ceramics (more speceficlly, wheel thrown pottery). It completly relaxes me. Sadly, I do not have the facillites for it here.

I also use organic chemistry as a creative outlet, because to me, it is very creative :)
When I was little I was into the performing arts. Acting, singing, violin, dancing. As I got older, I got more introverted, so I got into writing, drawing, and film directing/creating. I love making short films--if only I had a video camera! I've made some movies with my friends, it's fun to do.

Writing is my main outlet, though. Poetry, lyrics, fiction, non-fiction, editorials, etc. I've written several books, none of them published though. :( Writing is my release, my drug. If I don't write, all the ideas in my head would make my head explode.
I usually create video games as a creative outlet. Problem is, when I get depressed like I am now, my creative side dies off somehow. Then my loving side turns on and it turns people off...
Writing. It's always been writing, since I was about eight years old. I've written mostly fiction--none published--but lately have been more and more into nonfiction since having a short piece published on a web site a couple years ago--unpaid, but I think it was helpful to others with mental illness, so that was satisfying. The site has been completely revamped since they put my piece up, but they have always included it on the site, so I'm assuming they see a purpose in it.
gardening, cross stitch and embroidery, crafts

Used to draw very well, stopped doing it after I joined the military and lost my skills. Average painter.
Ohhh do you have any pictures of your work (illustrations)?
I'm an internationally published illustrator and fiction author. I also love dabbling in digital media and designing games, for which I have a home business that I run outside my practice, mostly doing web development.

Let's see the goods.
Ohhh do you have any pictures of your work (illustrations)?

Here is some recent stuff I've worked on. Sketches and finished work.



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Wow very cool, love them!